Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  


 NAME       : DMSDEP
 DESCRIPTION: DEP Error Sub Block Mapping


DEPERSB Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      DEPERSB        DEP Error Sub Block Mapping
0000    0 Bitstring    2 DEPCODE        Info/warning/error condition
                                        Information codes:
          .... ..1.      DEPCHRMX       X'0002' Fn compl-heuristic mixed
          .... ..11      DEPBKRIP       X'0003' Backout resync in
          .... .1..      DEPCDLAB       X'0004' Fn compl-deallocate abend
          .... .1.1      DEPCDLFL       X'0005' Fn compl-deallocate flush
          .... .11.      DEPCBKT        X'0006' Fn compl-backout
          .... .111      DEPCSNER       X'0007' Fn compl-send error
          .... 1...      DEPFGRIP       X'0008' Forget resync in progress
                                        Warning codes:
          00004000       DEPCOMSC       X'4000' Commit state check
          00004001       DEPBKTSC       X'4001' Backout state check
          00004002       DEPACPOK       X'4002' ACCEPT ok
          00004003       DEPISVOK       X'4003' IUCV SEVER ok
          00004004       DEPCPICE       X'4004' CPI-Comm. error postcoord
          00004005       DEPBKPSV       X'4005' Backout path sev'd
          00004006       DEPASVOK       X'4006' APPCVM SEVER ok
          00004007       DEPLRCLE       X'4007' Logical rcd length error
          00004008       DEPREC1        X'4008' REC error, IPAUDIT1 info
          00004009       DEPREC23       X'4009' REC error, IPAUDIT2,3
          0000400A       DEPPC7ER       X'400A' DMSPC7 error
          0000400B       DEPCPICP       X'400B' CPI-Comm. error precoord
                                        Error codes:
          00008000       DEPQREPR       X'8000' QRYSTATE error precoord
          00008001       DEPSETER       X'8001' HNDIUCV SET error
          00008002       DEPACPER       X'8002' ACCEPT error
          00008003       DEPASVER       X'8003' APPCVM SEVER error
          00008004       DEPISVER       X'8004' IUCV SEVER error
          00008005       DEPSREPR       X'8005' Set Received error
          00008006       DEPSRECO       X'8006' Set Received error
          00008007       DEPQREPO       X'8007' QRYSTATE error postcoord
          00008008       DEPCOOSC       X'8008' Coordination state check
          00008009       DEPEBFNI       X'8009' Error before func
          0000800A       DEPINFNC       X'800A' Invalid function
          0000800B       DEPBKTSF       X'800B' Backout state failure
          0000800C       DEPETLUW       X'800C' Error transferring LUWID
          0000800E       DEPINTER       X'800E' Interrupt error
          0000800F       DEPSTORE       X'800F' CMSSTOR error
          00008010       DEPPNA         X'8010' Path not active
          00008011       DEPPTHIN       X'8011' Invalid path table in
                                        CONNECT st.
0002    2 Bitstring    4 DEPVAR1        Variable field 1-Return code
                                        Reason code, or IPRCODE
0006    6 Bitstring    4 DEPVAR2        Variable field 2-Action/State
          0000000A       DEPLERS        *-DEPERSB Length of each Error
                                        Subblk (bytes)


DEPERSB Storage Layout

*** DEPERSB - DEP Error Sub Block Mapping
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
*   0 |  DEPCODE    |         DEPVAR1           |  DEPVAR2-   |
*     +-------------+---------------------------+-------------+
*   8 |   -(006)    | A
*     +-------------+
*** DEPERSB - DEP Error Sub Block Mapping


DEPERSB Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
DEPACPER       0000 00008002
DEPACPOK       0000 00004002
DEPASVER       0000 00008003
DEPASVOK       0000 00004006
DEPBKPSV       0000 00004005
DEPBKRIP       0000 03
DEPBKTSC       0000 00004001
DEPBKTSF       0000 0000800B
DEPCBKT        0000 06
DEPCDLAB       0000 04
DEPCDLFL       0000 05
DEPCHRMX       0000 02
DEPCODE        0000
DEPCOMSC       0000 00004000
DEPCOOSC       0000 00008008
DEPCPICE       0000 00004004
DEPCPICP       0000 0000400B
DEPCSNER       0000 07
DEPEBFNI       0000 00008009
DEPETLUW       0000 0000800C
DEPFGRIP       0000 08
DEPINFNC       0000 0000800A
DEPINTER       0000 0000800E
DEPISVER       0000 00008004
DEPISVOK       0000 00004003
DEPLERS        0006 0000000A
DEPLRCLE       0000 00004007
DEPPC7ER       0000 0000400A
DEPPNA         0000 00008010
DEPPTHIN       0000 00008011
DEPQREPO       0000 00008007
DEPQREPR       0000 00008000
DEPREC1        0000 00004008
DEPREC23       0000 00004009
DEPSETER       0000 00008001
DEPSRECO       0000 00008006
DEPSREPR       0000 00008005
DEPSTORE       0000 0000800F
DEPVAR1        0002
DEPVAR2        0006

This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 14:15:38 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002