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***(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993. *** All Rights Reserved. * :nick.WHO-IS :sec.UNCLASSIFIED * :title.Frontend EXEC for NAMEFIND and PROFS name files * :version.3.4VM :date.93/06/16 :scp. * :oname.James J. Mangi :onode.RHQVM21 :ouser.JMANGI * :aname.James J. Mangi :anode. :auser. * :bname. :bnode. :buser. * :support.X :doc.HELPCMS, ? :lang.REXX * :repository.IBMVMGAT * :sw.NAMEFIND EXECIO * :kwd.WHO-IS NAMEFIND OFSMCNTL * :abs.WHO-IS will display NICKNAME, NODE, USERID, fullname, phone #, * and terminal address when it is given a NICKNAME, NODE, USERID, list * or fullname. Works with NAMES and/or PROFS files. Contains seven * options, (FIFO, LIFO, logON, logOFF, N, P, F=namesfile), to stack the * output on the program stack, to show only persons logged on, or only * show persons not logged on, to use only the NAMES file or only the * PROFS files, and to specify a different NAMES file. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as * set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. *********************************************************************** * Announcement of WHO-IS EXEC WHO-IS ANNOUNCE * * Rexx Program WHO-IS EXEC * * CMS Help Screen WHO-IS HELPCMS * * New WHO-IS Information WHO-IS NEWS * * Print Addresses along with normal WHO-IS information ADDR EXEC * * License agreement WHO-IS LICENSE *