Description of PIPESERV

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A Pipeline Server Facility


PIPESERV is a pipeline stage that can run under VM.

It is a virtual machine driver with facilities like command authorization, IUCV connection, timer interrupts and easy to use information about reader files.

The fact that PIPESERV runs as a pipeline stage makes it differ from other servers like PROP, TODEVENT, HMF, APBOX and VMSERVE, that traditionally run as host commands.

PIPESERV may run without being connected to any other pipeline stages. The user has the option of connecting to one or more input or output streams to make use of some more features of PIPESERV.

As PIPESERV runs as a stage, the user may run other pipeline stages in parallel with PIPESERV

At any time, the console of the virtual machine is available for command execution.


Host command shell
Host commands entered on the console are executed.
Initial stack
Records in the CMS program stack will be read at PIPESERV initiation and executed as CMS commands.
Interactive REXX
You can interactively execute REXX statements.
You can instruct PIPESERV to display a reminder either after a given interval or at a specified time.
Automatic log file cleanup
Log files are automatically erased after 7 days, unless you specify another value in the configuration file.
IUCV connection
MSG, SMSG, IMSG and SCIF is automatically set to IUCV, trapped and logged by PIPESERV.
Reader file information
PIPESERV will query incoming reader files, log and display information on the console.
Automatic logging of Console input, initial CMS stack, IUCV input, timer requests and interrupts, reader file information, optional initial reader file information and optional user-supplied records. The type of each record appears from the log records.


PIPESERV can be stopped and restarted with the restart command. This is useful if you have updated some of the active pipeline programs and want to execute the new versions.
Logical lineend character
You can define a lineend character in PIPESERV CONFIG.
Remote command interface
You can authorize other userids on any node to execute host commands and PIPESERV commands. The control table for this can be dynamically reloaded.
Optional console output
Console output can be suppressed if desired, e.g. if running as a disconnected server.


Reader file information records
If you connect to the RDR output stream, the information records for incoming reader files are available to your own Pipeline stages.
Initial reader file information
PIPESERV will optionally query existing reader files and log file information when PIPESERV is started.
WNG records
WNG records are trapped and logged via the IUCV interface if you connect to the WNG output stream.
Timer interrupts can be requested using the wide range of timer keywords.
LOG interface
In addition to the log records generated by PIPESERV, you may append your own records to the log.
Command input stream
If your program connects to the CMD input stream, any command presented will be executed as if it was entered on the console.
Console output stream
Commands entered on the console are available to your program, if you connect to the CONS output stream.
Stack output stream
The CMS stack contents are available to your program, if you connect to the STAC output stream.
IUCV output streams
Any IUCV record is available to your program, if you connect to the relevant output stream.
Synchronous IUCV command interface
PIPESERV accepts commands from other userids on the same node via the synchronous IUCV pipeline interface. The output from the command is written back to the pipeline.



  • CMS Pipelines level 110B0004 or later. Download it here.
  • VM/ESA (Version 1) Release 2 or later.
  • REXX level 3.48 or higher.


  • PROMPT PACKAGE if the freestanding PIPSRVRB utility is used. Download it here.


Finn Skovgaard: E-mail. Home page.