Description of CGI4RTM

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The objectives of this tool is to operate the function used f requently via browser and consists of simple web interfaces including CGI on Lin ux/390.
The following interfaces are provided. Some of output pages will be shown in graph.


  • Most of RTM commands via VMC interface is supported.
    eg. Benchmrk, Cancel, Display, Interval, Order, Query, etc.
  • Show CPU, I/O, USER graph based on "Display General" data.
  • Show historical data such as CPLOG in the specified period.
  • Provide the page to change the system-resource-access priority for users.
  • Provide simple REXX program to kick alert program in linux on z/VM via cp send command.
    When RTM detects alert condition, any alert can be used in Linux/390.
    eg. alert such as mon, e-mail.


  • Show graph of historical In/Out packets. The data is obtained by SNMP.
  • VM TCP/IP command interface. TRACERTE, PING, NETSTAT

ACCOUNT command

  • Most of command options can be specified.


  • z/VM 4.2
  • z/VM Realtime Monitor Function Level 410
  • linux/390 Distribution package

Change history

V1.00 initial
V1.10 Update for z/VM 4.2

From Kazuo Iimura, Enterprise Server Sales, IBM Ja pan

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2001.
All Rights Reserved.