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********************** unclassified ********************************** * :nick.CONINT :sec.unclassified :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.CMS task switching by Console Interrupt at any time * :version.1.I.0 :date.94/11/22 :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.N * :oname.John Lumby :onode.TOROLAB2 :ouser.LUMBY * :aname.John Lumby :anode.TOROLAB2 :auser.LUMBY * :hw.370 (virtual /370 machine or * :ops.SP5, CMS55, CMS56, SP6, VM/E :lang.ASM, REXX :source.N * :doc.HELPCMS * :kwd.CMS INTERRUPT MULTI TASKING SWAPPING * :abs.Allows the terminal user to interrupt the currently * executing CMS function in order to start a new task * in which all CMS commands are valid. * Subsequently user can return to interrupted task. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * :occasion.3 (for registration purposes, see CONINT README) * This is similar to the "CMS Subset" facility, plus ... * . Interrupt can be made at almost any time * . Full CMS available, not just Subset * . Interrupts can be recursively nested * . Isolation of ABEND between tasks. * . Free use of the CMS User Program Area for each task * . Can switch between all tasks in any sequence. * . Coexists with a Shell * . Coexists with CMS/SP5 FULLSCREEN ON * . Option for Auto-despatch of interrupted tasks ****** The following is inserted as required by VMTOOLS NEWRULES ****** * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as * set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ***********************************************************************+ * All files with filetype starting S$xxxxx are samples; * you may create alternative versions of them. * The filetype which CONINT requires is xxxxxx (without the S$ prefix). * If you create your own version of a file(s), * Then please ensure you use the unsuffixed filetype * Else create unsuffixed filetypes from the supplied samples. * You can use CON1LINE EXEC to create unsuffixed filetypes * from the supplied samples and compress them at the same time. * (This scheme is to avoid a CONINT sample overwriting your customised file) * CONINT README * Instructions for first use CONINT ANNOUNCE * Announce and brief introduction CONINT HELPCMS * Help for basic functions CONINT DESCRIPT * Documentation in BOOKMASTER markup (imbeds USERGUID) CONINT USERGUID * Terminal Users Guide in gml markup CONINT TERMNLGY * definitions and macros for Script documents CONINT DOCINDEX * Central File Index for DESCRIPT and USERGUID CONINT MODULE * The program (supports SP3, SP4, SP5) CONINT55 MODULE * The program (supports CMS5.5 and CMS 5.6 CONINT80 MODULE * The program (supports VM/ESA CMS8) CONINT90 MODULE * The program (supports VM/ESA CMS9) CONINT10 MODULE * The program (supports VM/ESA CMS10) $FUNOPT S$CONINT * Initialisation Options routine $FUNSVR S$CONINT * User Save/restore exit routine $FUNTAS S$CONINT * User Start/End of task routine $C S$EXEC * CONINT Command Interface $D S$EXEC * Format minidisk while U.P.A. occupied $E S$EXEC * Create new task and execute comand $F S$EXEC * cause a number of SVC system savareas to be allocated $G S$EXEC * merge overrides with exit routine and EXECLOAD $KFIFO S$EXEC * queue lines onto program stack (internal use) $R S$EXEC * execute a command by address CMS, then return * to interruptee - any lines stacked by the command * are passed back to interruptee in console stack. $S S$EXEC * switch to another task CONINT MACRO * Macro for API interface * CONINT TESTMOD * Test version of prog : read DESCRIPT CON1LINE EXEC * creates ONELINE (comprsd) versns of REXX progs CMSSHELL S$SHELL * sample hints and Rexx code for CMSSHELL support * CONINT LICENSE * licence agreement *