Description of ILEXITS

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* Sample User Exits for Infolist (R6.0.9) ******************************        
* :nick.ILEXITS                                                                 
* :title.Sample User Exits for INFOLIST PACKAGE                                 
* :version.6.0.9        :date.99/04/29   :scp.VM/SP, VM/XA. CMS 5,6,7,8+        
* :oname.Jim McGarity                    :onode.IBMUSM52 :ouser.JIMMCG          
* :aname.Geoff Smith (ex-IBM employee)   :anode.         :auser.                
* :bname.                                :bnode.         :buser.                
* :support.N    :doc.SCRIPT       :lang.REXX       :source.Y                    
* :sw.                                                                          
* :hw.Any                                                                       
* :kwd.infolist infoex1 infoex2 infoex3 infoex4 infoex5 infoex6                 
* :abs.Sample user exits for the Infolist Package                               
*  Refer to "INFOLIST Reference" in ILREF SCRIPT from INFOLIST PACKAGE          
*  for information about Infolist User Exits.                                   
*  Note: These samples must be renamed in order to become active                
      INFOEX1  SAMPLE1  *  Exit1: Dynamic PF key menu & sort order              
      INFOEX2  SAMPLE1  *  Exit2: Provide special processing of commands        
      INFOEX3  SAMPLE1  *  Exit3: Execute XEDIT commands                        
      INFOEX4  SAMPLE1  *  Exit4: User descriptions for CMS files               
      INFOEX5  SAMPLE1  *  Exit5: User descriptions for LIBRARY members         
      INFOEX6  SAMPLE1  *  Exit6: User descriptions for RDR files               
      ILEXITS  STORE    *  Descriptions for files in ILEXITS PACKAGE