Programming Interface Information:
This page documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow the customer to write programs to obtain the services of z/VM. |
Control Block Contents
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Name : EXITBUFF Description: SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro DSECT : EXITBUFF Function : Maps SFS Exit General Data Buffer records.
EXITBUFF Control Block Content
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure EXITBUFF SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro EXITBUFF MAPPING MACRO 0000 0 Character 8 EXIEYEC Eye catcher - "EXITBUFF" 0008 8 Character 4 EXIFUNC (0) Function Code 0008 8 Bitstring 1 EXITID Exit ID 0009 9 Character 3 * Reserved 000C 12 Character 8 EXIMACID SFS Machine ID 0014 20 Character 8 EXIFPID Filepoolid 001C 28 Character 8 EXIREQID Requestor ID 0024 36 Character 24 EXIRSRVD Reserved 003C 60 Address 4 EXIRPTR Remainder pointer 00000040 EXIBSIZE *-EXITBUFF Size of EXITBUFF
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure EXITFSRW SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro 0000 0 Character 8 EXIEYE1 Eye catcher - "EXITFSRW" 0008 8 Address 4 EXIPTR1 Pointer to first entry in following list 000C 12 Signed 4 EXILCNT List count 0010 16 Signed 2 EXISG Storage group 0012 18 Signed 2 EXISGTHR Storage group threshold 0014 20 Signed 4 EXISGSIZ Storage group size 0018 24 Signed 4 EXISGAVA SG blocks available 0000001C EXICSIZE *-EXITFSRW Size of EXITFSRW
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure EXILIST SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro 0000 0 Character 8 EXIEYE2 Eye catcher - "EXILIST" 0008 8 Address 4 EXINPTR Pointer to next list entry 000C 12 Character 8 EXICONID Owner of connection 0014 20 Character 8 EXIALTID Alternate userid 001C 28 Character 8 EXINEWID New connect userid 0024 36 Signed 4 EXILUWGP LUW grouping 0028 40 Character 8 EXIFSID Filespace ID 0030 48 Signed 4 EXIFSTHR Filespace threshold 0034 52 Signed 4 EXIFSSIZ Filespace size 0038 56 Signed 4 EXIFSCOM FS blocks committed 003C 60 Signed 4 EXIWUFUN FS blocks uncommitted 0040 64 Bitstring 1 EXIINFL In flags 1... .... EXIINCOM X'80' In process of committing .1.. .... EXIINTRI X'40' This connection triggered the exit 0041 65 Bitstring 1 EXIOUTFL Out flags 1... .... EXIOUTRO X'80' Rollback this connection 0042 66 Character 2 * Reserved 00000044 EXILSIZE *-EXILIST Size of EXILIST Constants Other Exit ID definitions .... ..1. EXIFSU X'2' 2-Filespace Usage .... ..11 EXIRAW X'3' 3-User Storage Group Full 00000002 EXIOTHER 2 2-Other exit type CSL Routine return codes .... .... EXISUCC X'0' Successful .... .1.. EXINSCON X'4' Function not supported, continue to call. .... .1.1 EXINSSUP X'5' Function not supported, suppress further calls.
EXITBUFF Storage Layout
*** EXITBUFF - SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | EXIEYEC | * +------+--------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 |EXITID|////////////////////| EXIMACID- | * +------+--------------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | -(00C) | EXIFPID- | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 18 | -(014) | EXIREQID- | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 20 | -(01C) | | * +---------------------------+ | * 28 | | * = EXIRSRVD = * | +---------------------------+ * 38 | | EXIRPTR | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 40 * *** EXITBUFF - SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro *** EXITFSRW - SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | EXIEYE1 | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | EXIPTR1 | EXILCNT | * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | EXISG | EXISGTHR | EXISGSIZ | * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 18 | EXISGAVA | 1C * +---------------------------+ * *** EXITFSRW - SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro *** EXILIST - SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | EXIEYE2 | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | EXINPTR | EXICONID- | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | -(00C) | EXIALTID- | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 18 | -(014) | EXINEWID- | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 20 | -(01C) | EXILUWGP | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 28 | EXIFSID | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 30 | EXIFSTHR | EXIFSSIZ | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 38 | EXIFSCOM | EXIWUFUN | * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 40 |:INFL |:OUTFL|/////////////| 44 * +------+------+-------------+ * *** EXILIST - SFS Exit General Data Buffer mapping macro
EXITBUFF Cross Reference
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- EXIALTID 0014 EXIBSIZE 003C 00000040 EXICONID 000C EXICSIZE 0018 0000001C EXIEYEC 0000 EXIEYE1 0000 EXIEYE2 0000 EXIFPID 0014 EXIFSCOM 0038 EXIFSID 0028 EXIFSSIZ 0034 EXIFSTHR 0030 EXIFSU 0042 02 EXIFUNC 0008 EXIINCOM 0040 80 EXIINFL 0040 EXIINTRI 0040 40 EXILCNT 000C EXILSIZE 0042 00000044 EXILUWGP 0024 EXIMACID 000C EXINEWID 001C EXINPTR 0008 EXINSCON 0042 04 EXINSSUP 0042 05 EXIOTHER 0042 00000002 EXIOUTFL 0041 EXIOUTRO 0041 80 EXIPTR1 0008 EXIRAW 0042 03 EXIREQID 001C EXIRPTR 003C EXIRSRVD 0024 EXISG 0010 EXISGAVA 0018 EXISGSIZ 0014 EXISGTHR 0012 EXISUCC 0042 00 EXITID 0008 EXIWUFUN 003C
This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 14:17:29 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002