Description of ITEMACTN
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From Les Paton (InterNet <=== Comments, questions, observations.
Latest news at 14:00:52 on 11 Mar 1998.
Fixed a problem in $SEEMSG$ XEDIT macro.
Package Description.
Package name | ITEMACTN |
Title | Perform various actions on file 'items'. |
Version | 1.42 |
Updated | 98/02/09 |
Author | Les Paton |
Node | GNKVM |
Userid | LPATON |
Alternative author | Les Paton |
Node | |
Userid | les_paton |
Software requirements | Rexx, XEDIT |
Operating System | VM/ESA, VM/SP |
Software language used | Rexx |
Source code provided, Y(es) or N(o) | Y |
Summary provided in file | PACKAGE |
Documentation provided in file | PACKAGE |
Abstract | Some files contain 'items', OFSLOGfl & FORUM for example. Alternatively the user can mark an item ( a block of text ) using the prefix area. Actions can be performed on these items. For example, PRINT,VIEW,SEND,FILE,COPY,DELETE,REPLY,APPEND etc. |
Package Content within the VMARC file.
ITEMACTN LICENSE * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library. ITEM EXEC * Driver exec PROFITEM SAMPLE * Sample PROFILE XEDIT, rename to PROFILE XEDIT ITEMEDIT XEDIT * XEDIT profile ITEMACTN XEDIT * List of actions to be performed ITEMPARM XEDIT * Define the item seperator/divider/delimiter ITEM DIVIDERS * User definable item dividers ITEMBOT XEDIT * Go to last item in the file ITEMTOP XEDIT * Go to first item in the file ITEMKEYS XEDIT * Define PFKeys for XEDIT profile COPYSCRN XEDIT * Requires SCRNCOPY PACKAGE ITEMSUMM XEDIT * Summarise the items in the file ITEMMENU XEDIT * Provide action menu from summary display ITEMALL XEDIT * Reset after summary display ITMXPAND XEDIT * Expand an item in the summary display $ITMDVDR XEDIT * Segregate a specific item in the file ITEMCOPY XEDIT * Copy an item to a work file ITEMDEL XEDIT * Delete an item from the file ITEMMOVE XEDIT * Move an item to a work file ( copy + delete ) ITMTEMP XEDIT * Put an item into a temporary file PREFACTN XEDIT * Action menu from prefix invocation ( +/++ ) PREFITEM XEDIT * Invoke action menu from prefix ( +/++ ) MENU XEDIT * Invoke action menu from command or prefix FORALOC XEDIT * XEDIT profile for FORUM/CFORUM files. FORAXREF XEDIT * Cross reference FORUM/CFORUM appends. FORAXRET XEDIT * Return to original append from cross-ref. FORARESP XEDIT * Show all responses to an append. FORATREE XEDIT * Show "tree" of responses to an append. ITEMSUBJ XEDIT * Show all items with subject of current item. ITEMFIND XEDIT * Find an append in a referenced file. REFERENC SYNONYMS * List of 'Reference:' synonyms. SUBJECT SYNONYMS * List of 'Subject:' synonyms. COLORPRO XEDIT * Also used by LOOKALL PACKAGE CODECHK XEDIT * Checks file for TEXT/APL ITMPRINT XEDIT * Print an item ITMSEND XEDIT * Send an item NOTESCRN XEDIT * Generate a note from item contents ICUT XEDIT * Save results of ALL or SEE command ICUT HELPXEDI * Help file for ICUT $CUT$ XEDIT * Does work for lots of other macros ITMVIEW XEDIT * View an item XPROOF XEDIT * Invoke PROOF $PROOFRD XEDIT * Interface to PROOF ITMXICU XEDIT * Invoke ICU on an item ITMRESND XEDIT * RESEND an item ( note ) SETSYN XEDIT * Sets XEDIT synonyms $SEEMSG$ XEDIT * Search engine. Part of SEE PACKAGE. * * MUST be dated 12 Jan 1998 or later. * * Dependencies.... * * MORE XEDIT Part of SELMACS PACKAGE on VMTOOLS. * EXTMSG PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * * Nice to have.... * * PUTVER PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * RESNICK PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * XICU PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * FILELSND PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * NOTEXTND PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * SENDXTND PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * PEEKXTND PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * APPEND PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * PRINTER PACKAGE From VMTOOLS ) Or you need to change to provide * VIEWER PACKAGE From VMTOOLS ) your own means of PRINT & VIEW. * CODECHK PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * SCRNCOPY PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * ADDNAME PACKAGE From VMTOOLS * * Notes.... * * If you add the following prefix synonym to your * PROFILE XEDIT, you may use + for specifying line(s). * SET PREFIX SYNONYM + PREFITEM * You may specify n+, +n, +-n or + to define line/lines. * If you add the following prefix synonym to your * profile, you may also use ++ for specifying blocks: * SET PREFIX SYNONYM ++ PREFITEM
Enjoy this package. If you have any questions or observations then send them to me by clicking on my name at the top of this page.