Description of HASH

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*  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993.
*                   All Rights Reserved.
* :nick.HASH            :sec.Unclassified
* :title.DMSHAS - An Implementation of the CMS HASH Algorithm
* :oname.Terry Gliedt   :onode.?             :ouser.?
* :aname.Terry Gliedt
* :version.1.00000      :date.86/09/17   :scp.Any 370
* :support.X            :doc.None        :lang.ASM        :source.Y
* :sw.None              :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :kwd.CMS HASH
* :abs.This is a subroutine for your S/370 application that implements
* the hash algorithm introduced in the CMS file system for VM/SP 4.
* DMSHAS and HASHDCLS provide a convenient CALL interface so you
* don't have to learn what I did.  :-)
* I have documented this as well as I am able.  If you don't see it
* written down as a comment in this code, I don't know it.
     HASH      LICENSE
     DMSHAS    ASM      *      HASH subroutines
     HASHDCLS  MACRO    *      Declares for DMSHAS