Description of PIPESCAN

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From Les Paton (InterNet <=== Comments, questions, observations.

Latest news at 13:56:27 on 11 Mar 1998.

 = '3.24 02 Mar 1998'
Fixed an interface problem on VARIN.

Package Description.

Package name PIPESCAN
Title PIPE-based SCANFILE alternative.
Version 3.24
Updated 98/03/02
Author Les Paton
Alternative author Les Paton
Userid les_paton
Software requirements Rexx, PIPELINES
Operating System VM/ESA, VM/SP
Software language used Rexx
Source code provided,
Y(es) or N(o)
Summary provided
in file
Documentation provided
in file
Abstract VERY FAST, PIPE-based file searcher. Variety of search functions. This is a radically cut-down version of PIPEFIND with all the interactive-prompt capability removed to reduce the size.

Package Content within the VMARC file.

      PIPESCAN LICENSE  * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library.
      PIPESCAN EXEC     * Run time code
      PFDUME   REPOS    * Message repository
      PFDUME   TEXT     * Message repository, run time code
* Run time code  ( PIPE filters ).
      PIPEFIND OPTIONS  * Build an options table.
      PIPEFIND INITVARS * Initialise variables on startup.
      PIPEFIND SETVARS  * Clear resources on close down.
      PIPEFIND RESOLVE  * Resolve what support we have.
      PIPEFIND CHKVALID * Check for valid support levels.
      PIPEFIND PARSETGT * Decode the target specification.
      PIPEFIND PARSEOPT * Decode the options string.
      PIPEFIND BLDSPEC  * Build a search specification.
      PIPEFIND READPROF * Read and decode the profile PIPESCAN $PROFILE.
      PIPEFIND MATCH    * Determine if two strings match.
      PIPEFIND WORKDISK * Determine which FileMode to use as work disk.
      PIPEFIND BLDLIST  * Decode a File Specification.
      PIPEFIND GETFILES * Build the list of files to be searched.
      PIPEFIND DATESEL  * Support DATE discrimination on files.
      PIPEFIND PROGRESS * Display progress of the search.
      PIPEFIND HALT     * Halt/Interrupt the search.
      PIPEFIND DVDRTYPE * Support for the ITEMS option.
      PIPEFIND ITEMTABL * Support for the ITEMS option.
      PIPEFIND DBCS     * Support DBCS in the target string.
      PIPEFIND KEYWORDS * Support KEYWORDS in the target string.
      PIPEFIND FUZZY    * Support fuzzy targets in the target string.
*                         Very significant performance improvement can
*                         be obtained when running a "FUZZY" search if
*                         PIPEFIND FUZZY is compiled.
      PIPESCAN HELPCMS  * Help file
      PIPESCAN SCRIPT   * Program description ******NOTE******* PACKED
*                         using COPYFILE.
      PIPESCAN NEWS     * News file
      PIPESCAN $PROFILE * User customises to their needs.
*                         If not found then PIPEFIND $PROFILE is used.
      CONVHELP XEDIT    * Macro used to generate SCRIPT from HELPCMS.
*     PIPESCAN REXX     * Obsolete as of release 3.00
* Dependencies....
*    Program was developed and tested on CMS 10, results on a system with
*    a CMS of lower level are  unpredictable.  If you experience problems
*    then use the IUO version of PIPES.
*    Some function is dependent on the use of IUO PIPES, you are given
*    a warning message if you attempt use of these functions and the
*    necessary PIPES level is not available.
*    TERSED files will  be handled transparently if you  have the
*    UNPACKX stage, which as of writing is in the PIPSYSF MODULE.
*    If you have the PICK stage then DATE discrimination will be done at
*    the individual append level within a FORUM-type file.
*    The DBCS option requires the support of the PIPEDBCS PACKAGE, which
*    can be found on VMTOOLSB.
* Nice to have ( NOT dependencies )....
*     PIPINIT  EXEC     From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary )
*  or PICKPIPE PACKAGE  From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary )
*     PIPEDBCS PACKAGE  From VMTOOLSB( For DBCS searches )
* PIPEFIND FORUM on IBMVM exists as a discussion forum for this package.

Enjoy this package. If you have any questions or observations then send them to me by clicking on my name at the top of this page.