Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM. |
Control Block Contents
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Name : DIOSECT Description: Disk I/O Work Area DSECT : DIOSECT Notes : MODULE TYPE - Macro Function : This is the bilingual macro containing the mapping of the disk I/O work area used primarily by module DMSDIO. DIOSECT describes the fields used by DMSDIO as a work area when reading and writing actual blocks of data on CMS disks. DIOSECT is pointed to by a V-constant in DMSNUC, and referenced indirectly by ADIOSECT in NUCON.
DIOSECT Control Block Content
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure DIOSECT Disk I/O Work Area 0000 0 Dbl-Word 8 IOOLD IO-OLD-PSW (FROM INTERRUPT ROUTINE) 0008 8 Dbl-Word 8 DIOCSW CSW (FROM INTERRUPT ROUTINE) WAIT CALLING SEQUENCE 0010 16 Signed 4 * (0) 0010 16 Character 8 PWAIT 0018 24 Character 4 * FILLED IN TO CORRECT SYMBOLIC DISK NO. 001C 28 Signed 4 * 0020 32 Signed 4 * 0024 36 Signed 4 QQDSK1 1ST TWO BYTES ALWAYS = 0 ..1. .11. QQDSK2 QQDSK1+2 HALFWORD COPY OF 16TH TRACK DISK-ADDRESS CCW CHAIN 0050 80 Bitstring 7 SEEKADR SEEK/SEARCH INFO (1ST 3 BYTES ARE 0) 0057 87 Bitstring 1 SECTNUM SECTOR NUMBER FBA CCWS FOR USE IN ONE-CMS-BLK OPERATIONS FULL MINIDISK NEXT OPERATION DEFINE EXTENT LIST 0070 112 Bitstring 1 FBACD1 MASK 0071 113 Bitstring 3 * RESERVED 0074 116 Signed 4 FBACD1MO MAJOR OFFSET 0078 120 Signed 4 FBACD1FB FIRST BLOCK OFFSET 007C 124 Signed 4 FBACD1LB LAST BLOCK OFFSET LOCATE LIST 0080 128 Bitstring 1 FBACL1 OPERATION 0081 129 Bitstring 1 * AUX BYTE 0082 130 Signed 2 FBACL1NB NUMBER OF BLKS 0084 132 Signed 4 FBACL1BO BLOCK OFFSET I/O INFO 0088 136 Signed 4 LASTCYL BECOMES 'LAST CYLINDER-NUMBER USED' 008C 140 Signed 4 LASTHED BECOMES 'LAST HEAD-NUMBER USED' 0090 144 Bitstring 1 DEVTYP Device type from the DEVTAB 0091 145 Bitstring 1 DIOFLAG RDTK/WRTK FLAG: .1.. .... DIODYBUF X'40' DYnamic BUFfer obtained ..1. .... DIOFLSB X'20' Sense bytes stored on I/O error ...1 .... DIOFLCSW X'10' CSW stored on I/O error .... .1.. TOOBIG X'04' BYTE-COUNT > 800 .... ..1. WRTKF X'02' WRITING FIRST CHAIN LINK .... ...1 QQTRK X'01' HANDLING FIRST CHAIN LINK ...1 1... DIAGNUM 24 **** NUMBER ASSIGNED BY 'CP' FOR DIAGNOSE I/O **** .... .1.. DIOBKWTH 4 Default block width is 4.. 0098 152 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0098 152 Bitstring 32 SENSB SENSE INFORMATION MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE... 00C0 192 Dbl-Word 8 DOUBLE (SCRATCH-AREA, FOR CVD USE ETC.) KEEP THE FOLLOWING THREE IN ORDER... 00C8 200 Signed 4 XRSAVE (15) REGISTERS 0-14 SAVED HERE FOR RDTK-WRTK 0104 260 Address 3 * FIRST 3 BYTES OF R15 ERROR-CODE 0107 263 Address 1 ERRCODE ERROR-CODE (IN R15 AT EXIT) KEEP THE FOLLOWING TWO IN ORDER.. 0108 264 Signed 4 FREER0 NO. DBL-WORDS OF FREE STORAGE (IF ANY) 010C 268 Signed 4 DIOFREE ADD. OF FREE STORAGE FOR BUFFER OR CCW'S 0110 272 Signed 2 DIOSNSCT SENSE BYTE COUNT 0112 274 Signed 2 * RESERVED 0120 288 Bitstring 1 DIAGRET CP'S DIAGNOSE RETURN CODE IF NON-ZERO 0121 289 Bitstring 1 IOCOMM SET TO READ (06) OR WRITE (05) 0122 290 Bitstring 1 LASTREC NUMBER (1-14) OF THE LAST RECORD PROCESSED 0128 296 Dbl-Word 8 DIOCCW01 (128) CCW BUILD AREA FOR LONG OPERATIONS VA09499 00000080 DIOCCWLN (*-DIOCCW01)/8 Number of Dwords in work area 0528 1320 Signed 4 DIODIEPL (7) Reserve storage for DISKDIE parameter list 0544 1348 Signed 4 * Reserved 0548 1352 Dbl-Word 8 * (0) 0128 296 Signed 4 DIOBUFEN Max number of SBILIST entries that can be built in the workarea 0130 304 Dbl-Word 8 DIOSBIOP (11) SBIOP block build area 0000000C DIODWUSD (*-DIOCCW01)/8 Number of d-words used 0188 392 Dbl-Word 8 DIOSBL01 (0) SBILIST build area .111 .1.. DIOSBLMX DIOCCWLN-DIODWUSD Number of SBILISTS buildable in static save area ECKD CCW CHAIN 0560 1376 Signed 4 * (0) Set up alignment 0560 1376 Bitstring 16 DIODEX (0) Define extent parameter list 0560 1376 Bitstring 1 DIOMASK Mask byte 0561 1377 Bitstring 1 DIOATTRB Extended CKD implemented 0562 1378 Signed 2 DIOBLKSZ Maximum block size allowed 0564 1380 Bitstring 3 * RESERVED /*VA59119*/ 0567 1383 Bitstring 1 DIOGLOA7 Global attribute byte seven /*VA59119*/ .1.. .... DIOR0FMT X'40' R0 is standard /*VA59119*/ 0568 1384 Signed 2 DIOBEGCC Beginning cylinder extent 056A 1386 Signed 2 DIOBEGHH Beginning head extent 056C 1388 Signed 2 DIOENDCC End cylinder extent 056E 1390 Signed 2 DIOENDHH End head extent 0570 1392 Signed 4 * (0) Set up alignment 0570 1392 Bitstring 16 DIOLOC (0) Locate record parameter list 0570 1392 Bitstring 1 DIOOPBYT OP code byte 0571 1393 Bitstring 1 DIOAUX Auxiliary byte 0572 1394 Bitstring 1 * RESERVED - SET TO ZEROS 0573 1395 Bitstring 1 DIORECNO Number of records to process 0574 1396 Signed 2 DIOSEEKC Seek cylinder 0576 1398 Signed 2 DIOSEEKH Seek head 0578 1400 Signed 2 DIOSRCHC Search cylinder 057A 1402 Signed 2 DIOSRCHH Search head 057C 1404 Bitstring 1 DIOSRCHR Search record number 057D 1405 Bitstring 1 DIOSSECT Sector number 057E 1406 Signed 2 DIOTLF Transfer length factor ** CMS EQUATE SYMBOLS
DIOSECT Storage Layout
*** DIOSECT - Disk I/O Work Area * * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 0 | IOOLD | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 8 | DIOCSW | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 10 | PWAIT | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 18 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////| * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 20 |///////////////////////////| QQDSK1 | * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 28 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +------------------------------------------------+------+ * 50 | SEEKADR |:TNUM | * +------------------------------------------------+------+ * 58 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +------+--------------------+---------------------------+ * 70 |FBACD1|////////////////////| FBACD1MO | * +------+--------------------+---------------------------+ * 78 | FBACD1FB | FBACD1LB | * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 80 |FBACL1|//////| FBACL1NB | FBACL1BO | * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 88 | LASTCYL | LASTHED | * +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 90 |DEVTYP|:FLAG |/////////////////////////////////////////| * +------+------+-----------------------------------------+ * 98 | | * = SENSB = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * B8 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * C0 | DOUBLE | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * C8 | | * = XRSAVE = * | +--------------------+------+ * 100 | |////////////////////|:CODE | * +---------------------------+--------------------+------+ * 108 | FREER0 | DIOFREE | * +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+ * 110 | DIOSNSCT |/////////////|///////////////////////////| * +-------------+-------------+///////////////////////////| * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +------+------+------+----------------------------------+ * 120 |:GRET |IOCOMM|:TREC |//////////////////////////////////| * +------+------+------+----------------------------------+ * 128 | | * = DIOCCW01 = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * 528 | | * = DIODIEPL = * | +---------------------------+ * 540 | |///////////////////////////| * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 548 |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * =///////////////////////////////////////////////////////= * |///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| * +------+------+-------------+--------------------+------+ * 560 |:MASK |:ATTRB| DIOBLKSZ |////////////////////|:GLOA7| * +------+------+-------------+-------------+------+------+ * 568 | DIOBEGCC | DIOBEGHH | DIOENDCC | DIOENDHH | * +------+------+------+------+-------------+-------------+ * 570 |:OPBYT|DIOAUX|//////|:RECNO| DIOSEEKC | DIOSEEKH | * +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------------+ * 578 | DIOSRCHC | DIOSRCHH |:SRCHR|:SSECT| DIOTLF | * +-------------+-------------+------+------+-------------+ * 580 * *** DIOSECT - Disk I/O Work Area *** Overlay for DIOCCW01 in DIOSECT * * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 128 | DIOBUFEN |///////////////////////////| * +---------------------------+---------------------------+ * 130 | | * = DIOSBIOP = * | | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * *** Overlay for DIOCCW01 in DIOSECT
DIOSECT Cross Reference
Symbol Dspl Value -------------- ---- ----- DEVTYP 0090 DIAGNUM 0091 18 DIAGRET 0120 DIOATTRB 0561 DIOAUX 0571 DIOBEGCC 0568 DIOBEGHH 056A DIOBKWTH 0091 04 DIOBLKSZ 0562 DIOBUFEN 0128 DIOCCWLN 0128 00000080 DIOCCW01 0128 DIOCSW 0008 DIODEX 0560 DIODIEPL 0528 DIODWUSD 0130 0000000C DIODYBUF 0091 40 DIOENDCC 056C DIOENDHH 056E DIOFLAG 0091 DIOFLCSW 0091 10 DIOFLSB 0091 20 DIOFREE 010C DIOGLOA7 0567 DIOLOC 0570 DIOMASK 0560 DIOOPBYT 0570 DIORECNO 0573 DIOR0FMT 0567 40 DIOSBIOP 0130 DIOSBLMX 0188 74 DIOSBL01 0188 DIOSEEKC 0574 DIOSEEKH 0576 DIOSNSCT 0110 DIOSRCHC 0578 DIOSRCHH 057A DIOSRCHR 057C DIOSSECT 057D DIOTLF 057E DOUBLE 00C0 ERRCODE 0107 FBACD1 0070 FBACD1FB 0078 FBACD1LB 007C FBACD1MO 0074 FBACL1 0080 FBACL1BO 0084 FBACL1NB 0082 FREER0 0108 IOCOMM 0121 IOOLD 0000 LASTCYL 0088 LASTHED 008C LASTREC 0122 PWAIT 0010 QQDSK1 0024 QQDSK2 0024 26 QQTRK 0091 01 SECTNUM 0057 SEEKADR 0050 SENSB 0098 TOOBIG 0091 04 WRTKF 0091 02 XRSAVE 00C8
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 14:16:08 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002