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***********  Licensed ASIS IBM Product -- Restrictions Apply to Use  ***********
* :nick.EDSAY
* :(c).Entire EDSAY PACKAGE of files (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1983, 1993
* :title.Used to print messages with the editor in control or on screen
* :version.N/A          :date.93/06/15   :scp.CMS
* :oname.Vincent Kruskal                 :onode.WATSON   :ouser.KRUSKAL
* :aname.Vincent Kruskal                 :onode.IBMMAIL  :ouser.USIBB24GM
* :lic.This package is solely owned by IBM.
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :support.X    :doc.EDSAY <noarg>:  lang.REXX       :source.Y
* :abs.EXECs that might be called from within editors often would like to use
* that editor to print messages.  If there is no such editor, they wish to
* print normally to the screen.  EDSAY EXEC supports this.  It recognizes the
* following editors: XEDIT, LEXX, P-EDIT and PEDIT.
* Warning: EDSAY may not be used to print messages for which a reply is expected
* since the printing is delayed until after the return.  It also fails when
* there is an interactive EXEC that issues commands which may have been called
* from the editor.
* If RESOLVE MODULE is available it will be used to make a more intellegent
* determination of the editor in control.  Without it, editors invoked with
* synonyms or abbriviations directly -- not via a wrapper EXEC -- will not be
* detected (except for XEDIT).
      EDSAY    EXEC       *
      EDSAY    LICENSE    *