Description of FPUBLIC

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**********************  Unclassified  **********************************
* :nick.FPUBLIC    :sec.Unclassified                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.Identify SFS Files and Directories with PUBLIC Access
* :version.1.2     :date.95/04/27   :summary.HELPCMS  :support.I
* :oname.Alan Hakim                 :onode.EOSVM      :ouser.AWHAKIM
* :aname.Alan Hakim                 :anode.EOSVM      :auser.AWHAKIM
* :ops.VM/ESA                       :lang.Rexx        :source.Y
* :doc.N
* :abs.An Exec to create a listing of all directories and files in
* an SFS filepool which have PUBLIC authority.
* SFS files are controlled by internal authority tables. Authority to
* PUBLIC is the equivalent of UACC in RACF.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* This program should be run by an ADMIN user of the filepool to produce
* a listing for use to check that no files or directories have been
* given wider "UACC" access than is permitted by IAS policy.
* This is the compiled Exec. It performs much better than the source
*   Exec, which has to be interpreted.
      FPUBLIC  CEXEC    *
* This is the source Exec:
      FPUBLIC  EXEC     *
* And a standard Help file: