Description of ANALYSE

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**********************  IBM Internal Use Only  ************************
* :nick.ANALYSE         :sec.UNCLASSIFIED
* :title.Draw flow lines and structure for 370 assembler programmes
* :version.1.0          :date.89/12/04    :scp.4
* :oname.Lionel de Lambert                    :onode.LIONEL   :ouser.WINVMD
* :aname.Lionel de Lambert                    :anode.         :auser.
* :bname.Lionel de Lambert                    :bnode.         :buser.
* :support.X            :doc.ANALYSE SCRIPT   :lang.ASSEMBLE
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :sw.CMS/SP 5.5 SL 201
* :abs.Draw flow lines between branches and labels, place reference
* statement numbers under labels, produce a cross reference list, and
* print the subroutine calling structure of the programme.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
*                                                                     *
*        e.g. ANALYSE TEST ASSEMBLE A TEST OUT Z * 1 128 ACLN         *
*        or   ANALYSE TEST ASSEMBLE                                   *
*        or   ANALYSE ? - for help information                        *
*                                                                     *
*        or   ANAL fn ft fm <Z> <STRUCTURE>                           *
*             ANAL ?  - for help information                          *
*                                                                     *
*        ANALYSE In It Im On Ot Om n a b o F0 F1                      *
*                                                                     *
*        Make two passes over assemble source to create a label       *
*        map and draw flow lines.                                     *
*                                                                     *
*        In It Im input file of assemble source                       *
*        On Ot Om output file of LRECL 133 - not required for         *
*            option "P". If this parameter is omitted then the        *
*            proceeding parameters are shifted right by 3 positions.  *
*        n - the number of labels - default 2048                      *
*            this controls the amount of storage used                 *
*            n*LABLNTH (96)                                           *
*            (1+n)*4                                                  *
*            (N*2)*8                                                  *
*        a - the minimum statement flow interval - default 1          *
*        b - the maximum statement flow interval - default 128        *
*        o - options                                                  *
*          - A - alternate flow line characters                       *
*          - C - compress statement flows                             *
*          - L - for large branches place branch stmt. No. below lab. *
*          - N - for large branches place target stmt. No. in col.127 *
*          - P - print on 3800 with FONTs ST12 and SB12.              *
*          - S - Print programme structure                            *
*          - T - translate flow columns to characters                 *
*          - default options :- CLNP                                  *
*          - a "." may be used to remove all options.                 *
*        F0 - FONT 0, main FONT, for the 3800 - default ST12          *
*        F1 - FONT 1, highlight FONT, for the 3800 - default SB12     *
*                                                                     *
*        A CMS exit EXEC, ANALEXIT, will be invoked at programme      *
*        start up with parameter 'O' and programme shutdown           *
*        with parameter 'C' if option 'P' is specified. This          *
*        is to enable SPOOL and printer DEFINE commands to be issued. *
*                                                                     *
*        If the 1st. parameter is '?' the help information is typed   *
*        Use "*" for default parameters.                              *
*                                                                     *
*        e.g. ANALYSE TEST ASSEMBLE A TEST OUT Z * 1 128 ACLN         *
*        or   ANALYSE TEST ASSEMBLE A 1024 4 200 * PB12 SI12          *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
* A profile, 'ANALYSE PROFILE *', file may be provided to add         *
* subroutine entry names for a file, or add extra macro names.        *
* A sample is in ANALYSE PROFILE.                                     *
*                                                                     *
      ANALYSE  MODULE  * The ANALYSE programme
      ANALYSE  TEXT    * For CMS levels other than CMS/SP 5.6 SL 208
      ANALYSE  SCRIPT  * The documentation for ANALYSE
      ANALYSE  PROFILE * A sample profile for ANALYSE
      ANAL     EXEC    * A simple EXEC to call ANALYSE
      ANALEXIT EXEC    * A sample Open/Close CMS exit for 3800 etc.
      ANALYSE  LICENSE * As Is license agreement