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********************** Unclassified ********************************** * :nick.JNOTE+ :sec.Unclassified :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.Tools and new functions for OVVM R2 note editor * :version.1.3.4 :date.96/02/16 :summary.HELPCMS :support.A * :oname.Paul-Robert Hering :onode.FRANVM3 :ouser.HERING * :aname.Paul-Robert Hering :anode.FRANVM3 :auser.HERING * :bname.Paul-Robert Hering :bnode.FRANVM3 :buser.HERING * :sw.REXX or C Library, IOS3270 * :ops.VM/ESA 1.1 :lang.REXX * :doc.INSTALL file * :kwd.OVVM OV/VM NOTE EDITOR JNOTE XNOTE(+) LOGMAINT * :abs.JNOTE+ gives back functions of XNOTE and XNOTE+ missing in the * OV/VM XEDIT based note editor, often called JNOTE (e.g. nickname * selection, note postpone facility of XNOTE+). Please read file JNOTE+ * INSTALL before you install the package. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as * set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * ************************************************************************ * The following files are for documentation and installation * ************************************************************************ JNOTE+ LICENSE * JNOTE+ license information JNOTE+ INSTALL * JNOTE+ installation tips JNOTE+ NEWS * JNOTE+ news and changes JNOTE+ HELPCMS * JNOTE+ help file and description JNPINST EXEC * JNOTE+ installation procedure PROFSAMP JNPINST * Default profile for the installation JNPLISTF EXEC * List all JNOTE+ related files ************************************************************************ * The following are tailored JNOTE or OVMAIL files * ************************************************************************ EPUEJPRO XEDIJNOT * JNOTE profile macro EPUEJDOT XEDIJNOT * JNOTE dot command exit EPUEJNTE PROFJNOT * JNOTE profile, "CUA" EPUEJNTE NCUAJNOT * JNOTE profile, "Non-CUA" EPUEJNTE NSSCJNOT * JNOTE profile, "CUA" without SafeSend active EPUEJNTE NSSNJNOT * JNOTE profile, "Non-CUA" without SafeSend EPRUPROF FILEJNOT * Office options user profile, "CUA" EPRUPROF NCUAJNOT * Office options user profile, "Non-CUA" JNOTE HELPCMS * JNOTE online help file ************************************************************************ * The following files are JNOTE+ support routines * ************************************************************************ X2O$CANC XEDIT * Cancel function for "SafeSend" X2O$PRFX XEDIT * Prefix switch routine "PX" X2O$SEND XEDIT * "SafeSend" X2O$RPLY XEDIT * Look for a valid reply id in special cases X2O$PRMT XEDIT * JNOTE prompting X2O$PRMT FILE * JNOTE prompt data file X2O$FORW XEDIT * Scroll forward routine X2O$BACK XEDIT * Scroll backward routine X2O$ADDL XEDIT * Add_1_line routine X2O$OPTS XEDIT * Simulate entering the OPTIONS command X2O$UTL1 XEDIT * JNOTE+ utility routine 1 X2O$UTL2 XEDIT * JNOTE+ utility routine 2 JNOTENIK EXEC * The necessary rest of XNOTE's XNOTENIK routine PROFILE OVMLJNOT * JNOTE+ OVMLP profile sample EPUEJEXI XEDIJNOT * Dummy EPUEJNTE exit routine ************************************************************************ * The following files are handy tools to XEDIT or SAVE notes or docs * ************************************************************************ SS OVMLP * Send note with orig. subject XN OVMLP * Invoke XEDIT for note or doc SN OVMLP * Save note or docnum (See .GN dot command) X2O$SVNT XEDIT * XEDIT macro for "SN" when saving note data ************************************************************************ * The following files are for selecting a notelog name * ************************************************************************ ORSSELLG EXEC * Selection routine for modified .LF command ORSSELLG HELPCMS * Help file for ORSELLG functions $$SELLG$ XEDIT * Profile to display note log selection list ************************************************************************ * The following files are for message handling of JNOTE+ * ************************************************************************ ORSERROR EXEC * Message handling routine of JNOTE+ ORSMSGBX EXEC * Displays messages within nice windows JNOFFICE EXEC * Start Office, nicer message display more often ************************************************************************ * The following are the files of the nickname disp./select facility * ************************************************************************ SHOWNICK EXEC * Display nicknames for note processing SHOWNICK HELPCMS * Help file $SHOWNIC XEDIT * Profile to display the nicknames DISPNICK EXEC * Resolve a distlist for display ************************************************************************ * The following are the separate files of the note postpone facility * ************************************************************************ JNHPNOTE EXEC * Handle your postponed notes JNHPNOTE HELPCMS * Help file X2O$HPST XEDIT * Profile to display your postponed notes X2O$HPST OVMLP * OVMLP macro used when resume note editing X2O$POST XEDIT * Postpone routine to handle XPOSTPON command X2O$HPIN XEDIT * Reinitialize status of postponed notes X2O$JHPN EXEC * Display postponed notes on OVMAIL ML00 screen X2O$JHPN OVMLP * Support for JNHPNOTE on OVMAIL ML00 screen ************************************************************************ * The following are the files to support TELE from within JNOTE * ************************************************************************ T2DIR02 JNOTE * TELE T2DIR02 exit routine for JNOTE X2O$TELE XEDIT * JNOTE TELE support interface routine ************************************************************************ * The following are sample files for LOGMAINT when using JNOTE * ************************************************************************ LOG$RSVP OVMLJNOT * LOGMAINT OVMAIL Macro (sample) LOG$RSVP EXECJNOT * LOGMAINT RSVP exit routine (sample)