Description of RLPF

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**********************  Unclassified  **********************************
* :nick.RLPF       :sec.Unclassified                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.The ULTIMATE in RACF usability tools
* :version.6.1     :date.95/04/01   :summary.Announce :Support.X
* :oname.J.Scott McCabe             :onode.TOROLAB9   :ouser.SMCCABE
* :aname.J.Scott McCabe             :anode.TOROLAB9   :auser.SMCCABE
* :sw.RACF 1.8+ ISPF 3.2 RXSETVAR
* :ops.ESA11-22                     :LANG.REXX        :SOURCE.Y
* :doc.various
* :kwd.racf ispf resource list permit search cua pull-down action bars
* :abs.Resource List/Permit Facility is a CUA compliant application that
* uses Context Sensitive Help, Action Bars, Pull-down menus and Pop-up
* Prompt Windows to greatly simplify RACF profile maintenance.  You can
* instantly see who has access to your profiles.  Change or remove their
* access with a single keystroke and automatically inform those users
* of the change.  Tested on VM/XA 2.1, VM/ESA 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, CMS 5.6-11,
* RACF 1.8.1 to 1.9.2.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
      RLPF     READ_ME  *  - basic install notes (**REQUIRED READING**)
      RLPF     ANNOUNCE *  - announce file
      RLPF     EXEC     *  - invocation exec
      RLPF161  EXEC     *  - compiled with REXX Compiler release 2
      RLPF161  SEXEC    *  - main exec source (if you need to recompile)
      RLPFCNTL SAMPLE   *  - control sample (change via RLPF (COntrol)
      RLPFPARM EXEC     *  - exec to create/modify control file
      RLPF     HELPCMS  *  - cms help file
      RLPFINST SCRIPT   *  - documentation, Installation Guide
      RLPFUSER SCRIPT   *  - documentation, User's Guide
      RLPFUSER BOOK     *  - BookManager online book of User's Guide
      RLPFKLIB MACLIB   *  - ISPF commands table and keylists
      RLPFMLIB MACLIB   *  - ISPF message maclib
      RLPFPLIB MACLIB   *  - ISPF panel maclib
      RLPFHLIB MACLIB   *  - help window text maclib
      RLPFPREP EXEC     *  - Panel preprocessor exec main code
      RLPFPRE1 EXEC     *  - Panel preprocessor exec subroutine
      RLPFEXIT EXECSAMP *  - Sample user exit exec
*     RXSETVAR PACKAGE  *  - SETVAR required to eliminate Interpret
* Requires RACFISPF MODULE if you are running RACF 1.8.1 or lower.
* If you have RACF 1.9 and the RAC exec is available, RACFISPF is not
* required.
* Optional modules:
* GROUPID MODULE if you use ACIGROUPs (Supplied with RACF PP).
* CALLSCAN MODULE (only if the Callup interface is used).
* Any concerns, bug reports, requests for upgrades or complaints
* should be reported in the RLPF FORUM on IBMVM.  This is made easy
* by selecting the Feedback option of the Help Pull-Down Menu.