Description of GUITELL

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From Kris Buelens, IBM Belgium


GUITELL allows to send messages to communication partners in VM.
Benefits compared to the 3270 TELL command:
  • longer messages can be created,
  • longer messages can be created,
  • destination partners are saved
  • a log of messages sent is visible, messages can be edited and resent.

REXX programmers may be interested in GUITELL as GUITELL is also one of the sample programs discussed in redbook CMS GUI Facility Developer's Guide, SG24-2542-01

Some other techniques and subroutines of GUITELL are discussed in the GUISKEL package.

GUITELL Version 1.1 highlights

  • No longer abend when "userid NAMES" file not found.
  • The ICON tailoring function is repaired. I figured out how the DtFileDlg object can be used from DT level 216 on.
  • CMS/GUI programmers wanting to use a DtFileDlg object may have a look at REXX subroutine TailorIcons: A DtFileDlg objects calls the workstation's "file open" or "file save" dialog. s

GUITELL Version 1.2 highlights

The major change is:
  • Optionally intercept incoming messages and present them in the TELL win WAKEUP MODULE is required for this
The less important changes are:
  • The HELP window has a "table of content" for the help being shown.
  • More options in the "Edit" pull down menu, one of which allows to easily reply to incoming messages.
  • Permit the user to either see the hint texts or the last error message.
  • Regenerated TELL frame with new level of the GUI Builder and use that.
  • Save window positions of the TELL window.
  • An "about" menu item has been added.
  • No longer close the HELP frame when an undefined key.
  • Avoid a REXX syntax error when the user presses the enter key in an empty messages list box.

GUITELL Version 1.2b correction

Avoid a REXX syntax error the first time slider set to a non-zero value.