Description of DLIST

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DLIST is a full-screen display of disks accessed by any CMS or GCS machine. Displayed disks can be linked and accessed by pressing a PF key. A Refresh PF Key can be used to monitor the capacity of a displayed disk while files are being written.

DLIST requires QDISK EXEC (included) and XASTOR MODULE (not included), and privilege classes A and E if disks accessed by other virtual machines are to be shown. OPTION LNKNOPAS is recommended for linking other users' disks.

This is version 1.3.0 of DLIST, which has been updated for z/VM 3.1.0.

Contents of DLIST VMARC:

  • DLIST EXEC * Exec used to invoke XEDIT with PROFILE $DLIST$
  • $DLIST$ XEDIT * XEDIT macro containing the application logic
  • DLIST HELPCMS * Usage notes and notices
  • QDISK EXEC * Obtains disk information from other virtual machines
  • QDISK README * Note on modifying system identifiers in QDISK EXEC
To contact the author, e-mail Michael Tanzer.