Description of PROMPT
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********************** Unclassified ********************************** * :nick.PROMPT :sec.Unclassified :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.Write specified data to terminal input area * :version.2.2 :date.94/12/06 :summary.HELPCMS :support.X * :oname.Ray Mansell :onode.YKTVMV :ouser.MANSELL * :aname.Ray Mansell :anode.YKTVMV :auser.MANSELL * :ops.CMS :lang.Assembler :source.N * :doc.HELPCMS * :kwd.PROMPT INPUT TERMINAL * :abs.For display terminals, PROMPT will write the data given as * arguments to the terminal input area. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved. &1 &2 PROMPT MODULE * &1 &2 PROMPT HELPCMS *