Mount a VM file system when using Microsoft Windows®

  • First you need a Windows NFS client installed on your personal computer.

    • Be aware that some clients require that an export list be provided. VM's NFS server supports export lists beginning in TCP/IP level 320 for VM/ESA Version 2, Release 4.0.

    • You may need to configure your NFS client to use the versions supported by the z/VM NFS server: V2 or V3.

      If you get an "access denied by server" message, try changing the client to use to use a different version. For example,

      1. Network Connections -> Local Area Connection -> Properties -> NFS Client
      2. Select "Properties"
      3. Under the "Network" Tab check the box under "NFS Version:" to "Force NFSv2"

      4. You may also have to configure the client to disable locking.

  • Does Windows know about the NFS server you are planning to use?

  • Mount information

  • How do I tell which release level is running on the server?

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