Description of BKWPITCH

Download count: 13 this month, 7441 altogether.
Downloads for BKWPITCH:
  VMARC archive: v-430K

From Brian Wade, IBM:

I went back and found LIST3820s of many of my old conference presentations, in case someone wants one or more of them. The presentations in this package are:

  • APPC/VM Technical Overview
  • APPC/VM Assembler API Overview
  • CMS Application Multitasking Overview
  • CMS 9 Overview
  • VM Data Spaces Overview
  • How to Build a Server on CMS
  • CMS Distributed Queues APPC/VM Line Driver - Internals
  • Keys to the Kingdom of CMS Files (this is really Scott Nettleship's presentation)
  • CMS Pipelines Overview (taken heavily from material provided by John Hartmann)
  • VM Posix Overview (taken heavily from material provided by Joel Farrell)
  • CMS Application Development using Rexx and CMS Pipelines
  • Comparison and Contrast of APPC/VM and TCP/IP
  • VM and the Internet