Description of QDASD

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From Bill Norton, IBM

QDASD generates a table containing information about selected DASD devices on a z/VM system. The information is collected using the QUERY DASD, QUERY EQID, and QUERY EDEVICE commands so you will need the appropriate privileges to use this tool (class B by default).

Here's an example of the output showing a device without an alias, a base with two traditional PAV aliases, a base and HyperPAV alias, and an EDEVICE.

4400 D83IC8 3390-0C        30051 2105-E8 4403 3222 002105 000 IBM 75 000000011111
4601 S14101 3390-0C        65520 2107-E8 4603 FF27 002107 900 IBM 75 000000022222 BASE  WITH ALIASES 4630 4612
4612 S14101 3390-0C        65520 2107-E8 4603 FF27 002107 900 IBM 75 000000022222 ALIAS OF BASE 4601
4630 S14101 3390-0C        65520 2107-E8 4603 FF27 002107 900 IBM 75 000000022222 ALIAS OF BASE 4601
D500 CK9511 3390-0A         3339 2107-E8 D503 2BC0 002107 900 IBM 75 000000033333 BASE  IN POOL 1
D5EC ?????? 3390-0C            0 2107-E8 D503 2BC0 002107 900 IBM 75 000000033333 ALIAS IN POOL 1
FF20 INS63I 9336-10     62914560 6310-80 ???? ???? 002107 900 IBM ?? ????????????
In the table columns
  • 01-04 Real device address
  • 06-11 Volser displayed by QUERY DASD DETAILS or ??????
  • 13-19 Device type displayed by QUERY DASD DETAILS
  • 21-32 Number of cylinders (or blocks) on volume
  • 34-40 Control unit type (CUTYPE) displayed by QUERY DASD DETAILS
  • 42-45 Control unit number (CUNUM) displayed by Q DASD DETAILS
  • 47-50 Subsystem ID (SSID) displayed by QUERY DASD DETAILS
  • 52-81 Selected fields from QUERY EQID or QUERY EDEVICE. Usually (but NOT always !) the control unit type, model, manufacturer, plant of manufacture, and serial number. Note: EQID information will not be displayed on systems earlier than z/VM 6.2. because the QUERY EQID command was added in z/VM 6.2.
  • 83-87 BASE or ALIAS if the device is a Parallel Access Volume (PAV) base or alias.
  • 89-* PAV details. If device is a base volume the alias devices or HyperPAV pool number will be listed here. If device is an alias volume the base address or HyperPAV pool number will be listed here.

The table format makes it easy extract information about specific devices or groups of devices.

Here are some examples of how to use QDASD.

To display information about device D600:

   qdasd d600

To display information about devices D600-D61F:

   qdasd d600-d61f

To display information about the volumes with labels INS63I and INS63W:

   qdasd ins63i ins63w

To display information about all devices on the system:


To display information about only the active (in use by a user or SYSTEM) devices on the system:

   qdasd active

To display information about free (online, but not in use) devices on the system:

   qdasd free

To store information about all DASD devices on the system in file TEMP FILE A:

   pipe qdasd | > temp file a

To display a list of all devices with 3339 cylinders (or blocks):

   pipe qdasd | pick w4 == /3339/ | cons

To display a list of all devices on the control unit with serial number containing 33333:

   pipe qdasd | locate 70-81 /33333/ | cons

To count the number of base devices of each size:

   pipe qdasd | nlocate 83.5 /ALIAS/ | specs w4 2 | sort count | cons

To display information about devices with labels ABC199, ABC200, ABC201, and ABC202:

   pipe numbers 199 202 3     | specs /ABC/ 1 w1 n | qdasd | cons

To display information about devices with labels XY410E, XY410F, and XY4110:

   pipe numbers 410e 4110 4 hex | specs /XY/ 1 w1 n | qdasd | cons

QDASD consists of:

A pipeline stage to emit information about DASD devices. If invoked as the first stage of a pipeline this stage will emit a list of all DASD volumes on the system on the primary output stream. If invoked as a stage other than the first stage this stage will read a list of device addresses and/or parms for the QUERY DASD command from the primary input stream and emit a list of corresponding DASD volumes on the primary output stream.
A simple front end for QDASD REXX that displays information about one or more devices or ranges of devices.
A pipeline stage used by QDASD EXEC to generate a stream of hex device numbers.

Change log, latest changes first.
Date      Change Description
08/01/16  Parse output from QUERY EQID differently so code works both before
          and after fix for VM65841 applied.  Use plant and serial number
          from QUERY DASD DETAILS and QUERY EDEVICE DETAILS when available.
05/15/15  Display information from QUERY EDEVICE DETAILS when applicable.
          Allow volids and other single word operands of the QUERY DASD
          command (ACTIVE, ATTACH, FREE, OFFLINE, SYSTEM) as input.
01/06/15  Original release.