Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  

STPL Prolog

 Name       : DMSSTPL
 Description: CMSSTOR parameter list macro
 DSECT      : STPL
 Function   : Mapping macro which maps the
              parameters generated by the CMSSTOR macro.


STPL Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      STPL           CMSSTOR parameter list macro
     NOTES : On a SVC invocation of CMSSTOR data is passed to storage
     management via the USEUFLG in USAVE. This is done for the purpose of
     reentrancy. The CMSCALL expansion in CMSSTOR will set these bits in R15
     and DMSITS will place them in USEUFLG. The STPLUFCO bit is used to
     determine if we should abend on error conditions. On BALR linkgae this
     is determined by the entry point invoked. The STPLBYLO bit is used to
     determine "where" to find the BYTES/DWORDS bit. On BALR linkage the
     BYTES/DWORDS bit is always bit 32 of R1. The STPLUFBY is the SVC
     counterpart to bit 32 of R1 on a BALR. It may or may not be used
     depending upon the setting of STPLBYLO. If it is not used, STPLBYT in
     STPLFG2 will be used instead. This happens when BYTES/DWRODS was
     specified on the list form of the macro instead of the E form or
     standard form.
     EQUATES used for mapping USEUFLG in USAVE on SVC invocation
          1... ....      STPLUFCO       X'80' Conditional Request - Don't
          .1.. ....      STPLBYLO       X'40' Use STPLUFBY to test for
                                        BYTES/DWORDS, else use STPLBYT
                                        for the test.
          ..1. ....      STPLUFBY       X'20' BYTES is in R0, else
0000    0 Character    8 STPLEPN        Entry Point Name
0008    8 Character    8 STPLSPN        Subpool Name
0010   16 Signed       4 STPLSIZ        Storage size in Bytes or D-Words
0014   20 Signed       4 STPLMIN        Minimum value for a variable
0018   24 Signed       4 STPLADR        Address of Storage on call
001C   28 Bitstring    1 STPLFG1        For both OBTAIN and RELEASE
          1... ....      STPLSPS        X'80' The subpool name was
          .1.. ....      STPLGBL        X'40' Global was specified on the
          ...1 ....      STPLMSG        X'10' The MSG parameter was
                                        specified as NO
          .... 1...      STPLADD        X'08' The ADDR parameter was
          .... ..11      STPLBEL        X'03' LOC=BELOW was specified
          .... ..1.      STPLABV        X'02' LOC=ABOVE was specified
          .... ...1      STPLANY        X'01' LOC=ANY was specified
          .... ....      STPLSAM        X'00' LOC=SAME was specified
001D   29 Bitstring    1 STPLFG2        For OBTAIN only
          1... ....      STPLMNM        X'80' "min" was specified for
          .1.. ....      STPLPAG        X'40' Page alignment was
          .... 1...      STPLSST        X'08' Subpool='xxxxxxxx'
                                        specified. DO NOT search
                                        preferred subpools in DMSFRO
          .... .1..      STPLMRG        X'04' Value for MIN in plist is a
                                        Register Number
          .... ..1.      STPLARG        X'02' Value for ADDR in plist is
                                        a Register Number
          .... ...1      STPLBYT        X'01' Bytes was specified on LIST
001E   30 Bitstring    1 STPLSPC        Code byte when preferred subpool
001F   31 Bitstring    1 *              Reserved
0020   32 Character    8 *              Plist Fence
          00000028       STPLSZB        *-STPL Size of parameter list in
          00000005       STPLSZD        (STPLSZB+7)/8 Size of parameter
                                        list in dwords MACRO DMSSPPL
                                        (CREATED: 07/11/86 20:51:02)


STPL Storage Layout

*** STPL - CMSSTOR parameter list macro
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       STPLEPN                         |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       STPLSPN                         |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         STPLSIZ           |         STPLMIN           |
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  18 |         STPLADR           |:LFG1 |:LFG2 |:LSPC |//////|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////|
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  28
*** STPL - CMSSTOR parameter list macro


STPL Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
STPLABV        001C 02
STPLADD        001C 08
STPLADR        0018
STPLANY        001C 01
STPLARG        001D 02
STPLBEL        001C 03
STPLBYLO       0000 40
STPLBYT        001D 01
STPLEPN        0000
STPLFG1        001C
STPLFG2        001D
STPLGBL        001C 40
STPLMIN        0014
STPLMNM        001D 80
STPLMRG        001D 04
STPLMSG        001C 10
STPLPAG        001D 40
STPLSAM        001C 00
STPLSIZ        0010
STPLSPC        001E
STPLSPN        0008
STPLSPS        001C 80
STPLSST        001D 08
STPLSZB        0020 00000028
STPLSZD        0020 00000005
STPLUFBY       0000 20
STPLUFCO       0000 80

This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 14:05:05 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002