Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.



Control Block Contents  

Storage Layout  

Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)  


 Name       : PDSSECT
 Description: Directory Table for BPAM Simulation
 Function   : PDSSECT describes the fields of the in-storage
              directory that is used in OS simulation of
              BPAM. The in-storage directory is built
              dynamically by DMSSVT from CMS free storage.
              PDSSECT is called by the PDSSECT macro.


PDSSECT Control Block Content


Hex   Dec Type/Val   Lng Label (dup)    Comments
---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- --------
0000    0 Structure      PDSSECT        Directory Table for BPAM
0000    0 Character    6 PDSIDENT       MACLIB/PDS IDENTIFIER.
          11.1 .111      PDSFNEW        C'P' CHECK PDSIDENT+3, OLD VS
0006    6 Bitstring    1 PDSFLG1        MACLIB/PDS FLAG1.
          .1.1 1.11      PDSTEMPF       C'$' PDS DIR. IS IN $PDSTEMP
0007    7 Bitstring    1 PDSFLG2        MACLIB/PDS FLAG2.
0008    8 Signed       4 PDSDIRSZ       MACLIB/PDS DIRECTORY SIZE.
000C   12 Signed       4 PDSDIRIT       MACLIB/PDS DIRECTORY ITEM NO.
          00000010       PDSHDRSZ       *-PDSIDENT SIZE OF MACLIB/PDS
0010   16 Signed       4 PDSENTSZ       PDS ENTRY SIZE. AREA TO KEEP
                                        "DMSLIB" MACLIB/PDS FORMAT HEADER
0014   20 Signed       2 DIRNAME (3)    - MACLIB IDENTIFIER
001A   26 Signed       2 DIRPTR         - ITEM PTR TO START OF DIRECTORY
001C   28 Bitstring    1 TEMPBYTE       - IF $ , THEN PDS IS IN $PDSTEMP
001D   29 Bitstring    1 CHNGBYTE       - INDICATES UPDATES TO DICT.
001E   30 Signed       2 CORESIZE       - SIZE OF DICTIONARY IN BYTES
0020   32 Signed       2 PDSBLKSI       - BLOCKSIZE OF DICTIONARY
0022   34 Bitstring    1 NEWBLKS (2)    - NO. NEW BLKS ADDED BY STOW
          00000024       PDSLEN         *-PDSSECT LENGTH OF THE PDSSECT
0024   36 Signed       4 PDSDIR (0)     - START OF IN CORE DICTIONARY


PDSSECT Storage Layout

*** PDSSECT - Directory Table for BPAM Simulation
*     +-----------------------------------------+------+------+
*   0 |                PDSIDENT                 |:FLG1 |:FLG2 |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+------+------+
*   8 |         PDSDIRSZ          |         PDSDIRIT          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         PDSENTSZ          |         DIRNAME-          |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  18 |   -(014)    |   DIRPTR    |:PBYTE|:GBYTE|  CORESIZE   |
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+
*  20 |  PDSBLKSI   |  NEWBLKS    |
*     +-------------+-------------+
*** PDSSECT - Directory Table for BPAM Simulation


PDSSECT Cross Reference

Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
CHNGBYTE       001D
CORESIZE       001E
DIRNAME        0014
DIRPTR         001A
NEWBLKS        0022
PDSBLKSI       0020
PDSDIR         0024
PDSDIRIT       000C
PDSDIRSZ       0008
PDSENTSZ       0010
PDSFLG1        0006
PDSFLG2        0007
PDSFNEW        0000 D7
PDSHDRSZ       000C 00000010
PDSIDENT       0000
PDSLEN         0022 00000024
PDSTEMPF       0006 5B
TEMPBYTE       001C

This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 14:26:45 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002