Description of CPLINKPW

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From Kris Buelens, IBM Belgium

The CPLINKPW module can be used to link to a minidisk without the risk of falling in CPREAD for a password prompt.
Instead of the CPREAD, a special returncode tells which password (READ, WRITE or MULT) should be provided.

A program using CPLINKPW can then provide a panel where the enduser can enter the password and the program can retry the LINK command again with the password included.

     Input parms:    same as for a CP LINK command
     Output msgs:    same as what CP LINK returns
     Return code:    same as what CP LINK returns, including:
         8015        tells that the READ password is required
         8016        tells that the WRITE password is required
         8017        tells that the MULT password is required
For the special return codes, a message is generated too:
Please provide the xxxxx password for uuuuuuuu vdev

Typical REXX example:

    uid="MAINT"; cuu=193 ; addr=120 ; pwd=""
    do p=1 to 2       /* Try linking twice */
       "PIPE COMMAND CPLINKPW" uid cuu addr "RR" pwd "|VAR MSG"
       if rc<8015 | rc>8017 | p>1 then leave
       pwd=Ask_the_password(msg) /* Prompt user for pswd */
    if rc<>0 then call ErrExit rc,msg /* LINK failed... */