Last Updated: 9 July 2024

New z/VM System Programmer Roadmap

This roadmap is intended to be followed by someone new to the IBM mainframe that needs to have a comprehensive knowledge of z/VM for their job. This education will start at fundamentals of z/VM and and progress through to advanced topics. This is the longest roadmap and contains all education modules.

Example of this role may include: z/VM System Operator, z/VM System Programmer

Session 100 - What is z/VM?

What is the IBM z/VM hypervisor? This video highlights just some of z/VM's rich history and incredible capability for the IBM Z and LinuxONE mainframes.

Date added: November 1, 2022

Session 101 - z/VM Virtualization Basics

This presentation is a perfect starting point for anyone interested in learning about the basics of IBM z/VM. The presentation delves into the history of z/VM that first began more than 50 years ago. The presentation explains the reasons for virtualizing, and goes over the concepts of IBM Z hardware and the z/VM Hypervisor.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
1:25 - Agenda
1:54 - IBM Z Nomenclature
3:26 - Why Virtualize?
4:34 - Virtualization Timeline
7:30 - IBM Z Architecture and Virtualization
14:01 - Virtual Machines
15:53 - Processors and z/VM
17:20 - Memory and z/VM
18:31 - I/O and z/VM
24:05 - Networking and z/VM
26:51 - SPOOL and z/VM
27:59 - Security and z/VM
29:30 - Over-committing Resources
35:05 - How to Build z/VM
39:34 - Dynamic Resource Management
45:19 - Problem Determination
46:49 - System Readiness
48:01 - z/VM Helpful Resources

z/VM Virtualization Basics presentation

Session 102 - CP and CMS Customization

This video provides information on customizing z/VM CP and CMS. Some of the basics of customizing XEDIT are covered as well as keeping the customization across sessions through the various profile files.

Date added: November 1, 2022

00:00 - Introduction
00:16 - Part 1: CP / CMS Query and Set Help
03:05 - Part 2: Common CP Commands and Customization
09:30 - Part 3: Common CMS Commands and Customization
14:45 - Part 4: XEDIT Subcomands and Customization
33:40 - Part 5: PROFILE EXEC and CMS Defaults

CP and CMS Customization presentation

Session 103 - Twelve Pillars of System Management

This presentation is aimed at z/VM customers that need help understanding all that is involved with z/VM System Management. z/VM Senior Consultant, Alan Altmark, breaks down the topic into twelve easy to understand pillars. The pillars are all things a z/VM systems administrator / manager should be thinking about and practicing.

Date added: November 1, 2022

00:00 - Introduction
01:43 - Pillar 1: z/VM Hypervisor Lifecycle
09:08 - Pillar 2: z/VM Virtual Server Lifecycle
13:39 - Pillar 3: Real Resource Management
20:29 - Pillar 4: Performance Management
24:28 - Pillar 5: Security
36:22 - Pillar 6: Networking
43:01 - Pillar 7: High Availability
50:58 - Pillar 8: Disaster Recovery
55:47 - Pillar 9: Automation
58:04 - Pillar 10: Alert Management
59:19 - Pillar 11: Operations
63:35 - Pillar 12: Chargeback
67:02 - Conclusion

12 Pillars of System Management presentation

Session 104 - Introduction to System Administration

In this session, Bill Bitner explains some of the basics of being a z/VM System Administrator, sometimes referred to as a z/VM System Programmer. The session explains the critical areas of a z/VM system, how those areas are connected, and how to make changes to some of those areas.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
4:36 - Single System Image (SSI) overview
7:07 - Recipe for a z/VM system
11:33 - How do we get there?
13:55 - Hardware Management Console (HMC) and Stand-Alone Program Loader (SAPL)
18:41 - Parm disk
20:16 - System configuration file
37:07 - Logo file
37:35 - User directory
46:48 - Other utilities
47:35 - Conclusion

Introduction to z/VM System Administration presentation

Session 105 - Introduction to CMS Pipelines

CMS Pipelines is a powerful VM programming framework. This introductory video discusses the fundamentals and demonstrates some of the basics.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
1:14 - The basics
4:07 - CMS Pipelines implementation and terminology
6:02 - First program and help demo
8:57 - Problem 1: I want to know how many page volumes I have
13:55 - Problem 2: Which real volumes contain my virtual disks
20:19 - Use as a Rexx exec
26:55 - Multistream pipes - overview
29:09 - Problem 3: Determine entitlement of a logical partition
34:12 - Multistream pipes - lookup
35:50 - Problem 4: Do I have the service I need?
42:27 - Other uses for Pipelines
44:51 - Conclusion

Introduction to CMS Pipelines presentation

Session 106 - Introduction to RACF

Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) for z/VM is an External Security Manager (ESM). RACF is a paid z/VM feature that can be used to maintain z/VM security and integrity by identifying and verifying users and authorizing users to access protected resources. This introduction video presents an overview of how to setup RACF, permissions, user attributes, various options, VM events, groups and sharing user IDs.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
2:11 - RACF on your z/VM System
6:34 - RACF and DirMaint
8:24 - RACF/VM Installation
15:22 - Resource classes in RACF
27:58 - Permissions
33:41 - User attributes
37:17 - RACF commands
43:05 - RACF options
45:55 - VM events controlled by RACF
51:06 - Groups
53:33 - Shared User IDs

Introduction to z/VM RACF presentation

Session 200 - Introduction to Rexx Coding Techniques - Part 1

Rexx is a powerful procedural language that's included with z/VM. Learning more about Rexx will help z/VM system administrators write programs to help with the day-to-day administration of z/VM.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
1:58 - Rexx products
6:23 - External environments and interfaces
13:27 - Instructions, functions, and subroutines
22:58 - Variable visibility
37:43 - Parsing
50:23 - Conclusion

Introduction to Rexx Coding Techniques presentation

Session 201 - Introduction to Rexx Coding Techniques - Part 2

Rexx is a powerful procedural language that's included with z/VM. Learning more about Rexx will help z/VM system administrators write programs to help with the day-to-day administration of z/VM.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction and Recap
1:41 - Rexx compound variables vs. data stack
28:35 - I/O
30:35 - Troubleshooting
39:43 - Programming style and techniques
50:03 - Other Rexx products and projects
51:25 - Conclusion

Introduction to Rexx Coding Techniques presentation

Session 202 - Problem Determination

This video discusses what to do if you've hit a problem with your z/VM Linux guest and need a memory dump in order to find the underlying issue.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
2:15 - General troubleshooting
5:29 - Network problem troubleshooting
10:25 - Guest is not logged on troubleshooting
11:39 - Guest is hung troubleshooting
16:30 - Collecting the dump
20:18 - SSI is unstable troubleshooting
21:58 - System is hung. HMC restart dump
27:27 - System is hung. SE restart dump
28:18 - Restart dump
39:37 - Types of z/VM failures
41:07 - Conclusion

z/VM Problem Determination presentation

Session 203 - Virtual Switch (VSwitch): The Basics

The Virtual Switch (VSwitch) is a virtualized representation of a hardware LAN switch. A virtual switch is capable of bridging a z/VM guest LAN to an associated real LAN connected by an OSA-Express adapter. This video reviews some z/VM networking basics, and then discusses more intermediate topics regarding z/VM Virtual Networking and the Virtual Switch.

Date added: December 13, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
2:15 - Multi-zone Networks
7:16 - What a Switch?
9:26 - What's a Bridge?
12:49 - Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches
17:46 - Embedded IP Router for Layer 3 Switch
19:20 - What's a VLAN?
22:03 - IP Mode - Layer 3
25:53 - Ethernet Mode - Layer 2
27:00 - VLAN Tags
28:00 - What's a Native VLAN?
29:45 - One VSwitch per LAN Segment
30:45 - Multiple LAN Segments per VSWITCH
32:31 - VLAN-aware Virtual Switch
33:11 - First Look: Virtual NIC
34:12 - First Look: Virtual MAC Addresses
35:50 - VSwitch Primary Attribtutes
37:18 - VSwitch Controller
39:07 - Uplink Port
40:33 - Setting Defaults and Limits
42:36 - Virtual MAC Addresses
45:00 - Create an Ethernet Mode Virtual Switch
46:07 - Create an IP Mode Virtual Switch
46:34 - OSA Devices
47:20 - Virtual NIC - User Directory
49:56 - VSwitch Authorization
50:35 - Define and Connect to VSwitch
50:45 - RACF-managed VSwitch Access Control
51:20 - Sniffers and Port Isolation
52:11 - Best Practices for all VSwitches
52:59 - Best Practices for VLAN-aware VSwitch
53:28 - Additional Virtual Switch Technology
54:00 - Support Timeline

z/VM Virtual Switch - The Basics presentation

Session 204 - Introduction to Directory Maintenance (DirMaint)

An optional feature of z/VM that provides interactive facilities for maintaining the user directory for one or more z/VM systems.

Date added: January 13, 2023

0:00 - Introduction
0:37 - DirMaint Overview
3:46 - How DirMaint Works
5:15 - How DirMaint Works in a Cluster
7:28 - DirMaint Server
8:19 - DATAMOVE Server
9:47 - DIRMSAT Server
10:56 - Installing DirMaint
12:41 - Configuration Files
15:34 - Sample Config DATADVH (Partial)
17:13 - Basic CONFIG DATADVH Configuration
20:19 - Default Extent Control File
30:25 - DirMaint Commands
31:05 - DirMaint Command Classes
31:29 - DirMaint Help
32:15 - DIRMAINT Command Examples
34:47 - Create a User ID
37:42 - Create an Identity
40:30 - Starting and Stopping DirMaint
44:00 - Conclusion

z/VM Introduction to Directory Maintenance (DirMaint)

Session 205 - Introduction to Single System Image (SSI Part 1 of 4)

z/VM Single System Image (SSI) is the technology used to cluster up to eight z/VM systems. Member systems can be managed, serviced, and administered as one system. An SSI cluster includes capabilities such as multi-system installation, single point of maintenance, autonomic minidisk cache management, and Live Guest Relocation (LGR). This video discusses the basics of setting up and managing a z/VM SSI cluster.

Date added: February 14, 2023

0:00 - Introduction
1:20 - Agenda
1:46 - Multi-system virtualization with z/VM SSI
3:37 - z/VM SSI cluster introduction
5:13 - Benefits and uses of z/VM SSI clusters
6:46 - SSI cluster considerations
9:10 - Live Guest Relocation (LGR)
13:22 - Attributes of a z/VM SSI cluster
14:25 - Multi-system installation
16:33 - DASD volumes and minidisks
20:07 - Shared system configuration file
23:29 - Persistent Data Record (PDR)
25:44 - Ownership checking - CP-owned volumes
26:46 - Defining virtual machines - shared source directory
27:30 - Shared source directory - virtual machine definition types
29:35 - Cross-system spool
31:17 - Cross-system Single Console Image Facility (SCIF)
32:41 - Cross-system CP commands
33:27 - Cross-system minidisk management
36:19 - Real device management
37:53 - Virtual networking management
38:53 - SSI cluster management
40:53 - Reliability and integrity of shared data and resources
42:54 - Summary

z/VM Introduction to Single System Image (SSI)
Preparing for 8-member SSI
z/VM SSI and LGR Usage Scenarios

Session 206 - Live Guest Relocation (LGR) & Relocation Domains (SSI Part 2 of 4)

Part two of the z/VM Single System Image (SSI) education. This presentation focuses on Live Guest Relocation (LGR) and Relocation Domains.

Date added: March 6, 2023

0:00 - Introduction
1:23 - Agenda
2:02 - Single System Image Review
4:04 - Stages of LGR: Step 1 - Eligibility Checks
7:02 - Stages of LGR: Step 2 - Create Skeleton on Destination
7:53 - Stages of LGR: Step 3 - Move Guest Memory
8:28 - LGR, High-Level View of Memory Move
11:20 - Stages of LGR: Step 4 - Quiesce Guest
11:26 - Stages of LGR: Step 5 - Guest State Move, I/O Device Move, Penultimate Memory Move
15:11 - Stages of LGR: Step 6 & 7 - Final Memory Move, Guest Resumed on Destination
16:12 - SSI Cluster Management
17:02 - Safe Guest Relocation
18:25 - Flexibility for Planned Outages
20:15 - Production with Protection
21:44 - Relocation Domains - Why Relocation Domains?
25:09 - What is a Relocation Domain?
27:08 - Relocation Domains - Default Domains
31:30 - Defining Relocation Domains
32:37 - Assigning VMs to Relocation Domains
34:06 - Architecture Fencing in Domains
35:04 - What Could Influence the Architecture Description?
36:23 - Relocation Eligibility
37:17 - Dynamic Nature of Virtual Architecture Levels
40:44 - Relocation Domain - Life Cycle
42:07 - Other Uses of Relocation Domains
43:14 - Problem Determination
45:40 - Conclusion

z/VM Introduction to Single System Image (SSI)
z/VM SSI and LGR Usage Scenarios
CP Planning & Admin: Chapter 29

Session 207 - Single System Image (SSI) Usage Scenarios (SSI Part 4 of 4)

This video describes various use cases and reasons you would use the z/VM Single System Image (SSI) feature.

Date added: May 17, 2023

0:00 - Introduction
1:46 - Review
2:45 - What can you do with SSI clusters and LGR?
3:36 - Flexibility for Planned Outages
5:29 - Methodically Testing at Current Levels
8:20 - Increased Control Over Server Sprawl
12:33 - Production with Protection
16:05 - Managing Resource Distribution
17:51 - Consistent Test Bed for Stress Tests
22:14 - One From the Customers - Utility Migration LPAR
25:02 - Local Disaster Recovery (Business Continuity)
27:07 - Come Closer for Performance
29:52 - Migrate to New Processor
31:54 - Summary

Session 208 - z/VM Performance Data Pump - Overview and Demo

This video introduces z/VM users to the new z/VM Performance Data Pump. The Performance Data Pump is part of the z/VM Perfkit product and offers an alternative view for visualizing real-time z/VM performance data. Find out what setup and configuration is needed and then watch a demonstration of just a few of the available dashboards.

Date added: July 26, 2023

0:00 - Introduction
0:51 - Performance Monitor Challenge
6:42 - Data Pump Design and Implementation
20:33 - Installation and Configuration
26:00 - Demonstration
44:08 - Summary

Grafana dashboards

Session 209 - z/VM Startup and Shutdown - Best Practices

This presentation covers the best practices for starting and shutting down your z/VM system. Things to check before you IPL (Initial Program Load). Starting your system. Things to validate after IPL, such as validating system resources and starting servers and guests. The video discusses shutting down servers and guests and your z/VM system.

Date added: September 11, 2023

0:00 - Introduction
3:09 - IBM Solutions to Help Manage and Protect Your z/VM System(s)
4:38 - Before Starting Your System - Verify Required Disks
7:59 - Verify I/O Configuration
9:35 - Define IPL Environment and Parameters
12:28 - Single System Image (SSI) Activation
14:50 - Specify Location of System / Operator Console
16:28 - Designate Ownership of CP-owned Volumes
18:51 - Specify Real Device Addresses for CP-owned Volumes
19:33 - Network Definitions
20:24 - Where to put Automation?
22:20 - System Config File Considerations
24:40 - Stand Alone Program Loader (SAPL)
26:02 - Loading and Starting z/VM with SAPL
27:12 - Migrating z/VM from z13 or Earlier to an IBM z14 or Later
29:04 - How do you Initial Program Load (IPL)?
30:41 - IPL Issues
31:56 - After IPL: Validation, Servers, and Guests - Information about Current IPL
33:05 - ESM and Service Machines
35:08 - Networks and Connections
35:54 - System Resources
38:12 - Starting Guests
39:24 - Verifying and Changing Guest Resources
40:21 - Choosing Startup Action - Why Did We IPL?
41:10 - Choose Startup Actions Based on Reason for IPL
44:24 - Choose Startup Actions Based on Available CP Function
45:53 - Shutting Down - Shutting Down Guests
47:04 - Shutting Down Your z/VM System
48:01 - Summary
49:07 - Outro

CP Planning and Administration
z/VM Systems Operation
z/VM Red Alert: Avoid IPL Failures Migrating to z14

Session 210 - z/VM CP System Services

z/VM System Services are a socket-like communication transaction that allow specific information to be passed between Virtual Machines. This transaction is based on IUCV (Inter-Communication Vehicle), and are important for z/VM system administration. This video discusses the available CP System Services and explores their uses.

Date added: July 9, 2024

0:00 - Introduction
1:40 - z/VM System Services Introduction
13:43 - *ACCOUNT
24:30 - *VMEVENT
27:54 - *MONITOR
40:30 - Performance Data Food Chain
45:27 - Performance Toolkit usage examples
46:45 - OMEGAMON XE usage examples

CP Programming Services
*MONITOR Performance Service (Appendix A)

Session 300 - What's Going Wrong? LPAR Weights

This presentation reviews the basic concepts about LPAR weight, the notion of entitlement, how to recognize configuration problems, and how to correct them. Techniques and tools that might help are discussed.

Date added: November 1, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
1:25 - Basic concepts
12:06 - Ways things go wrong
32:53 - Tools
37:21 - Summary

LPAR Weights presentation

Session 301 - Virtual Switch (VSwitch): Advanced Topics

The Virtual Switch (VSwitch) is a virtualized representation of a hardware LAN switch. A virtual switch is capable of bridging a z/VM guest LAN to an associated real LAN connected by an OSA-Express adapter. This video presents advanced z/VM Virtual Switch topics and includes an extensive discussion on link aggregation and diagnostics.

Date added: December 13, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
0:53 - IEEE 802.3ad and Link Aggregation
12:35 - Shared Link Aggregation Port Groups
15:48 - IVL Domain
17:19 - IVL VSwitch
18:35 - IVL Dynamic Controls
19:31 - Create the Shared Port Group
20:24 - Define a Global VSwitch
21:38 - Asynchronous Global VSwitch Initialization
24:42 - OSA Priority Queuing
27:44 - HiperSocket Virtual Switch Bridge
34:12 - VEPA - Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator
39:03 - z/VM Virtual Switch SNMP MIB
41:08 - Diagnostics
51:21 - Support Timeline

z/VM Virtual Switch - Advanced Topics presentation

Session 302 - SSI & LGR Performance Topics (SSI part 3 of 4)

This video explains performance implications using z/VM Single System Image (SSI) and Live Guest Relocation (LGR). Metrics like Quiesce Time (QT) and Relocation Time (RT) are explained and factors that affect performance using SSI and LGR are reviewed in detail.

Date added: April 4, 2022

0:00 - Introduction
1:27 - Background and review
3:25 - Live Guest Relocation - Key Performance Metrics
6:26 - LGR: Factors affecting Quiesce Time and Relocation Time
9:56 - LGR: Serial vs. Concurrent Relocations
10:51 - Effect of Serial vs. Concurrent on Quiesce Time
12:47 - Effect of Serial vs. Concurrent on Relocation Time
14:16 - Effect of IMMEDIATE option on Relocation Time
15:14 - VMRELOCATE Options Summary
15:57 - Background on ISFC Capacity Test
19:27 - Effect of CTC Bandwidth on LGR
21:31 - Effect of Virtual Machine Size on LGR
22:24 - Impact of Virtual Machine Changing Memory on LGR
24:05 - LGR: CPU and Memory Use Habits
25:05 - Effect of System Memory Constraint on LGR
28:23 - Effect of LGR on Existing Workloads
31:44 - LGR: Things to Keep in Mind
33:22 - SSI: ISFC Logical Link Configuration Best Practices
35:07 - SSI: ISFC Logical Link Write Scheduling, under the covers
36:34 - SSI Workload Distribution Measurements
37:30 - SSI Distribution: CPU Constrained Measurement
39:35 - SSI Distribution: Virtual I/O Constrained Measurement
40:27 - SSI Distribution: Memory Constrained Measurement
40:41 - SSI Scaling Measurements
42:31 - SSI Transition Measurement
43:37 - SSI: Performance Toolkit, Considerations
44:52 - SSI: MONWRITE Considerations
45:03 - SSI: Dump and PMR Considerations
45:19 - SSI and LGR: Planning White Space
46:37 - Relocation Planning: Other Considerations
47:54 - Summary

z/VM SSI & LGR Performance Topics Presentation
z/VM SSI & LGR Performance Reports