Programming Interface Information:
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Control Block Contents
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
SUBBK Prolog
Name : DMSSUBBK Description: Subpool descriptor block DSECT : SUBBK Function : Mapping macro which maps information about storage management subpools. CMS defines a SUBBK for each subpool it creates.
SUBBK Control Block Content
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure SUBBK Subpool descriptor block 0000 0 Signed 4 SUBFORWD Forward pointer for Private SUBBKs 0004 4 Signed 4 SUBBACKW Backward pointer for Private SUBBKs 0008 8 Signed 4 SUBSHFOR Forward pointer for Shared SUBBKs 000C 12 Signed 4 SUBSHBAC Backward pointer for Shared SUBBKs 0010 16 Signed 4 SUBPARTP Anchor for chain of paritally allocated pages 0014 20 Signed 4 SUBFULLP Anchor for chain of fully allocated pages 0018 24 Character 8 SUBPNAME Name of the subpool 0020 32 Bitstring 1 SUBPFLAG Flags to define the described page 1... .... SUBLASTP X'80' Last partial page added is still active .1.. .... SUBPSYST X'40' System subpool, survives ABEND .... .1.. SUBPNEW X'04' Most recent created subpool on this SVC level .... ..11 SUBPGLOB X'03' The subpool is GLOBAL .... ..1. SUBPSHAR X'02' The subpool is SHARED .... ...1 SUBPPRIV X'01' The subpool is PRIVATE IF YOU ARE MOVING THESE BITS PLEASE NOTE NOTES : The following bits have a corresponding bit in the SPPL byte of the SPPL. The bits are in the same locations: SPPLFG1 SUBPFLAG Bit Position (in both) ------- -------- ---------------------- SPPLSYS SUBPSYST X'40' SPPLGLO SUBPGLOB X'03' SPPLSHA SUBPSHAR X'02' SPPLPRI SUBPPRIV X'01' 0021 33 Bitstring 1 SUBPKEY Storage key for the described subpool 0022 34 Signed 2 SUBLASTO Size of last piece causing new part pg 0024 36 Signed 4 SUBTAILP Tail pointer-partially allocated chain 0028 40 Signed 4 SUBFPTHD Head pointer for full-partial chain 002C 44 Signed 4 SUBFPTTL Tail pointer for full-partial chain 00000030 SUBSIZEB *-SUBBK Size of a SUBBK in bytes 00000006 SUBSIZED (SUBSIZEB+7)/8 Size of a SUBBK in D-words
SUBBK Storage Layout
*** SUBBK - Subpool descriptor block * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 0 | SUBFORWD | SUBBACKW | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 8 | SUBSHFOR | SUBSHBAC | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 10 | SUBPARTP | SUBFULLP | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 18 | SUBPNAME | * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 20 |:PFLAG|:PKEY | SUBLASTO | SUBTAILP | * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 28 | SUBFPTHD | SUBFPTTL | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 30 * *** SUBBK - Subpool descriptor block
SUBBK Cross Reference
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- SUBBACKW 0004 SUBFORWD 0000 SUBFPTHD 0028 SUBFPTTL 002C SUBFULLP 0014 SUBLASTO 0022 SUBLASTP 0020 80 SUBPARTP 0010 SUBPFLAG 0020 SUBPGLOB 0020 03 SUBPKEY 0021 SUBPNAME 0018 SUBPNEW 0020 04 SUBPPRIV 0020 01 SUBPSHAR 0020 02 SUBPSYST 0020 40 SUBSHBAC 000C SUBSHFOR 0008 SUBSIZEB 002C 00000030 SUBSIZED 002C 00000006 SUBTAILP 0024
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 14:05:18 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002