Description of PIPEFIND
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3 this month, 7444 altogether.
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VMARC archive: v-545K
Latest news at 11:04:31 on 8 Feb 2000.
= '3.29 27 Jan 2000' Corrected a minor error which caused an error window to be generated when it should not be.
Package Description.
Package name | PIPEFIND
Version | 3.29
Updated | 00/01/27
Author | Les Paton
Node | GNKVM
Userid | LPATON
Alternative author | Les Paton
Node |
Userid | les_paton
Software requirements | Rexx, PIPELINES, CMS FULLSCREEN
Operating System | VM/ESA, VM/SP
Software language used | Rexx
Source code provided, Y(es) or N(o) | Y
Summary provided in file | PACKAGE
Documentation provided in file | HELPCMS
Abstract |
Package Content within the VMARC file.
PIPEFIND LICENSE * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library. PIPEFIND EXEC * Run time code PFDUME REPOS * Message repository PFDUME TEXT * Message repository, run time code * * Run time code ( PIPE filters ). PIPEFIND OPTIONS * Build an options table. PIPEFIND SETOPTS * Set/recover options. * PIPEFIND INITVARS * Initialise variables on startup. PIPEFIND SETVARS * Clear resources on close down. PIPEFIND RESOLVE * Resolve what support we have. PIPEFIND CHKVALID * Check for valid support levels. PIPEFIND PARSETGT * Decode the target specification. PIPEFIND PARSEOPT * Decode the options string. PIPEFIND WRITELST * Write results out to a file. PIPEFIND BLDSPEC * Build a search specification. PIPEFIND READPROF * Read and decode the profile PIPEFIND $PROFILE. PIPEFIND MATCH * Determine if two strings match. PIPEFIND GETMODE * Get a free FileMode. PIPEFIND WORKDISK * Determine which FileMode to use as work disk. * PIPEFIND BLDLIST * Decode a File Specification. PIPEFIND GETFILES * Build the list of files to be searched. PIPEFIND DATESEL * Support DATE discrimination on files. PIPEFIND PROGRESS * Display progress of the search. PIPEFIND HALT * Halt/Interrupt the search. PIPEFIND SLASHSUB * Parameter substitution in command string. PIPEFIND LINKDISK * Support DISK and TEMPDISK options. PIPEFIND DVDRTYPE * Support for the ITEMS option. PIPEFIND ITEMTABL * Support for the ITEMS option. * PIPEFIND DBCS * Support DBCS in the target string. PIPEFIND KEYWORDS * Support KEYWORDS in the target string. PIPEFIND FUZZY * Support fuzzy targets in the target string. * Very significant performance improvement can * be obtained when running a "FUZZY" search if * PIPEFIND FUZZY is compiled. * PIPEFIND INITFSCN * Initialise FullScreen support. PIPEFIND CHKNEWS * Check the news broadcast - FullScreen. PIPEFIND FINDOPTN * Find option pointed at by cursor - FullScreen. PIPEFIND BLDEXTR * Extract an Item - FullScreen support. PIPEFIND READHELP * Read HELPCMS file - FullScreen. PIPEFIND SORTOVLG * Sort an OVVM Office Log file - Fullscreen. PIPEFIND SORTFORA * Sort a FORUM file - FullScreen. PIPEFIND SORTNOTE * Sort a NOTEBOOK file - FullScreen. PIPEFIND GENLOG * Build an OfficeLog file - Fullscreen. PIPEFIND FIXOVLOG * Tidy up an Office Log file - Fullscreen. PIPEFIND DELNOTES * Delete notes from original Log - Fullscreen. PIPEFIND DESCRIBE * Describe files - FullScreen. * PIPEFIND HELPCMS * Help file * NOTE, when running the FullScreen interface * provided by the program there is a dependency * on the HELPCMS file being present. * PIPEFIND SCRIPT * Program description ******NOTE******* PACKED * using COPYFILE. * PIPEFIND STATS * Report usage statistics. * PIPEFIND NEWS * News file PIPEFIND $PROFILE * User customises to their needs. CONVHELP XEDIT * Macro used to generate SCRIPT from HELPCMS. * * PIPEFIND $XEDIT * Not supplied with this package. * This XEDIT profile is ( optionally ) created by the user for use * while XEDIT'ing a file from the results panel or running an SCHANGE * scan. If not found then the users default XEDIT profile is used * for that scan. For information on what is required in this profile * see HELP XEDIT SCHANGE. NOTE, filetype **really** is $XEDIT, * **not** XEDIT. Program renames, in storage, to $PIPEFIN XEDIT * before using. This avoids the situation where, when invoking the * exec from the XEDIT command line, you have to precede the * invocation with the word EXEC. * * PIPEFIND REXX * Obsolete as of release 3.00 * * Dependencies.... * * Program was developed and tested on CMS 10, results on a system with * a CMS of lower level are unpredictable. If you experience problems * then use the IUO version of PIPES. * Some function is dependent on the use of IUO PIPES, you are given * a warning message if you attempt use of these functions and the * necessary PIPES level is not available. * TERSED files will be handled transparently if you have the * UNPACKX stage, which as of writing is in the PIPSYSF MODULE. * If you have the PICK stage then DATE discrimination will be done at * the individual append level within a FORUM-type file. * The DBCS option requires the support of the PIPEDBCS PACKAGE, which * can be found on VMTOOLSB. * * Nice to have ( NOT dependencies ).... * * WINMAKER PACKAGE From VMTOOLS ( Provides a variety of fullscreen * functions ) * * SEE PACKAGE From VMTOOLS ( Intelligent viewing of "items" ) * * PIPINIT EXEC From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary ) * or PICKPIPE PACKAGE From VMTOOLS ( Loads IUO PIPES if necessary ) * * OMNIFIND MODULE From VMTOOLS ( Makes linking disks easier ) * * PIPEDBCS PACKAGE From VMTOOLSB( For DBCS searches ) * * PIPEFIND FORUM on IBMVM exists as a discussion forum for this package. * * You may be interested in the companion package called PIPEDOCS..... * * PIPEDOCS on VMTOOLS * VERY FAST/FUZZY PIPELINES SEARCH OF THE OV/VM DataBase. * Searches the actual document content, not just the subject line * as in the normal OFFICE Search. * Variety of search functions. Optional FullScreen interface with * context-sensitive help. Multi-target capability. Optional * "fuzzy" and DBCS search capability.