VM Download Packages
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List of Entire Library (504 total)
Name | Types | Date | Abstract | More... |
SPOOLKIT | v-110K z-303K |
2025-01-07 | Show SPOOL utilization details and allow viewing/manipulating SPOOL files (replaces SFLIST package) | (+) |
CP3KVMXT | v-602K |
2024-12-13 | v2.9i Create an input file for zPCR or zCP3000 from monitor data. | (+) |
CPUMF | v-40K |
2024-10-29 | Report on D5 R13 MRPRCMFC CPU Measurement Facility counters. | (+) |
DMT-XX | v-26K |
2024-10-29 | Directory Migration Tools | (+) |
PIPEDDR | v-100K z-108K |
2024-04-25 | Dump/Restore a disk to a file, ftp server, or over TCP/IP to a remote system. Supports compression, digest verification, and secure connections. | (+) |
LINMON | v-41K |
2023-10-27 | MONWRITE Collector | (+) |
SFLIST | v-76K |
2023-07-25 | z/VM tool to manipulate (view, receive, purge, transfer) SPOOL files | (+) |
FCXTREND | v-21K z-93K |
2023-06-21 | Pruning aid for IBM Performance Toolkit's FCXTREND files | (+) |
INSTPROD | v-51K z-103K |
2023-05-17 | Automated install of IBM products for z/VM including Operations Manager, Backup and Restore Manager, Tape Manager, zSecure, and OMEGAMON XE. | (+) |
2023-03-29 | SFCOUNTR makes a list of users with more than a requested number of spool files. | (+) |
CP1STLVL | v-30K |
2022-10-17 | CP exit allowing 2nd-level user to invoke 1st-level commands | (+) |
CHKAPARS | v-40K |
2022-09-12 | CHKAPARS EXEC - Evaluates system APAR data for a selected z/VM component or all such components | (+) |
R4MON | v-20K |
2022-08-29 | Report on VM66095 EDEV FCP chpid and device records. | (+) |
DR_DRCT | v-66K |
2022-07-12 | Directory fix-it tools: Move/expand DRCT area; find CMS minidisks; more. | (+) |
2022-07-08 | Feed CP Monitor records to a user-written Pipelines stage | (+) |
CALCENT | v-16K |
2022-05-25 | Calculate LPAR entitlement table from a MONWRITE file | (+) |
D0R16TOP | v-13K |
2022-05-23 | Draws machine topology from a MONWRITE File | (+) |
LISTSG | v-92K |
2022-05-23 | A series of FILELIST-like tools V1.8 | (+) |
MONVIEW | v-66K |
2022-02-28 | Tools to look at raw z/VM monitor data captured by Monwrite. | (+) |
TAB2GC | v-648K |
2022-02-25 | Draw charts entirely on CMS | (+) |
PRFIT | v-17K |
2022-02-11 | Wrapper to invoke PERFKIT BATCH | (+) |
CP4ZVM72 | v-4K |
2022-02-09 | Tool check for service on a z/VM 7.1 system that is not in base of z/VM 7.2 | (+) |
2022-02-09 | Clean up MONWRITE disk of Monwrite files. | (+) |
FTPREXX | v-65K z-38K |
2021-11-18 | FTP client and socksified tcpclient Pipeline stages, both originally from Steve Hayes | (+) |
DMDQPIN | v-19K |
2021-08-06 | Tool to display outstanding pages in vacating zones during memory reclamation. | (+) |
CHKRECLM | v-22K |
2021-08-04 | Tool to check the impact of a memory reclamation similar to the VIR2REAL tool. | (+) |
Q_SMAPI | v-12K |
2021-07-07 | SMAPI - Query Dir. Manager Level & Query API Func. Level API clients | (+) |
2021-04-29 | Sets value of CP dispatcher "test-idle" timer | (+) |
D5R13CRY | v-15K |
2021-04-09 | Report on D5 R13 MRPRCMFC CPU Measurement Facility CPACF counters. | (+) |
DRM | v-248K |
2021-03-25 | An XEDIT based interface to manage the CP Directory Version 5.2 | (+) |
QDISK | v-179K |
2021-03-25 | A quadri-modal repackaging of XASTOR, QDISK, DLIST and QDEVS V1.5.2 | (+) |
VIR2REAL | v-28K z-44K |
2021-03-23 | Compute the Virtual to Real storage (memory) ratio of running users in a VM LPAR. | (+) |
GD-XEDIT | v-314K |
2021-03-12 | Various XEDIT Goodies from Kris Buelens V 1.5 | (+) |
CPHOST | v-40K |
2021-03-11 | CP1STLVL*2: CP exit allowing 2nd-level user to invoke 1st-level cmds V1.4 | (+) |
PUTFILES | v-17K |
2021-03-09 | PUTFILES is the converse of GETFILES Pipelines stage V2.2 | (+) |
PF10PF11 | v-29K |
2021-02-24 | PF10 and PF11 XEDIT macros allow to move from left to right, based on the position of the cursor in the delimited area defined by the SET Verify XEDIT command. | (+) |
RELODOM | v-7K |
2020-12-03 | Displays the relocation domains in a member of an SSI. | (+) |
SQLITE | v-5189K |
2020-10-08 | SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine, ported to CMS. | (+) |
GET370AC | v-7K |
2020-07-13 | Check all logged on users for the 370ACCOM setting | (+) |
PCR | v-237K |
2020-07-06 | The PCR utility enables CMS commands, subcommands, and Rexx functions/subroutines to be written in PL/I. | (+) |
RACHELP | v-14K |
2020-03-04 | Create normal CMS Help files for RACF from RACF help facility files. | (+) |
D26C | v-81K |
2019-05-23 | C language access to diagnose x'26C' (Info on Guest LANs, VSwitches etc.) | (+) |
CMSFMT | v-99K |
2019-03-10 | DVF Aids for CMS Application Multitasking | (+) |
HOMUNC | v-2866K |
2018-06-12 | Platform for a self-aware operating system. | (+) |
SMTMET | v-11K |
2018-05-31 | Extract SMT Metrics from Domain 0, Record 2. | (+) |
D1R31 | v-4K |
2018-01-23 | Report on D1 R31 CP Service Configuration record. | (+) |
TCVM1 | z-369K |
2018-01-16 | Advanced REXX Telecourse (an HTML selfstudy course) V1.3 | (+) |
TCVM2 | z-476K |
2018-01-16 | CMS Pipelines Telecourse (an HTML selfstudy course) V1.3 | (+) |
2018-01-09 | Generate files listing all defined CP commands and diagnoses with the privilege classes. | (+) |
XBROWSE | v-320K |
2018-01-02 | XBROWSE is a compiled REXX replacement for PEEK and BROWSE (in module form) | (+) |
D3R2EC | v-7K |
2017-12-20 | Extract encrypted counter metrics from Domain 3, Record 2. | (+) |
2017-10-18 | Issue Q CPSERVICE on all SSI members and show differences in the active fixes. | (+) |
TOOLSRUN | v-1691K z-923K |
2017-08-22 | TOOLSRUN Distributed Master/Shadow Disks and Conference Manager | (+) |
MONRIP | v-10K |
2017-07-11 | Extract time-range of data from a MONWRITE file. | (+) |
VMREVIEW | v-11K |
2017-06-28 | EXEC to check the major changes to a z/VM system if migrating to z/VM 6.4.0 | (+) |
TOOLS | v-248K |
2017-01-30 | User interface program for managing and updating TOOLSRUN maintained disks | (+) |
TRSOURCE | v-114K |
2017-01-30 | TOOLSRUN Package, additional source files | (+) |
2016-11-14 | Display the largest spool files and users of the spool on a system. | (+) |
TLD | v-323K |
2016-11-14 | TCP/IP line driver for CMS distributed queues. | (+) |
KM | v-104K z-189K |
2016-11-07 | This package is a CSL interface to the KMx cipher instructions; with Rexx Pipes stages showing their use. | (+) |
PICKPIPE | v-35K |
2016-11-07 | Choose between default VM, Marist, and test runtime versions of Pipelines | (+) |
HPALIAS | v-11K |
2016-11-02 | Formatter for D6 R28 HyperPAV Alias Records | (+) |
QDASD | v-11K |
2016-08-01 | Display information about DASD devices in table form. | (+) |
2016-07-03 | Rexx routine to simplify the invocation of smapi | (+) |
GETSTHYI | v-28K |
2016-05-24 | GETSTHYI - issue STHYI function code 0 and format response. | (+) |
2016-03-03 | View a PDF file from the CMS session in the web browser | (+) |
QSSIMEM | v-1K |
2016-01-18 | SMAPI routine to return SSI Member of an active virtual machine | (+) |
RUNREXX | z-10226K |
2015-10-21 | A framework to develop crossplatform Rexx programs using the eclipse framework | (+) |
ZXCATIVP | t-230K |
2015-09-03 | Preparation script for the Installation Verification Program for xCAT and OpenStack on z/VM. | (+) |
RENSSI | v-25K |
2015-03-19 | Rename a member of an SSI | (+) |
HISTORY | v-9K |
2015-03-17 | The HISTORY command displays the contents of the CMS command history fil | (+) |
OTTOSCR | v-83K |
2015-01-30 | Screen scroller for Fullscreen CMS | (+) |
CHUG | v-206K |
2014-11-18 | Script-driven test tool with HTML output and near-total control of test UserID. | (+) |
VMSERVE | v-207K z-126K |
2014-08-21 | A Disconnected Virtual Machine manager for VM that handles reader files, messages and time-of-day events. | (+) |
EDEVPATH | v-11K |
2014-06-02 | FCP path management tool for EDEVs | (+) |
PTKTOOLS | v-34K |
2014-03-10 | PTKTOOLS contains some simple PERFKIT related execs + ctl files V1.2 | (+) |
X_SMAPI | v-7K |
2014-02-21 | SMAPI - Image_Disk_Delete_DM & Image_Volume_Space_Remove_DM API clients | (+) |
CHUGDEMO | v-18K |
2014-01-17 | Demonstration files for the CHUG tool; input and resulting HTML output. | (+) |
FIXZMAN | v-4K z-56K |
2014-01-15 | CMS program to consolidate a SMAPI zManager NOTEBOOK configuration file | (+) |
2013-12-02 | Find out which FCP & WWPNs can reach a given LUN Version 1.0 | (+) |
COMPARE | v-138K |
2013-11-04 | Comparing files with XEDIT, Comparing minidisks (or FILELISTs). V1.9b | (+) |
MAILIT | v-280K |
2013-11-04 | MAILIT is a general purpose VM e-mail sender program. V3.4.c | (+) |
RXSERVER | v-884K |
2013-10-31 | A kernel to build REXX WAKEUP servers, such as VMUTIL. V6.7 | (+) |
PTKVIEW | v-405K |
2013-07-03 | Have a decent view on VMPTK listings: we use CMSGUI Version 1.0.a | (+) |
LXC | v-531K z-257K |
2013-06-13 | Run CMS commands from a TCP connected system (V1.4.2) | (+) |
CLONE620 | v-7K |
2013-03-11 | Create an IPLable copy (CLONE) of the running ZVM 6.2 system. | (+) |
VMLOGS | v-15K |
2013-03-11 | Create an automatic managed repository for Consoles and data files. | (+) |
FILELIST | v-219K |
2012-10-17 | Improvements to FILELIST, RDRLIST and EXECUTE Version 2.4.9a | (+) |
MULTISRV | v-43K |
2012-04-30 | Multiple protocol server for TCP/IP | (+) |
SDOENA54 | v-41K |
2012-02-13 | Enabling Aid files for z/VM 5.4.0 SDO configuration. | (+) |
SELFLGR | v-11K |
2011-10-19 | Relocate a connected user to another SSI member | (+) |
SESTOOLS | v-178K |
2011-09-05 | SESTOOLS has tools to make working with VM/SES easier V1.3 | (+) |
SCIF | v-33K |
2011-08-11 | Easier "talking" to SCIFfed users (avoid the CP SEND command) V1.4 | (+) |
PTKGUI | v-2063K |
2011-07-08 | A CMSGUI interface for PTK Summary files Version 1.0.a | (+) |
2011-06-15 | Create an IPLable copy (CLONE) of the running ZVM system. | (+) |
SPOOLCHN | v-474K |
2011-03-28 | System Programmer/System Operator Extended Spool Query Commands | (+) |
REXXG | v-71K |
2011-02-28 | EXECs and XEDIT macros for the REXX programmer Version 1.1 | (+) |
SFSKTOOL | v-365K |
2011-02-28 | Various tools related to SFS management. V1.0 | (+) |
SFSULIST | v-134K |
2011-02-28 | SfsUserList lets you handle SFS users in a FILELIST like way V1.13 | (+) |
NETLIST | v-54K |
2011-02-18 | A FILELIST for RSCS Network Files and Links Version 2.9 | (+) |
CHARLOTT | v-810K |
2011-02-14 | Charlotte - fullscreen, textual World Wide Web browser for CMS | (+) |
2011-01-26 | Set, snooze or cancel the CP timebomb (diagnose 288) feature from CMS. | (+) |
TRF2TCPD | v-4K |
2010-08-03 | Convert VM TCP/IP Packet Trace to Linux tcpdump format | (+) |
CPQUERY | v-349K |
2010-04-02 | CMS GUI exec, issues CP Query commands and manages NSS V4.0.4 | (+) |
2010-02-01 | An exec to close all or selected consoles/prints at midnight V1.0 | (+) |
SETDATE | v-9K |
2009-10-27 | SETDATE EXEC - Set the date of last update on CMS or SFS files. | (+) |
2009-09-18 | Sample FCXRENAM EXEC for Perfkit to automatically archive performance logs. | (+) |
SETVMDBK | v-29K |
2009-05-29 | Dynamically change user options in VMDBK (eg MAINTCCW) V1.3 | (+) |
DRMGUI | v-551K |
2009-05-15 | A CMS/GUI interface to defragment VM disks Version 1.2.1 | (+) |
DIRENT | v-24K |
2009-02-23 | Extracts entries from the object directory. | (+) |
BFSLIST | v-25K |
2008-10-01 | List a BFS filespace in a FILELIST/DIRLIST like way Version 3.1.b | (+) |
DRPC | v-134K |
2008-08-19 | Add-on to make DDR work with CMS PIPES | (+) |
NONAMES | v-5K |
2008-08-06 | Avoid NAMEFIND lookup for SFS administrative commands | (+) |
SHAREDQS | v-92K |
2008-06-24 | Shared CMS Queues over DCSS | (+) |
TSLAMON | v-10K |
2008-03-20 | REXX to exploit CP monitor data in real time eg user %CPU, %WAIT V1.1 | (+) |
PRFGUI | v-478K |
2007-11-08 | A CMSGUI interface for VMPRF Trend & Summary files Version 1.13 | (+) |
MDSK | v-16K |
2007-09-26 | A few Minidisk related tools & DEFINE MDISK aids V0.9 | (+) |
HELP | v-65K |
2007-04-06 | Improvements to HELP: help with wildcards, more colors, better RRT V1.5 | (+) |
LCLQRY | v-11K |
2007-02-01 | Local CP-exits providing queries to display your AUTOLOGGER or ALTUSER st | (+) |
LXCMS | v-6K z-11K t-70K |
2006-10-23 | Linux access to CMS resources | (+) |
2006-08-25 | Socket access to XPIPES functions | (+) |
XPIPES | v-3K |
2006-08-08 | cross-machine pipelines | (+) |
CHKSERV | v-175K |
2006-05-30 | A CMS/GUI application to manage lots of RXSERVER based servers V0.7 | (+) |
SCKSMAPI | v-116K |
2006-05-09 | Socket access to SMAPI functions | (+) |
GUICACHE | v-129K |
2006-04-04 | CMS/GUI exec to view at 3990 cache statistics V1.0 | (+) |
GUIWIRE | v-2160K |
2006-04-04 | CMS/GUI application to build other REXX CMS/GUI applications V4.5.1 | (+) |
PRFCOPY | v-36K z-25K |
2006-04-04 | The most complete "cut&paste" for XEDIT V4.2.f | (+) |
PIGS | v-4K |
2006-03-13 | An exec that can be used to determine who is using too much spool space. | (+) |
XASTOR | v-49K |
2006-03-13 | A multi-functioned, programmable, full-screen storage display | (+) |
DYNAMO | z-19K t-120K |
2006-03-01 | Linux DCSS management tool | (+) |
LIVE | z-42K t-9640K |
2005-11-02 | Sample web access to SMAPI functionality | (+) |
SPOOLAID | v-91K |
2005-09-16 | Full-screen browser for spool file internals | (+) |
XMLPARSE | v-28K |
2005-08-10 | Parse XML document into a tree structure easily processed in REXX | (+) |
SYSLOGD | v-7K |
2005-07-29 | SYSLOGD daemon for CMS | (+) |
ADDON | v-186K |
2005-07-26 | CMS/GUI appl to add/change wakeup commands in RxServer based servers V1.4 | (+) |
2005-07-12 | An XEDIT macro that can search through files from FILELIST or MACLIST | (+) |
VMMENU | v-63K |
2005-06-09 | Easy selection menu presentation for CMS V2.0 | (+) |
2005-03-07 | Displays the allocation map on a CP-owned volume. | (+) |
EDCKD | v-18K |
2004-11-29 | A tool to display and/or alter records on any CKD DASD. | (+) |
EDFBA | v-13K |
2004-11-29 | Displays and/or alters blocks on FBA DASD. | (+) |
PRFVIEW | v-198K |
2004-11-10 | Have a decent view on VMPRF listings: we use CMSGUI Version 2.2 | (+) |
RSKFIX | v-355K |
2004-10-26 | Reusable Server Kernel (RSK) fix pack | (+) |
COLSIMPL | v-2K z-2K |
2004-05-24 | COLS insert and COLS delete SIMPLE Xedit macros. | (+) |
HSX | v-1437K |
2004-01-26 | HSX - Adds Compressed File Support to any CMS program | (+) |
CMS2CDL | v-7K |
2003-12-12 | Convert a CMS formatted disk into Linux CDL format | (+) |
SPFPACK | v-8K |
2003-10-28 | SPFPACK determines which spool files have data on a particular spool pack. | (+) |
LEXX | v-943K z-388K |
2003-10-06 | LEXX, The Live Parsing Editor | (+) |
PWCHECK | v-2K |
2003-08-26 | HTTP Basic Authentication Exit for ISFC Collection | (+) |
PRFRUN | v-340K |
2003-06-16 | A server to automate VMPRF & MONWRITE. Also remote cmds V3.3.a | (+) |
SEARCH | v-352K |
2003-06-03 | Search Engine for VM-Hosted Web Sites | (+) |
BENCH | v-21K |
2003-06-02 | Check how much resources a command uses; compare alternatives. V1.2 | (+) |
RRTGEN | v-49K |
2003-02-28 | Generate Rail Road Track syntax diagrams from user written SYNATX files. | (+) |
IOS3270 | v-23K |
2003-02-21 | Runtime files for IOS3270 (Display I/O facility) | (+) |
LEXXPLXX | v-167K |
2003-01-24 | LEXXPLXX, LEXX Parsers for PL/I, PL/X, Modula-2 and Pascal | (+) |
REXXIUCV | v-134K z-62K |
2003-01-20 | IUCV interface for REXX | (+) |
SMARTX | v-222K |
2002-11-27 | An XEDIT-based front-end for RTM/ESA and VM/RTM (known as SMART) V6.3.f | (+) |
ERALIAS | v-8K |
2002-10-25 | An exec to remove ERASEd ALIASes from the SFS catalog. | (+) |
CUA2001 | v-2236K |
2002-09-09 | Support development of Common User Access (CUA) panels for 3270 terminals | (+) |
VIFWWW | z-182K |
2002-06-27 | web commander for z/VM System Administration Facility V2.10 | (+) |
B2H | v-2894K z-576K |
2002-05-31 | B2H: Convert Bookmaster, GML, Script/VS and "flat" files to HTML (Internet) Release 4.7 | (+) |
SHUTTRAP | v-11K |
2002-05-27 | CMS program to detect and react to CP SHUTDOWN signals | (+) |
PIPESERV | v-801K |
2002-05-17 | A Pipeline Server. A driver for service machines. Version 1.2.4. | (+) |
ECHO | v-8K |
2002-01-25 | Empty Rexx/Sockets-based, multi-client TCP server | (+) |
QDEVS | v-6K |
2002-01-14 | QDEVS displays devices owned by the system or a virtual machine. | (+) |
IMAP | v-225K |
2002-01-10 | Internet Message Access Protocol server for TCP/IP | (+) |
CGI4RTM | z-66K |
2001-12-07 | CGIs on zLinux for RTM, VM TCP/IP, ACCOUNT command ; V1.10 | (+) |
2001-12-04 | VMADMIN client anywhere | (+) |
2001-09-18 | Avoid CP READ when LINKing to a minidisk | (+) |
RSCSOP | v-10K |
2001-07-18 | RSCSOP is a service machine to provide dynamic AUTH control over printers. | (+) |
TIMESERV | v-519K |
2001-07-18 | VM/TimeServ - An SNTP Version 4 Time Server for VM/ESA and z/VM | (+) |
CMSDDR | v-51K |
2001-06-29 | Enhanced DDR program to simulate DDR tapes via CMS files | (+) |
GUIWDOC | v-1926K |
2001-06-20 | HTML documentation for GUIWIRE V1.2 | (+) |
DLIST | v-14K |
2001-06-19 | A full-screen display of disks accessed by any CMS or GCS machine. | (+) |
XFILE | v-9K |
2001-06-19 | Displays files being XEDITed by other users. | (+) |
RSK-GA | v-342K |
2001-05-04 | RSK Extras (GA level) | (+) |
2000-10-16 | Require Operator reply to continue IPL if current TOD is outside allowed range. | (+) |
RETBUF | v-13K |
2000-08-29 | Fullscreen CP retrieve buffer selection panel. Version 2.1.2. | (+) |
LIBRCMS | v-81K |
2000-08-18 | VSE/ESA Librarian Server for CMS users | (+) |
H2S | v-91K z-66K |
2000-08-10 | H2S - Converts HTML to Script/VS (DCF) for fine printing with AFP or PostScript | (+) |
FERRET | v-137K |
2000-07-08 | FERRET - A program to search CMS files for character strings | (+) |
BOX2BMS | v-3K |
2000-07-07 | Draw box diagrams for BookMaster documents | (+) |
CALWEEK | v-630K |
2000-06-16 | Print OV/VM calendar information in various formats, including "daytimer". | (+) |
CONFROOM | v-323K |
2000-06-16 | Schedule conference rooms and equipment across an entire site. | (+) |
FILEMGR | v-299K |
2000-06-16 | Organizes CMS files into folders, provides hiding options and expiration dates. | (+) |
HELPDESK | v-615K |
2000-06-16 | Database of OV/VM Q&A's for help desk personnel, can add your own Q&A, too. | (+) |
OVASST | v-266K |
2000-06-16 | Consolidated end user tailoring of OfficeVision/VM functions. | (+) |
FCOPY | v-131K |
2000-05-09 | * FCOPY - High speed CMS file copy routine with PACKLIB support | (+) |
DIREXEC | v-65K |
2000-05-01 | Execute or execload execs from non-accessed SFS directories. | (+) |
DUMPEDIT | v-15K |
2000-05-01 | Replacement for DUMPLOAD allowing you to select which pages to load. | (+) |
HEXDUMP | v-9K |
2000-05-01 | Browse data from any source in hexadecimal. | (+) |
TRACEXEC | v-185K |
2000-05-01 | An interactive debugger for REXX execs; a tool for analyzing EXEC applications. | (+) |
XSFS | v-76K |
2000-05-01 | XEDIT files that reside in unaccessed SFS directories. | (+) |
EWEBSTAT | v-21K |
2000-04-05 | Status Display for EnterpriseWeb/VM (Shadow VM) | (+) |
GUISKEL | v-1676K |
2000-03-06 | A framework to build REXX CMS/GUI applications much easier. V3 | (+) |
XCOL | v-995K |
2000-03-03 | Xedit Column Editing for VM/ESA | (+) |
OFSMIME | v-69K |
2000-02-26 | Mime add-on for OfficeVision/VM. Sends and receives attachments. V2.1.1 | (+) |
PIPXEDIT | v-12K |
2000-02-22 | Use Pipeline stages to manipulate lines in XEDIT session. Version 1.1.1. | (+) |
MONTH | v-10K |
2000-02-14 | Create a calendar display, this month or any month. | (+) |
PIPEFIND | v-545K |
ILEXITS | v-8K |
2000-02-04 | Sample User Exits for INFOLIST PACKAGE | (+) |
INFOLIST | v-266K |
2000-02-04 | The CMS File Manager. Replaces FILELIST, RDRLIST, MACLIST | (+) |
OVMJAVA | v-105K |
2000-01-31 | Call JDK tools from the CMS command line, without using the VM Shell | (+) |
HASHWF | v-28K z-17K |
2000-01-12 | A General HASH function (S/370 and other systems) | (+) |
TOVMWEB | v-74K |
1999-12-21 | Send package to VM DownLoad Library, including NON-IBM. | (+) |
VIEWGDF | v-32K |
1999-12-20 | VIEW, MERGE, PLOT ADMGDF files. | (+) |
LOOKALL | v-65K |
1999-12-14 | Probably the best XEDIT-based search engine you will find. | (+) |
PICDIR | v-92K |
1999-12-14 | The Picture Directory | (+) |
SEE | v-48K |
1999-12-14 | Like the ALL macro but see the item, not just target lines. | (+) |
VIEW4GDF | v-557K |
1999-12-14 | ADMGDF/CGM Editor - Support for ADMPRINT/ADMIMG files. | (+) |
3812PPRT | v-29K |
1999-12-14 | Page printing via PSF/VM | (+) |
1999-12-10 | Year 2000 Ready Version of CALENDAR REXX Sample Program | (+) |
YR2000VM | v-656K z-215K |
1999-09-03 | Technical Description of VM/ESA's Year 2000 Support (updated Sept. 1999) | (+) |
COUNTER | v-13K |
1999-09-01 | A CGI script to produce a graphical web page counter | (+) |
v-22K |
1999-07-15 | Pipelines SMTP Protocol EMAIL Stage | (+) | |
VM240PRF | v-670K |
1999-07-13 | VM/ESA Version 2 Release 4.0 Performance Report | (+) |
DIRLIST | v-7K |
1999-07-06 | Dirlist update to add FILEPOOL and SUBDIR tag support with NICK option | (+) |
RSCSTAPE | v-33K |
1999-06-18 | RSCS Tape Transfer Utility. Version 1.1.2. Y2K ready. Independent of tools. | (+) |
RSCSMDSK | v-32K |
1999-06-16 | RSCS Minidisk Transfer Utility. Version 1.1.2. Y2K ready. Independent of tools. | (+) |
MPWFL320 | z-25K t-60K |
1999-06-15 | MOUNTPW. Send user ID, passwords, accounting info to VM/ESA V2 R4.0 NFS server. | (+) |
1999-03-16 | Execute records as REXX directly from XEDIT. Not Y2K sensitive. | (+) |
GUIONE | v-1632K |
1999-03-09 | Make your own CMS/GUI performance monitor (includes GBOS2) V1.1 | (+) |
GUITWO | v-132K |
1999-03-09 | Improve GUIONE, the sample CMS/GUI performance monitor in REXX V1.0 | (+) |
VMWEBCD | v-5245K z-1091K |
1999-02-18 | Redbook SG24-5347 "Web-Enabling VM resources" sample programs. | (+) |
GUI-APPL | v-10K |
1999-01-26 | A pointer to a collection of CMS/GUI applications in REXX. | (+) |
MAILGATE | v-90K |
1998-12-18 | Package to enable SMTP gateway functions on a pre-VM/ESA 2.3.0 system. | (+) |
CP_IP | v-19K |
1998-11-10 | CP_IP - CP mod to add IP address awareness to CP | (+) |
GUIBLD95 | v-1208K |
1998-10-16 | Windows 95 GUI Builder for Writing CMS GUI Applications | (+) |
SG245164 | v-92K |
1998-09-10 | Redbook "Exploiting Recent CMS Function: A User's Guide to CMS Application Multitasking" sample programs. | (+) |
QMDC | v-6K |
1998-09-01 | Get IO counts and MDC hit% per minidisk per user. Version 1.0.a | (+) |
SPITABCD | v-17K |
1998-07-28 | Spits out permutations of command syntax for broadest coverage | (+) |
NS_VM | v-7K |
1998-07-07 | Capacity Estimator for VM/ESA's IBM Network Station Support | (+) |
MTREXX | v-28K |
1998-05-27 | MTREXX - CMS MT ThreadCreate function for REXX | (+) |
SG245148 | v-201K |
1998-05-20 | Redbook "VM/ESA Network Computing with Java and NetRexx" sample programs | (+) |
GETBACK | v-15K |
1998-05-05 | Recover a wrongly erased file. | (+) |
RSKPROB | v-16K |
1998-04-17 | Problem Tracking Tool for EnterpriseWeb/VM | (+) |
VM230PRF | v-860K |
1998-03-20 | VM/ESA Version 2 Release 3.0 Performance Report | (+) |
MOUNTPW | z-52K t-120K |
1998-03-17 | MOUNTPW. Send user ID, passwords, accounting info to VM/ESA V2 R3.0 NFS server. | (+) |
FASTFORA | v-146K |
FORATREE | v-25K |
1998-03-11 | Show a "tree" of appends in a FORUM type file. | (+) |
ITEMACTN | v-92K |
1998-03-11 | Perform various actions on file 'items'. | (+) |
ITEMLOOK | v-63K |
1998-03-11 | Search 'item' files, OFSLOGfl, NOTEBOOK etc. | (+) |
LOOK | v-41K |
1998-03-11 | FAST, INTELLIGENT search of NOTEBOOK/OFSLOGfl/FORUM. | (+) |
MSEARCH | v-44K |
1998-03-11 | Multiple target, XEDIT based search. | (+) |
PIPEDOCS | v-428K |
PIPESCAN | v-314K |
1998-03-11 | PIPE-based SCANFILE alternative. | (+) |
SRCHDOCS | v-64K |
1998-03-11 | Search OV/VM Database, OFSLOGfl, FORUM etc. | (+) |
LPREXX | v-24K |
1998-03-02 | Misc. REXX routines from LP. | (+) |
WINMAKER | v-178K |
PIPELIST | v-17K |
1998-01-21 | Build a dynamic FileList using PIPELINES. | (+) |
DATECNVT | v-10K |
1997-12-24 | DATECNVT EXEC - Converts/validates date input to another date format. | (+) |
GUITELL | v-73K |
1997-12-23 | A CMS GUI front-end for TELL Version 1.2b | (+) |
FIXDATE | v-3K |
1997-12-01 | A front-end to call DMSPLU with more liberty in date format | (+) |
OFSCURSX | v-52K |
1997-12-01 | Use OV 1.4 OFSCURSX exit to call web browser when URL is selected | (+) |
DOCTOPIC | v-180K |
1997-11-22 | Provide web access to BookManager books stored on VM/CMS (text only). | (+) |
VM220PRF | v-840K |
1997-11-18 | VM/ESA Version 2 Release 2.0 Performance Report | (+) |
N2D | v-40K |
1997-10-21 | OVMLP macros and other OV/VM add-on goodies. | (+) |
QUERYINF | v-45K |
1997-10-21 | Query and/or change your INFORM requests for TOOLS. | (+) |
GUIBUILD | v-877K |
1997-09-23 | GUI Builder for Writing CMS GUI Applications | (+) |
INHEX | v-3K |
1997-08-21 | Encoder for SMTP Submissions to the VM Download Library | (+) |
WKPITCH | v-17K |
1997-06-13 | 1997 VM Workshop Presentations from Brian Wade | (+) |
LP-PACK | v-4K |
1997-06-12 | Inter-related PACKAGEs supported by LP. | (+) |
1997-05-23 | Checks the contents of a DDR tape. | (+) |
MAPNUCX | v-4K |
1997-05-16 | Maps nucleus extensions in other CMS machines. | (+) |
PNM | v-117K |
1997-05-08 | Personal Net Machine | (+) |
QLINKS | v-3K |
1997-05-01 | Displays links to any user's minidisk. | (+) |
1997-04-15 | Replacement logger for EnterpriseWeb/VM | (+) |
NAMECHEK | v-20K |
1997-04-02 | Verify the Contents of a CMS NAMES File Against Callup | (+) |
DESCRIBE | v-18K |
1997-03-19 | Describe the contents of files in a FILELIST/FILELELS display. | (+) |
$SUBSET | v-7K |
1997-03-11 | An elegant entry and exit to/from CMS SUBSET. | (+) |
ADDNAME | v-21K |
1997-03-11 | Add entry to NAMES while in PEEK or NOTEBOOK | (+) |
CHKPACK | v-9K |
1997-03-11 | Check a PACKAGE file against TOOLS disk. | (+) |
CODE | v-16K |
1997-03-11 | Front end to CIPHER product. | (+) |
COLRXTND | v-18K |
1997-03-11 | Extension to the COLORS package. | (+) |
DEPT | v-85K |
1997-03-11 | Do various things with DEPARTMENT LISTS. | (+) |
EXECUTE2 | v-13K |
1997-03-11 | Modified EXECUTE to support DESCRIBE PACKAGE. | (+) |
EXTMSG | v-69K |
1997-03-11 | XEDIT screen builder VERSION 2. | (+) |
FILELSND | v-99K |
1997-03-11 | Send a DOCUMENT as a FILE, a FILE as a DOCUMENT. | (+) |
FLSORT | v-7K |
1997-03-11 | Display a SORT window in FILELIST/RDRLIST. | (+) |
FORAMENU | v-13K |
1997-03-11 | Simple Front End to FORUM/CFORUM files. | (+) |
HELPWIND | v-24K |
1997-03-11 | Present help information in a 'window'. | (+) |
IMDOC | v-13K |
1997-03-11 | Imbed an OV/VM document into an XEDIT session. | (+) |
INFO | v-16K |
1997-03-11 | Action Tables | (+) |
LPXEDIT | v-31K |
1997-03-11 | Misc. XEDIT macros from LP. | (+) |
MAILDOCS | v-14K |
1997-03-11 | Mass MAIL or DELETE of OV/VM documents. | (+) |
MENULIST | v-11K |
1997-03-11 | Display a Filelist of MENUSYS menu files. | (+) |
MENUSYS | v-56K |
1997-03-11 | XEDIT Screen Management System for PFKey panels. | (+) |
MEXAMPLE | v-19K |
1997-03-11 | Some examples of using the MENUSYS PACKAGE. | (+) |
NBK | v-97K |
1997-03-11 | Work Group Notes | (+) |
NOTEXTND | v-35K |
1997-03-11 | NOTEXTND - Supporting package to the FILELSND PACKAGE. | (+) |
PEEKMENU | v-27K |
1997-03-11 | Super Menu for PEEK. | (+) |
PEEKXTND | v-68K |
1997-03-11 | PEEKXTND - Supporting package to the FILELSND PACKAGE. | (+) |
PIPEFUZZ | v-20K |
PRINTER | v-154K |
1997-03-11 | Print most types of file via menu. | (+) |
PUTVER | v-13K |
1997-03-11 | PUT macro for XEDIT that respects VERIFY setting. | (+) |
RACK | v-10K |
1997-03-11 | Display a selection menu for processing acknowledgments | (+) |
RDRLAPP | v-11K |
1997-03-11 | Intelligent APPEND & REPLACE from RDRLIST. | (+) |
RDRLMENU | v-27K |
1997-03-11 | Super Menu for RDRLIST. | (+) |
REPORTER | v-483K |
1997-03-11 | Soft Splitting and Electronic Mailing of Reports. | (+) |
1997-03-11 | Starter Set package for the REPORTER PACKAGE. | (+) |
RSF | v-19K |
1997-03-11 | Send a FILE/PACKAGE/NOTE to all in REQUESTS file. | (+) |
SEEFILE | v-7K |
1997-03-11 | Point to a filename and VIEW, PRINT, SEND etc. | (+) |
SENDMAIL | v-23K |
1997-03-11 | Send a FILE as a DOCUMENT. | (+) |
SENDXTND | v-34K |
1997-03-11 | SENDXTND - Extension to the FILELSND PACKAGE | (+) |
SFL | v-80K |
1997-03-11 | Super Front end to fileList. | (+) |
SPLIT | v-17K |
1997-03-11 | Split any file that can be split ( example OFSLOGfl ). | (+) |
SRCHDATA | v-15K |
1997-03-11 | Process the $SEARCH$ OFSDATA file produced by OV/VM. | (+) |
TALK2 | v-44K |
1997-03-11 | Talk to another VM user. | (+) |
TELELIST | v-23K |
1997-03-11 | Generate Distribution Lists from CALLUP directories. | (+) |
TELESITE | v-16K |
1997-03-11 | Make access to a CALLUP directory easier. | (+) |
TELETREE | v-27K |
1997-03-11 | Climb the Telephone Directory (CALLUP) 'tree'. | (+) |
USAGE | v-9K |
1997-03-11 | Check A-disk usage and warn if exceeds stated percent | (+) |
VIEWER | v-33K |
1997-03-11 | View most types of file. | (+) |
XFER2 | v-51K |
1997-03-11 | Transfer a file from your RDRLIST. | (+) |
CPGRAB | v-13K |
1997-03-06 | Innocuous CP exit demonstration, easily modified to grab/release locks. | (+) |
LP3820 | v-405K |
1997-01-23 | Convert AFP (LIST3820) files to personal printers | (+) |
DMGR | v-37K |
1996-12-20 | Dialog Manager for EnterpriseWeb/VM | (+) |
1996-12-16 | Prevent direct links by randomly changing file and HTML link names in SFS. | (+) |
VMHP | v-114K |
1996-12-16 | Tools we use to manage the VM home page system. | (+) |
$PCAL | v-26K |
1996-08-26 | Reformat PROFS Weekly Calendar printout. | (+) |
AA | v-75K |
1996-08-26 | XEDIT prefix macro which aligns comments in C/Rexx/etc. lang | (+) |
ACKNAME | v-10K |
1996-08-26 | Displays hidden file identifier from ACK files. | (+) |
ANALYSE | v-47K |
1996-08-26 | Draw flow lines and structure for 370 assembler programmes | (+) |
ASKPMAN | v-257K |
1996-08-26 | To display Full screen in CUA standard with REXX | (+) |
BLOCK | v-12K |
1996-08-26 | Perform a few operations on a Block/box of data | (+) |
BOOK2LOG | v-6K |
1996-08-26 | Convert NOTEBOOK to OFSLOGfl for PROFS OV/VM processing | (+) |
CASEWRD | v-4K |
1996-08-26 | Change the case of a word in XEDIT | (+) |
CCC | v-8K |
1996-08-26 | Cut and Paste for VM! | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Incl. GLOBAL TXTLIBs & LOADLIBs in a C/370 load module. | (+) |
CHECKREF | v-110K |
1996-08-26 | Checks BookMaster symbols and cross-references | (+) |
CHGPROFX | v-57K |
1996-08-26 | Alternate CHARGE Profile System | (+) |
CHKDEV | v-18K |
1996-08-26 | CHKDEV/GDDMTERM - Terminal Recognition and GDDM Setup | (+) |
CKDSVRST | v-16K |
1996-08-26 | Multi-purpose DASD backup/restore program also NON-CMS. | (+) |
CLCDAT | v-8K |
1996-08-26 | Add or subtract days from a date in SCRIPT or BookMaster | (+) |
CMR | v-213K |
1996-08-26 | A Generic Conversation Management Routine | (+) |
COMMENTR | v-15K |
1996-08-26 | XEDIT Macros for Adding Line and Block Comments to Files | (+) |
COMPUTE | v-7K |
1996-08-26 | REXX mathematics for each record in a pipeline. | (+) |
CONCH | v-19K |
1996-08-26 | Shell for CMS. | (+) |
CONINT | v-503K |
1996-08-26 | CMS task switching by Console Interrupt at any time | (+) |
CONS | v-4K |
1996-08-26 | Console Spooling made simple. | (+) |
CPDUMPTL | v-725K |
1996-08-26 | CP Dump Tool, A dump scanning program for VM/ESA CP dumps | (+) |
CQ | v-20K |
1996-08-26 | Query Status of Local or Remote Network Users | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Compare 2 source files and create optimum update file. | (+) |
CUTPASTE | v-20K |
1996-08-26 | XEDIT macros CUT and PASTE to easily move and copy text | (+) |
DAILY | v-3K |
1996-08-26 | DAILY Package | (+) |
DCLGEN | v-97K |
1996-08-26 | Create host variable declaration for an SQL Table | (+) |
DELMACS | v-24K |
1996-08-26 | Set of macros to selectively delete data | (+) |
DIAG00E4 | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | Diagnose E4 CSL routine. Get minidisk info, create overlay. | (+) |
DISKPUT | v-12K |
1996-08-26 | Frontend EXEC for NAMEFIND and PROFS name files | (+) |
DMSG | v-9K |
1996-08-26 | Display a message on 3480 operator panel | (+) |
DMSXMS | v-107K |
1996-08-26 | Modified Sort module for Xedit | (+) |
DTSCAN | v-4K |
1996-08-26 | Storage scan tool | (+) |
DUPL | v-14K |
1996-08-26 | Establish 3990 duplex pair | (+) |
EDSAY | v-2K |
1996-08-26 | Used to print messages with the editor in control or on screen | (+) |
ELAPSE | v-10K |
1996-08-26 | Date functions on a given date or absolute day number. | (+) |
ENAMER | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | Enhanced reNAMER, especially for FULIST/FILELIST/FILELELS | (+) |
EXCIT | v-7K |
1996-08-26 | Extract citations in context from BookMaster files. | (+) |
EXPLAIN | v-26K |
1996-08-26 | EXPLAIN | (+) |
EZMENU | v-66K |
1996-08-26 | EZMENU an IOSMENU compatible tool to write Menu | (+) |
1996-08-26 | A free-form calculator for use from within Xedit | (+) |
1996-08-26 | FILEDATE | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Move files between VM minidisks. | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Determine the size of a CMS file | (+) |
FMTDISK | v-11K |
1996-08-26 | Erase/Format/Scratch disk tracks | (+) |
FOLLOWUP | v-35K |
1996-08-26 | Followup for OfficeVision/VM | (+) |
FPUBLIC | v-16K |
1996-08-26 | Identify SFS Files and Directories with PUBLIC Access | (+) |
FRENFONT | v-52K |
1996-08-26 | OB10, OR10, SR12, GT20 & GT24 FONTS WITH FRENCH ACCENTS | (+) |
FRIDAYRM | v-19K |
1996-08-26 | TOTALS reminder mechanism, use in PROFILE EXEC. | (+) |
FSX | v-41K |
1996-08-26 | A Full Screen Controller for Use with REXX | (+) |
GETFILE | v-9K |
1996-08-26 | Remotely-initiated uploading of PC file to VM user | (+) |
GMLLABEL | v-19K |
1996-08-26 | Create address labels by using GML tags | (+) |
GOPHER | v-108K |
1996-08-26 | A gopher client for CMS | (+) |
GREPX | v-16K |
1996-08-26 | A text search utility that uses nested expression as arguments. | (+) |
GUISET | v-64K |
1996-08-26 | Tailor XEDIT settings via a CMS GUI application | (+) |
HASH | v-15K |
1996-08-26 | DMSHAS - An Implementation of the CMS HASH Algorithm | (+) |
IAMMGR | v-21K |
1996-08-26 | IAM Manager - an IAM SAFE front-end | (+) |
IBMVMGAT | v-56K |
1996-08-26 | IBMVMGAT TOOLS documents and TOOLS Catalog | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Generate ICKDSF to work with SAPL (Stand-alone program loader) | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Disconnect VMID if there is no I/O for a specified period. | (+) |
IOX | v-18K |
1996-08-26 | REXX/EXEC2 file I/O utility | (+) |
IPLER | v-35K |
1996-08-26 | IPL a CMS/GCS corresponding to 190/595 | (+) |
IXFTOCMS | v-70K |
1996-08-26 | Convert IXF Exported file from/to VMAS or QMF from/to CMS file. | (+) |
JNOTEPLS | v-320K |
1996-08-26 | Tools and new functions for OVVM R2 note editor | (+) |
1996-08-26 | LASTCMDS - VM/XA-ESA Display another user's retrieve buffer. | (+) |
LEXXASM$ | v-27K |
1996-08-26 | Assembler parser for the LEXX editor | (+) |
LEXXC$$ | v-45K |
1996-08-26 | Alternate LEXX C parser | (+) |
LEXXCFDA | v-75K |
1996-08-26 | LEXX - "Commands From Data Area" facility | (+) |
LEXXCOB$ | v-25K |
1996-08-26 | LEXX COBOL parser | (+) |
LEXXFOR$ | v-46K |
1996-08-26 | FORTRAN parser for the LEXX editor | (+) |
LEXXRX$$ | v-143K |
1996-08-26 | RX$$ - Alternate REXX parser for the LEXX editor | (+) |
LEXXTEX$ | v-29K |
1996-08-26 | A LaTeX/TeX Parser for the LEXX Editor | (+) |
LNK | v-15K |
1996-08-26 | Flexible LINK/ACCESS, cmd, RELEASE/DETACH (and more!) | (+) |
LOGICAL | v-20K |
1996-08-26 | Logical Segments for OV/VM and other tools | (+) |
LOOK4 | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | Another, small tool to scan files for a char string. | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Convert files to lower case with smarts | (+) |
LXFINDT | v-26K |
1996-08-26 | LXFINDT - LEXX FIND Token command | (+) |
LXJCL$ | v-64K |
1996-08-26 | MVS JCL parser for the LEXX editor | (+) |
LXPRMPT | v-6K |
1996-08-26 | LEXX editor PROMPT command | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Creates Distributions Lists by Manager. | (+) |
MANYSCR | v-8K |
1996-08-26 | Split the XEDIT screen into many pieces | (+) |
MDDIR | v-25K |
1996-08-26 | Group minidisk files into directories. | (+) |
META | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | 'META XEDIT' -- Provide access to PF13 thru PF24 | (+) |
MOVESEG | v-7K |
1996-08-26 | MOVESEG moves VM/ESA DCSS from spool to disk and back | (+) |
MYTEL | v-6K |
NAM2PROF | v-39K |
1996-08-26 | Convert CMS NAMES file to OV/VM file(s). | (+) |
NETDPIPE | v-17K |
1996-08-26 | Pipe stage to handle NETDATA stream; Pipeline SENDFILE/RECEIVE | (+) |
NOREAD | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | Prevent VM READ Situation | (+) |
NOTEBOOK | v-153K |
1996-08-26 | A Notebook Management Facility | (+) |
NOTENAME | v-17K |
1996-08-26 | Xedit Macro to Add Names and Security Class to CMS Notes | (+) |
1996-08-26 | NUCXMAP Editor | (+) |
NUM2TEXT | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | Function to format numbers in thousands and written amount | (+) |
N3820 | v-93K |
1996-08-26 | Neat Printing on 3820 (For Plain Text & Listing) | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Making OV/VM nicknames & distribution lists available to CMS | (+) |
ON | v-9K |
1996-08-26 | Shows who's on and who's not and sometimes where | (+) |
ONLINE | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | Receive or Copy files to any disk with renaming of old files | (+) |
OVTOCMS | v-84K |
1996-08-26 | OfficeVision/VM to CMS | (+) |
PAGES | v-6K |
1996-08-26 | Count pages in LIST3820 or LIST38PP file | (+) |
PCALLC | v-9K |
1996-08-26 | Support for calling C/370 from VS/Pascal | (+) |
PHONEM | v-15K |
1996-08-26 | Telephone Message | (+) |
PIPEFILE | v-47K |
1996-08-26 | Modern Pipelines file I/O using DMSREAD/DMSWRITE; SFS | (+) |
PLIMOL | v-28K |
1996-08-26 | PL/I Merge Object List | (+) |
PMWTOXXX | v-177K |
1996-08-26 | Convert PW/PMW data to Bookmaster schedule or calendar | (+) |
PROMPT | v-4K |
1996-08-26 | Write specified data to terminal input area | (+) |
PRTAPA | v-219K |
1996-08-26 | EASY VM PRINTS on 3820/3812 | (+) |
PS2PSEG | v-39K |
1996-08-26 | Converts EPS to PSEG3820, PSEG4250 | (+) |
PUTCMS | v-6K |
1996-08-26 | Invoke CMS command on lines extracted from an Xedit session | (+) |
PVMBATCH | v-45K |
1996-08-26 | PVMBATCH - How to Run PVM Sessions like Batch Jobs | (+) |
QBRAPA | v-100K |
1996-08-26 | Browse text part of a APA document (3820/4250/38PP), CMS/TSO | (+) |
QDIR | v-37K |
1996-08-26 | A utility to replace the DIRMAINT GET command. | (+) |
QID | v-9K |
1996-08-26 | "CSO" interface to CallUp phone directories | (+) |
QMVSP | v-23K |
1996-08-26 | Query the Status of an MVS-attached JES2 Printer | (+) |
QN | v-34K |
1996-08-26 | Selective QUERY NAMES | (+) |
RC | v-2K |
1996-08-26 | RexxComment Xedit macro | (+) |
RDRLOGR | v-33K |
1996-08-26 | Logs Reader files and notes into selected files on disk. | (+) |
RECOVER | v-10K |
1996-08-26 | RECOVER - recover files from CMS minidisks | (+) |
REMEMBER | v-15K |
1996-08-26 | REMEMBER an XEDIT session, for recreating later | (+) |
REPLACE | v-10K |
1996-08-26 | Replace files while preserving previous versions. | (+) |
REQUEST | v-31K |
1996-08-26 | Request a package from another user or fulfill such requests | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Pipeline filter based on Rexx expression | (+) |
REXXCSL | v-9K |
1996-08-26 | Call CSL routine from Rexx program | (+) |
RLPF | v-724K |
1996-08-26 | The ULTIMATE in RACF usability tools | (+) |
RRT | v-26K |
1996-08-26 | Make 'railroad track' syntax diagrams readable | (+) |
RXDASD | v-710K |
1996-08-26 | DASD I/O as REXX a function | (+) |
RXDISP | v-29K |
1996-08-26 | CMS REXX display utility | (+) |
RXFLOW | v-6K |
1996-08-26 | REXX function to reflow/justify text or to separate sentences. | (+) |
RXMODE | v-6K |
1996-08-26 | Rexx Mode Function | (+) |
RXSORT | v-43K |
1996-08-26 | A Sort function for REXX | (+) |
RXTAPE | v-90K |
1996-08-26 | API to issue commands to a tape device | (+) |
1996-08-26 | XEDIT Macros to Scroll Up and Down by Cursor position | (+) |
SELMACS | v-30K |
1996-08-26 | Various macros controlling the SELECT levels in XEDIT | (+) |
SFSTAR | v-32K |
1996-08-26 | Archive (zip up) SFS directory tree into file/pipeline stream | (+) |
SFSTOOLS | v-109K |
1996-08-26 | Shared File System Tools | (+) |
SHADLIST | v-46K |
1996-08-26 | Build a List of TOOLSRUN Shadows from QUERY DISK Requests | (+) |
SHOWDCF | v-23K |
1996-08-26 | SHOWDCF to compose Script source on screen in CUA form | (+) |
SHOWGML | v-13K |
1996-08-26 | SHOWGML to display GML/SGML source file on screen in CUA form | (+) |
SMOF | v-51K |
1996-08-26 | SMOF - append files to notebooks | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Smart query of RDR, PRT, and PUN files | (+) |
1996-08-26 | SPXTAPE Progress Report Interval Modifications | (+) |
STACKTYP | v-13K |
1996-08-26 | STACKTYP - divert TYPLIN output to stack or discard | (+) |
STORACC | v-12K |
1996-08-26 | Compute amount of storage used by filemode accesses | (+) |
STORSUMM | v-16K |
1996-08-26 | Give summary of how allocated CMS storage is being used | (+) |
SUBMIT | v-8K |
1996-08-26 | SUBMIT Command to send a job to batch processor | (+) |
SUPERSAY | v-19K |
1996-08-26 | Issue multiline message, color selectable, with/without editor | (+) |
1996-08-26 | VM read in non-display mode, like asking for password. | (+) |
SWITCH | v-6K |
1996-08-26 | SWITCH mode | (+) |
SYNPEEK | v-10K |
1996-08-26 | Syntax Diagram Peeker | (+) |
TAB | v-42K |
1996-08-26 | TAB -- Add Thumb Tabs to BookMaster | (+) |
TABCRE | v-52K |
TABULATE | v-15K |
1996-08-26 | Pipelines stage- tabulate columns of data | (+) |
TBROWSE | v-80K |
1996-08-26 | Display CMS tabular Files with Sort, Select and Statistics. | (+) |
TCATALOG | v-393K |
1996-08-26 | YC2VM Program Update & Tools Catalog | (+) |
TEDIT | v-147K |
1996-08-26 | Text and Table editor for Script Report Table Schedule Package | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Pipeline stage to flow or justify text into paragraphs | (+) |
THEX | v-10K |
1996-08-26 | Type or Print files in HEX | (+) |
TMSTMP | v-49K |
1996-08-26 | TMSTMP - A C/370 and PL/I execution profiler | (+) |
TOG | v-21K |
1996-08-26 | A full function multi-session 'TOGGLER' | (+) |
TOOLNOTE | v-115K |
1996-08-26 | User Interface to TOOLSRUN via NOTE or PROFS | (+) |
TOOLPRT | v-30K |
1996-08-26 | A facility to print the content of a catalog of tools. | (+) |
TOOLSDOC | v-1354K |
1996-08-26 | Documentation for TOOLS and TOOLSRUN | (+) |
TT | v-19K |
1996-08-26 | XEDIT prefix macro which aligns/flows text for paragraphs, etc. | (+) |
VMESABIT | v-204K |
1996-08-26 | VM/ESA Bitmaps for OS/2 Background/Display | (+) |
VMLINK | v-215K |
1996-08-26 | VMLINK - Link and Access tool for CMS 10 and below. | (+) |
WAKERDR | v-171K |
1996-08-26 | WAKERDR a RDR Scanner, Wakeup monitor, VM Server thru RDR/RSCS. | (+) |
WHO-IS | v-20K |
1996-08-26 | Frontend EXEC for NAMEFIND and PROFS name files | (+) |
WITHHOLD | v-29K |
1996-08-26 | Calculate Federal/state Withholding Allowances | (+) |
1996-08-26 | Pipeline stage to evaluate Rexx expr with variables fm input | (+) |
WORDMACS | v-36K |
1996-08-26 | XEDIT macros that locate, change, or count words | (+) |
WORF | v-30K |
1996-08-26 | Simple Shared File System (SFS) external security manager (ESM) | (+) |
WORFAUTH | v-11K |
1996-08-26 | WORF SFS ESM rule database updater | (+) |
XGRAPHIC | v-85K |
1996-08-26 | Safe character translate graphics for BookMaster | (+) |
XLISTF | v-110K |
1996-08-26 | Listfile for CMS in CUA mode, Give TOOLS description. | (+) |
XMENUVM | v-27K |
1996-08-26 | A really cool CMS user interface! | (+) |
XREC | v-3K |
1996-08-26 | Receive Current Note up to Cursored Line | (+) |
XRECALL | v-19K |
1996-08-26 | Recall/execute previous XEDIT commands in a window | (+) |
XRL | v-1030K |
1996-08-26 | An X-Windows view of CMS Reader List | (+) |
XTBL | v-21K |
1996-08-26 | XEDIT table files | (+) |
XTREE | v-83K |
1996-08-26 | To display Package tree hierarchy forward and backward | (+) |
XVIEW | v-37K |
1996-08-26 | An expert File viewer, Script, Package, Packlib Members. | (+) |
XX | v-5K |
1996-08-26 | Frontend for XEDIT, provides windows. | (+) |
YVETTE | v-111K |
1996-08-26 | Yvette - provide multiple sessions to DIALed 3270s. | (+) |
BKWPITCH | v-430K |
1996-07-26 | Assorted conference presentations from Brian Wade. | (+) |
CC | v-16K |
1996-07-26 | Compares TOD clocks of two VM systems. | (+) |
CHAT | v-10K |
1996-07-26 | Network chatting tool demonstrating various CMS APIs. | (+) |
CPICSAMP | v-13K |
1996-07-26 | Sample programs for CMS CPI Communications. | (+) |
IPCSAMP | v-14K |
1996-07-26 | Sample programs for CMS distributed queues. | (+) |