Description of QN

Download count: 11 this month, 5448 altogether.
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  VMARC archive: v-34K

**********************  UNCLASSIFIED  **********************************
* :nick.QN         :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.Selective QUERY NAMES
* :version.3.2     :date.92/06/04   :summary.HELPCMS  :support.X
* :oname.Alan Hakim                 :onode.EOSVM      :ouser.AWHAKIM
* :aname.Alan Hakim                 :anode.EOSVM      :auser.AWHAKIM
* :hw.370 & 390                     :sw.CMS 5.5 and later releases
* :ops.VM/ESA V1, VM/SP & VM/XA SP  :lang.Assembler   :source.Y
* :doc.HELPCMS
* :abs.QN generates a list of logged-on users, sorted into collating
* sequence, and selectable by userid, device, disconnected-only, etc.
* "Wildcards" (LISTFILE syntax) are recognised. Results can be typed,
* stacked, or set in stemmed variables in the calling Exec.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* The module runs by default in the Transient area, but can be Nucxloaded
* for frequent reuse.
      QN       MODULE   *  Part of QN PACKAGE: Version 3.2
      QN       HELPCMS  *
      QN       LICENSE  *
      QN       ASSEMBLE *