Description of ACKNAME

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*************************** UNCLASSIFIED ******************************         
* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993.  All rights reserved.                     
* :nick.ACKNAME         :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                                       
* :title.Displays hidden file identifier from ACK files.                        
* :version.3.9d         :date.93/06/18   :ops.VM/SP3+                           
* :oname.Bob Rankin                      :onode.pokadd6  :ouser.R3              
* :aname.Bob Rankin                      :anode.pokadd6  :auser.R3              
* :support.X                             :lang.REXX                             
* :repository.IBMVMGAT                                                          
* :abs.ACKNAME will display the file id from ACK files in your reader.          
* ACKNAME can be called from CMS or PEEK with various options.                  
* :kwd.ACK                                                                      
*  See ACKNAME FORUM on IBMVM for news, hints, etc.                             
      ACKNAME  EXEC     *                                                       
      ACKNAME  HELPCMS  *