Description of PWCHECK

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From Brian Wade, IBM:

This package is meant to be used as an HTTP basic authentication exit for EnterpriseWeb/VM. The idea is to determine whether the supplied user ID and password are valid on some system within the ISFC collection, instead of just the system on which the HTTP daemon happens to be running.

The technique used is to determine the resource name of a nearby SFS file pool server (using QUERY FILEPOOL CURRENT) and then use CPI-Communications to attempt to connect to that file pool server at SECURITY(PGM), using the user ID and password under test as the conversation security user ID. If the connection attempt fails with CM_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_ERROR, the user ID and password are incorrect. Otherwise the user ID and password are valid on some system in the ISFC collection.

Follow the instructions in the EnterpriseWeb/VM documentation for installing the exit. The basic idea is to EXECLOAD the exit as EWXAUTH EXEC when the HTTP daemon IPLs and then supply an $EWEB HTACCESS file in each directory you want to protect. The documentation gives more specific instructions.