Description of PIPELIST

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From Les Paton (InterNet <=== Comments, questions, observations.

Latest news at 10:19:33 on 21 Jan 1998.

Added reference to OMNIFIND MODULE to PACKAGE file, no functional changes.

Package Description.

Package name PIPELIST
Title Build a dynamic FileList using PIPELINES.
Version 1.09
Updated 98/01/09
Author Les Paton
Alternative author Les Paton
Userid les_paton
Software requirements Rexx, PIPELINES
Operating System VM/ESA, VM/SP
Software language used Rexx
Source code provided,
Y(es) or N(o)
Summary provided
in file
Documentation provided
in file
Abstract Build a dynamic FileList using PIPELINES. Typical input might be PIPELIST * EXEC A & * XEDIT E meaning a list of the EXEC files on the A-disk together with the XEDIT files on the E-disk. Infinite combinations.

Package Content within the VMARC file.

      PIPELIST LICENSE  * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library.
      PIPELIST EXEC     * Run time code
* Dependencies....
      PIPELIST HELPCMS  * Help file
*     One of either....
*        PIPELINES at a minimum of CMS 10
*     or PIPELINES the IUO version.
* Nice to have ( NOT dependencies )....
*     PIPINIT  EXEC     From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary )
*  or PICKPIPE PACKAGE  From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary )
*     OMNIFIND MODULE   From VMTOOLS ( Makes linking disks easier )

Enjoy this package. If you have any questions or observations then send them to me by clicking on my name at the top of this page.