Description of PICDIR

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Fixed a Y2K problem.

Package Description.

Package name PICDIR
Title The Picture Directory
Version 1.24
Updated 99/12/14
Author Les Paton
Alternative author Les Paton
Userid les_paton
Software requirements Rexx, GDDM 2.2+ GDDMREXX
Operating System VM/SP5/HPO VM/ESA
Software language used Rexx
Source code provided,
Y(es) or N(o)
Summary provided
in file
Documentation provided
in file
Abstract A simple,powerful,friendly directory of your picture files. Select a picture from the directory for viewing. Supports a wide range of picture-type files...ADMGDF/CGM/ADMIMG/ ADMPRINT/ADMSAVE/LISTxxxx/PSEGxxxx etc.

Package Content within the VMARC file.

      PICDIR   LICENSE  * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library.
      PICDIR   EXEC     * Run-time exec
      PICDIR   MESSAGES * Contains message text for messages
      PICDIR   SCREENS  * Contains screen layouts
*                            of the program.
      PICDIR   TABLES   * Contains tables which control some aspects
*                            The MESSAGES, SCREENS & TABLES files can be
*                            translated to provide full NLS requirements
*                            on all output or to reconfigure the panels
*                            to the users tastes.
      PICDIR   HELPCMS  * Help/Documentation for PICDIR EXEC
      PICDIR   PROFILE  * Default user PROFILE, customise yourself
      SHOWPIC  EXEC     * A simple driver exec for SHOWing pictures.
* Notes...
* There is a  small bit of code at  the front of the  exec which supports
* linking of the disk(s) containing the GDDMREXX code.  This is currently
* coded to  reflect GREENOCK  usage.  The  DISKS option  is used  in your
* profile to change this to your own local requirements.
* Entry to  and from CMS  SUBSET mode  is supported from  the interactive
* display presented to  the user ( via PA2 key  ). Before entering SUBSET
* a test for  the presence of the  $SUBSET EXEC is made.  If present this
* exec will  be invoked immediately on  entry to SUBSET. The  exec may be
* used to warn the  user they have entered SUBSET and  prompt them on how
* to  return. A  package which  provides  such an  elegant entry/exit  is
* available from the  author of this ( PICDIR   )  package. To obtain....
* In the absence of the above package a 'window' which guides the user on
* return from SUBSET is presented.
* Use the VIEW4GDF FORUM on IBMVM to discuss this package.
* Dependencies....
* You may  require the  following files  which are  part of  the VIEW4GDF
*     VIEW4GDF PACKAGE  *    To support the EDIT function.
      IMAGCONV EXEC     * Convert ADMIMG to ADMGDF. Places image on
*                            graphics field while preserving aspect ratio
*                            of original.
*                            This exec is called by PICDIR to support
*                            image ( ADMIMG ) handling.
*                            If you need more comprehensive image editing
*                            capability then I recommend the EZIMAGE
*                            PACKAGE from VMTOOLS.
*                            This exec is called by PICDIR to support
*                            ADMPRINT handling.
* Release 1.01 02 Dec 1992 - Recognise and handle IMAGE Symbol Sets.
* Release 1.02 14 Dec 1992 - Improved message display during directory
*                            build. Added LINKS/NOLINKS and DIRECTORY/
*                            NODIRECTORY option commands.
*                            Various minor functional improvements.
*                            Files updated....
*                            EXEC, MESSAGES, HELPCMS.
*                            Files added....
*                            SHOWPIC EXEC
* Release 1.03 14 Dec 1992 - Scroll HELP display using ENTER key.
*                            Additional message at front end.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
*                            PICDIR MESSAGES
* Release 1.04 12 Jan 1993 - Now when you select the 'List Profiles'
*  window from the CGM Parameters window you can select a profile from
*  the list to be used when viewing the picture.
*  Pressing the right-hand 'mouse' button when viewing certain types of
*  picture gives you User Control Mode.
*  Fixed a problem where BROWSE help was displayed instead of an error
*  message.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
*                            PICDIR HELPCMS
*                            PICDIR MESSAGES
*                            ADMPCONV EXEC
*                            IMAGCONV EXEC
*                            ADMPCONV HELPCMS
*                            IMAGCONV HELPCMS
* Release 1.05 21 Jan 1993 - Fixed a problem which caused a message to be
*  truncated.
*  Handle problem of 'mouse' locator off-screen on an OS/2 terminal.
*  When  choosing the  'List  Profiles' function  of  the CGM  PARAMETERS
*  window then don't leave the sub-directory  of CGM profiles appended to
*  the main directory.
*  When all else fails use XEDIT to view the file.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
*                            PICDIR HELPCMS
*                            PICDIR MESSAGES ( message 21 changed )
*                            ADMPCONV EXEC
*                            IMAGCONV EXEC
* Release 1.06 02 Feb 1993 - Fixed a missing IDENTIFY command so that
*  profile processing works as published.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.07 08 Feb 1993 - Changed window border character for
*  compatibility with OS/2 CM.
*  Initialise globals array properly.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.08 01 Mar 1993 - Set PAn key properly.
*  Added the PRINT window as an improved interface to the PRINT command.
*  Added the PLOT window.
*  Added access to the GDF Editor ( VIEW4GDF EXEC ).
*  Minor code tidy up.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
*                            PICDIR SCREENS
*                            PICDIR TABLES
*                            PICDIR HELPCMS
* Release 1.09 22 Mar 1993 - Compatibility with CMMOUSE.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.10 23 Mar 1993 - Don't allow locator to mimic a PFKey action
*  when there are no alpha fields turned on in the display.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.11 14 Apr 1993 - ENTER key and MOUSE are now mutually
*  exclusive when selecting a menu action.
*  The ENTER key causes the alphanumeric hardware cursor to be read, the
*  MOUSE key gives the locator precedence.
*  Fixed a problem introduced in release 1.09.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR EXEC
*                            PICDIR HELPCMS
* Release 1.12 06 May 1993 - Corrected some errors in HELPCMS.
*                            Files updated....
*                            PICDIR HELPCMS
* Release 1.13 14 June 1993 - Added usage stats.
*                             Files updated....
*                             PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.14 08 July 1993 - Added LICENSE file. Added copyright.
*                            All files updated.
* Release 1.15 27 Oct  1993 - Changed default CGMPROFILE to ADM.
*                             Tidied up copyright statements.
*                             All files updated.
* Release 1.16 03 Nov  1993 - Fixed a cursor selection position.
*  Fixed an interaction between windows that caused the edit program
*  ( VIEW4GDF ) to be called when viewing a CGM file.
*                             Files updated....
*                             PICDIR EXEC
*                             PICDIR TABLES
* Release 1.17 26 Nov  1993 - Added support for FOILS5 output.
*                             Files updated....
*                             PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.18 02 Dec  1993 - Expanded DISKS/LINKS capability.
*                             Files updated....
*                             PICDIR EXEC
*                             PICDIR HELPCMS
* Release 1.19 20 Jan  1994 - Fixed parsing of OMNIFIND data.
*                             Files updated....
*                             PICDIR EXEC
*                             PICDIR SCREENS
*                             PICDIR MESSAGES
*                             PICDIR HELPCMS
* Release 1.20 13 Jun  1994 - Fixed a CMS FULLSCREEN problem...
*                             Files updated....
*                             PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.21 24 Aug  1994 - Handle TERSED LIST3820 files.
*                             Files updated....
*                             PICDIR EXEC
* Release 1.22 31 Oct  1995 - Updated GREENOCK GDDM disks.
*                             PICDIR EXEC
*                             PICDIR HELPCMS
* Release 1.23 13 Nov  1995 - Fixed a directory list problem when there
*                             are no files of the type requested to put
*                             on the display.
*                             PICDIR EXEC