Description of DCLGEN
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********************** Unclassified ********************************** * :nick.DCLGEN :sec.Unclassified :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.Create host variable declaration for an SQL Table * :version.2.0 :date.93/06/16 :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.X * :oname.Luiz Rotstein :onode.RIOSYS1 :ouser.LUIZRT * :aname.Luiz Rotstein :anode.RIOSYS1 :auser.LUIZRT * :sw.REXX RXSQL XEDIT * :ops.VM :lang.REXX :source.Y * :doc.HELPCMS * :kwd.HOST SQL DECLARE * :abs.Manages the creation of host variable declaration file for an SQL * table for COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/1, ASSEMBLE or C programming languages. * Like DB2 DCLGEN tool. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * * Documentation files: * DCLGEN ANNOUNCE * Announce file DCAGEN HELPCMS * Help file in American English DCPGEN HELPCMS * Help file in Brazilian Portuguese DCLGEN CHANGES * Changes in DCLGEN DCLGEN NLSGUIDE * A guide to the use of NLS in DCLGEN DCLGEN LICENSE * License to use * * Files needed to run DCLGEN: * DCLGEN EXEC * The driver Exec. DCLGENXC XEDIT * The main Xedit macro (compiled). DCLGENX XEDIT * The main Xedit macro (not compiled). DCLGENP EXEC * Exec used to create SQL PACKAGE needed by * DCLGEN EXEC. Run it just once for each * Database. You have to inform SQLDBA connect * Password. DCLGEN PROFILE * Sample profile for DCLGEN EXEC. * * Files related to National Language Support * DCLGENN EXEC * Exec used to help you generate a new National * Language DCAUME NLS * Source file for American English support DCAUME TEXT * GENMSGd file for American English support DCPUME NLS * Source file for Brazilian Portuguese support DCPUME TEXT * GENMSGd file for Brazilian Portuguese support * * The following file is optional * DCLGEN SQLC * File used (via SQLDBSU) to create a sample * table (SQLDBA.DCLGEN) that you can use to * test DCLGEN EXEC. You have to edit this file * and update the CONNECT command and the dbspa- * ce name. * * The following product is also required: * * RXSQL