Description of LEXXRX$$

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**********************  UNCLASSIFIED  **********************************
* :nick.LEXXRX$$   :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.VMTOOLS
* :title.RX$$ - Alternate REXX parser for the LEXX editor
* :version.5.0     :date.95/05/25   :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.N
* :oname.Bill Fenlason              :onode.PK705VMA   :ouser.BILLFEN
* :aname.Bill Fenlason              :anode.PK705VMA   :auser.BILLFEN
* :sw.LEXX editor
* :ops.VM                           :lang.PL/I        :source.N
* :abs.REXX parser for LEXX with FULL syntax checking, including do
* /end balancing etc.  Extensive language related display formatting.
* Very good performance.  Prototype REXX language sensitive editor.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993,1995.
*                     All Rights Reserved.
*    This tool has been authorized for distribution to external users.
*    The terms and conditions are in the package LICENSE file.
*    A statement by the author is contained in the package ABOUT file.
      LEXXRX$$ ABOUT    *  Author ID and statement
*  See the announcement file for installation and usage information.
      LEXXRX$$ ANNOUNCE *  Announcement and current status description
      RX$$     LEXXHELP *  On line HELP file for the RX$$ command
      EXEC     RX$$LOAD *  Alternate LEXXLOAD file for REXX execs
      LEXX     RX$$LOAD *  Alternate LEXXLOAD file for LEXX macros
      RX$$INST EXEC     *  RX$$ Installation exec
      RX$$FONT LEXX     *  Lexx macro to set fonts, with documentation
      RX$$PARS LEXX     *  Lexx macro to set RX$$ options or reparse
      LXRX$$   TEXT     *  RX$$ parser text file
      RX$$SPLJ LEXX     *  REXX Split/Join macro
      RX$$OPCL LEXX     *  REXX Open/Close macro
      RECASE   LEXX     *  Lexx macro to reset Case by font type
      RX$$     IMBED    *  Sample IMBED Template file
*  Prior (pre 4.00 level) modules
      LXRX$$3  TEXT     *  RX$$ parser text file
      RX$$FON3 LEXX     *  Lexx macro to set fonts, with documentation