Description of SUPPRESS

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**********************  UNCLASSIFIED  **********************************
* :nick.SUPPRESS   :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.VM read in non-display mode, like asking for password.
* :version.1.0     :date.94/11/07   :summary.PACKAGE  :support.AS
* :oname.C.W.Cheung                 :onode.TOROLAB6   :ouser.CHEUNGCW
* :aname.C.W.Cheung                 :anode.TOROLAB6   :auser.CHEUNGCW
* :hw.370 390                       :sw.C/370 maybe
* :ops.VM/ESA                       :lang.ASM         :source.N
* :kwd.Suppress nodisplay
* :abs.Simple utility to ask for a password or some kind of encryption
* keys and suppress what the user typed , without using relatively
* complex full screen displays.
* What the user typed will be put on the CMS program stack in a ...
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* FIFO fashion.
* An object file is also available to be linked as a C/370 external function.
* Examples of usage shown on the package file.
* Tested on VMXA/SP2 for both 370 and XA mode.
* This program is called as a CMS command
**Example of use***************************************************
*                                                                 *
*  /* Encode file FN FT FM , assume you have IPS/CMS installed */ *
*    Address COMMAND                                              *
*    Parse Arg fn ft fm                                           *
*    Say 'Enter encryption key'                                   *
*    'SUPPRESS'                                                   *
*    Parse Pull password                                          *
*    If Length(password)<16                                       *
*      Then Password=Left(password,18,'@')                        *
*    Queue Password                                               *
*    'SET CMSTYPE HT'                                             *
*    'CIPHER' fn ft fm '= = = (REP EN'                            *
*    saverc=rc                                                    *
*    'SET CMSTYPE RT'                                             *
*    Exit saverc                                                  *
*                                                                 *
* The following is for linkage to a C/370 program.
      SUPPRESS TEXT     *
**Example of use***************************************************
* /*                                                              *
* File name is SUP4C C                                            *
* This is a Sample C-program to make use of SUPPRESS TEXT         *
* Link object code with "EXEC CMOD SUP4C SUPPRESS"                *
* */                                                              *
* #pragma  linkage(suppress,OS)                                   *
* #include <stdio.h>                                              *
* #include <stdlib.h>                                             *
* unsigned char *suppress(void);                                  *
* unsigned char *password;                                        *
* main()                                                          *
* {                                                               *
*   printf("Enter the secret word \n");                           *
*   password=suppress();                                          *
*   printf("This is what you have typed: ");                      *
*   puts(password);                                               *
* }                                                               *