CMS Data Areas and Control Blocks
z/VM Ver 4, Rel 3.0
Programming Interface Information: These web pages primarily document information that is NOT intended to be used as a Programming Interface of z/VM.
These web pages also document intended Programming Interfaces |
CMS Control Blocks, A to Z
Scroll to and choose the control block you would like displayed.
If the control block you choose is part
of a larger control block, the larger is displayed.
ABWSECT - Abend Recovery Workspace ADTDSECT - ADTSECT - Active Disk Table AFTSECT - bilingual AFT macro ANCHSECT - Anchor Table AVRADR - Volume and Device Characteristics AWL - Structure for anchor manip in BATLSECT - CMS Batch User Job Limits BBOXADR - Boundary Box Addresses BGCOM - VSE Partition Communication CDBOVL - COMDIR CONTROL BLOCK CDEV - CONSOLE DEVICE TABLE MAPPING CKP_HDR - Checkpoint data header CMSTAXE - Terminal Attention Exit Element COMCLIST - PROP NODE LIST FOR COMMUNICATIONS CPRB0001 - Connectivity Programming Request CQYSECT - CONSOLE QUERY MAPPING CVTSECT - Communications Vector Table CVTXTNT2 - Communications Vector Table DBGSECT - Debug Work Area DCD - Dispatch Class Descriptor DCHSECT - Data Control Hyperblock DEPBLK - Detailed Error Passback (DEP) DEPERSB - DEP Error Sub Block Mapping DEVSECT - Device Table Entry Mapping DEVTAB - Bilingual DEVTAB macro DIOSECT - Disk I/O Work Area DIRSECT - CMS PDS Directory Entry DMSCCB - Command Control Block DMSCDB - COMDIR CONTROL BLOCK DMSFATTR - File Attribute Stack Macro DMSFSERR - FS Error Table Mapping Macro DMSSFHDR - Saved File Directory Header DMSVIPWK - CMS VSAM Interface Work Area DOSSECT - DOS Simulation Control Block DTFSD - Open DTF Map DTFX - DTF Extension EPLIST - Extended Parameter List DSECT EXCPW - VSE EXCP Work Area EXHD - Map extra header record to format EXILIST - SFS Exit General Data Buffer EXISBLK - EXECs in Storage Control Block EXITBUFF - SFS Exit General Data Buffer EXITFSRW - SFS Exit General Data Buffer EXTSECT - External Interrupt Work Area EXTUAREA - External Interrupt User Area. FBLOCK - EXEC File Execution Control Block FCBSECT - Simulated OS Control Blocks FCHTAB - Fetch Table FNSDT - Date/Time Workarea DSECT FPERROR - Filepool Extended Error FQDN - FULLY QUALIFIED DIRECTORY NAME FRWRK - Master control block for storage FSCBD - File System Control Block FSEENTRY - SFS Error Mapping Entry Table FSTD - File Status Table DSECT FSTSECT - bilingual FSTB macro FUBSECT - File Space Usage Block FVSECT - Fixed Variable Storage Work Area HASHTAB - Hash Table Complex HDRBK - Free storage element header HYPMAP - Hyperblock Mapping Table IHADECB - DATA EVENT CONTROL BLOCKS FOR IJJHCPL - Common VTOC Handler Parameter IJJHDLST - Volume Descriptor List IJJHFMT1 - Format 1 Label IMMBLOK - Immediate Command Support IMWKSECT - Immediate Command Work Area INTBLOK - I/O Interrupt Block IOCON - Console I/O Workarea IOSECT - I/O Interrupt Save Area IUCVIDBK - IUCV or APPC Program IUCVPTBK - Path descriptive information IUCVTAB - IUCV Control Block JNEPL - Namelist user exit plist KDFH - A Kernel DSA Frame Header KDSA - A Kernel DSA KEYSECT - Disk Key Table DSECT for BDAM KGAA - Kernel Global Storage Mapping for KRAB - Kernel run-time anchor block (one LABREC - DLBL/Extent Record LABSECT - Tape Label Information LANGBLK - CMS Language Control Block LDRST - Loader Storage Area LFSPL - mapping of an FSTLKP plist LIBSECT - CMS PDS Header LINKBLK - Link Block LMDBLOK - Language manager descriptor LOCKTAB - Lock/Unlock Resource Table LOGFBFMT - PROP LOG/FEEDBACK FILE ENTRY LPLDCT - Label Macro Parameter List LRDD - LINERD Data Descriptor LUBPR - Logical Unit Block Table LUBTAB - Logical Unit Block Table LWRD - LINEWRT Data Descriptor MODHDCB - Module Header Control Block NUCON - Nucleus Constant Area OCTS - Open/Close Transient SVA ODT - Open Directory Table OIDBLOK - PROP Output Identifier Block OPSECT - Major CSECT for All I/O Operation OSFST - OS File Status Table OUTPL - OUTput options PList (control PARMLIST - PROP ACTION ROUTINE PARAMETER PARSERCB - Interface to the Parsing Facility PARSERUF - Parser User Function Parameter PATH - PATH TABLE MAPPING PDCB - PARSED DIRID CONTROL BLOCK (PDCB) PDSSECT - Directory Table for BPAM PGMSECT - Program Interrupt Work Area PIBADR - Program Information Block PIB2TAB - Program Information Block PLD - Processor Local Data PMXMBLOK - PROP PMX MESSAGE BLOCK PROPCOM - PROP SUPPORT DSECTS AND COMMON PROPTAB - PROP Routing Table File Entry PSD - PSD -- header plus process PUBADR - Physical Unit Block Table PVCENTRY - Parser Validation Code mapping QBLK_ENTRBlo - checkpoint data entry QEL - PROP QUEUED MESSAGE ELEMENT QSUS_ENTRSus - checkpoint data entry REFCB - Reference Table (REFTBL) Entry RTDSECT - PROP ROUTING TABLE ENTRY RTXSBFLD - PROP ROUTING TABLE TEXT SUBFIELD SCBLOCK - Subcommand Control Block SCRCB - Session Manager Control Block SDSCA - MAPPING OF SDSCA SFSCB - Shared File System Control Block SGMTEXIT - Shared Segment Management User SHVBLOCK - Control BLocks for accessing SPPL - SUBPOOL parameter list macro SP2 - CRR Syncpoint Manager Control SP2PBASE - CRR Syncpoint Manager Control SP2PDESC - CRR Syncpoint Manager Control SSAVE - bilingual SVCSAVE macro STOBK - Storage descriptor block STPL - CMSSTOR parameter list macro SUBBK - Subpool descriptor block SUBSECT - BILINGUAL SUBSECT MACRO SVCSECT - SVC Interrup Map SVCWORK - Work Area used for DOS SVCs. SVEARA - LTA and PP Save Area DSECT SYID - Result of a diag x'00' (System SYSNAMES - Saved Systems Names TCBADR - Task Control Block TLBBLOK - Tape Label Processing Information TOKLIST - PROP CMS-TYPE TOKENIZED LIST TPL - A thread parameter list TRANTBL - Translation Table mapping TSD - TSD -- header plus Process TSDX - TSDX -- Binder/Loader thread TSOBLKS - TSO Control Blocks TVISECT - DMSTVI PLIST - Tape Volume UCTA - Bi-Lingual mapping of UCT Control UCTE - Bi-Lingual mapping of UCT Control USAVE - User Save Area USERSAVE - User Save Area USERSECT - GENERAL SCRATCH-STORAGE AREA VOLSECT - Volume ID Storage WUERROR - Workunit Extended Error XADT - Active Disk Table Index
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002