Description of WITHHOLD
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************************************************************************ * :nick.WITHHOLD :sec.Unclassified :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.Calculate Federal/state Withholding Allowances * :version.9+ :date.93/01/15 :summary.NONE :support.X * :oname.David R. Welsh :onode.RCHVMV :ouser.WELSH * :aname.David R. Welsh :anode.RCHVMV :auser.WELSH * :sw.IOS3270, SCRNCOPY * :lang.REXX :source.Y * :kwd.US Income tax, withholdings * :abs.Helps to set the values for Federal (and state) income tax * withholding allowances. Also contains information on how * earmarking money for the TDSP affects your take-home pay. ************************************************************************ WITHHOLD LICENSE * * * The following exec is the base exec - the one that does most of the * work, and has the screen definitions WITHHOLD EXEC * * The following is one example of how a state calculation exec is to be * coded. Information is enclosed within, and is mainly by example WITH$$MN EXEC * * The following is an exec set up for states that don't have any income * tax. It does preciously little, other than answer WITHHOLD's requests WITHNSTX EXEC * * The following is one example of a state specific exec that uses * WITHNSTX. WITH$$ZZ EXEC *