Last Updated: 1 November 2022

Welcome to the overview page for z/VM Education. The education content has been developed directly by the IBM z/VM Development organization, and is intended to be used by anyone that is interested in learning more about z/VM. Find a z/VM video education roadmap that delivers a custom level of instruction for your current role.

z/VM education roadmaps

New z/VM education videos are now available. These videos have been created by the IBM z/VM Development team along with others within the IBM zSystems organization. Videos range from basic introductory courses to more advanced z/VM topics. Several roadmaps have been created for you to find the appropriate level of z/VM education for your role. More videos are being added to the roadmaps on a continuous basis.



Featured z/VM education video

z/VM Virtualization Basics is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in learning about the basics of IBM z/VM. The presentation delves into the history of z/VM that first began more than 50 years ago. The presentation explains the reasons for virtualizing, and goes over the concepts of IBM Z hardware and the z/VM Hypervisor.



Featured z/VM how to video

How to enable RACF on z/VM - Resource Access Control Facility is an External Security Manager for z/VM. Before RACF can be used on z/VM it must be enabled and have it's databases prepared. This video demonstrates the enablement process.




More z/VM education resources

Additional z/VM education links

Additional links to z/VM education
Links to tutorials and more z/VM education resources

z/VM How to videos

z/VM How to Videos

Step-by-step videos that walks a user through a specific task

z/VM related Live Virtual Classes from IBM

z/VM Related Live Virtual Classes

Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE - Technical Webcast Sessions