Description of RETBUF

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A fullscreen CP retrieve buffer selection panel



RETBUF is a simple tool to display the contents of the CP RETRIEVE buffer and allow selection and modification of a command for re-execution.


  • Fullscreen display allowing scrolling of up to the CP maximum of 255 commands in the RETRIEVE buffer.
  • A buffered command may be executed directly from the RETBUF panel. CP terminal line editing characters in force are respected.
  • The selected command may be placed in the CMS command line allowing modification before re-execution (this optional feature requires PROMPT MODULE from the IBM VM Download Page).
  • Commands may be modified in fullscreen mode before execution by simple overtyping.
  • Buffered commands can be scrolled up and down, left and right. The page number may be overtyped to go directly to a particular page. Overtyping overrides PF7 (Up) and PF8 (Down).


  • CMS Pipelines Version 1.1.9 sublevel x'25' or higher. May be downloaded from Princeton University's web site.
  • PROMPT package from IBM's VM download site (optional). Or the VM/ESA pipelines version 3.2.9 that was shipped with VM/ESA Version 2.2.
  • VM/ESA Version 1.2.0 or higher.


Finn Skovgaard: E-mail. Home page.