Description of XGRAPHIC

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* :nick.XGRAPHIC
* :title.Safe character translate graphics for BookMaster
* :copyright.Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1993
* :version.1.0          :date.92/03/26   :scp.-
* :oname.David W. Marquart               :onode.RCHVMW   :ouser.MARQUART
* :aname.David W. Marquart               :anode.RCHVMW   :auser.MARQUART
* :bname.                                :bnode.         :buser.
* :support.X    :doc.SCRIPT       :lang.BookMaster  :source.Y
* :sw.BookMaster
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :kwd.translate, .tr, character graphics, CGRAPHIC
* :abs.XGRAPHIC implements the XGRAPHIC tag.  It is an addition to
* BookMaster that allows user-defined character graphics.
* See XGRAPHIC SCRIPT for documentation.
* See CHGPROFX LICENSE for the terms and conditions for using CHGPROFX.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant IBM a
*      non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as set forth
*      in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
      XGRAPHIC MACLIB   *        macro library
      XGRAPHIC SCRIPT   *        documentation
      XGRAPHIC LIST3820 *        formatted documentation
      XGRAPHIC LICENSE  *        license agreement for using XGRAPHIC