Description of DELMACS

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* :nick.DELMACS    :sec.Unclassified         :disk.XEDMAC                       
* :title.Set of macros to selectively delete data                               
* :version.2       :date.89/08/15   :summary.HELPXEDI :support.A                
* :oname.David R. Welsh             :onode.RCHVMV     :ouser.WELSH              
* :aname.David R. Welsh             :anode.RCHVMV     :auser.WELSH              
* :ops.XEDIT/sp3                    :lang.REXX        :source.Y                 
* :doc.HELPXEDI                                                                 
* :kwd.XEDIT, DELETE                                                            
* :abs.Set of macros to Delete duplicate lines, lines containing a              
* certain string, strings of characters, blank lines, etc.                      
      DELMACS  LICENSE  *                                                       
      DELMACS  XEDIT    *                                                       
      DELMACS  HELPXEDI *                                                       
      DELLINES XEDIT    *                                                       
      DELLINES HELPXEDI *                                                       
      LVLINES  XEDIT    *                                                       
      LVLINES  HELPXEDI *                                                       
      DELCHARS XEDIT    *                                                       
      DELCHARS HELPXEDI *                                                       
      LVCHARS  XEDIT    *                                                       
      LVCHARS  HELPXEDI *                                                       
      DELDUPES XEDIT    *                                                       
      DELDUPES HELPXEDI *                                                       
      DELSING  XEDIT    *                                                       
      DELSING  HELPXEDI *                                                       
      DELBLANK XEDIT    *                                                       
      DELBLANK HELPXEDI *                                                       
      DELBCOLM XEDIT    *                                                       
      DELBCOLM HELPXEDI *                                                       
* And while not explicitly 'deleteing' macros, these are similar to the         
* above, and helpful.                                                           
      HIDEDUPE XEDIT    *                                                       
      HIDEDUPE HELPXEDI *                                                       
      HIDESING XEDIT    *