VM news and changes to the VM web site for 1999
(This summary has been modified to remove old/non-functioning links).
December 1999 |
- Encourage your colleagues or your customers to enroll in iSource, a customized IBM news distribution.
- Mark your calendars...
2000 VM and VSE Technical Conferences
May 31 - June 3, 2000 in Orlando, Florida
June 26- June 28, 2000 in LaHulpe, Belgium - S/390 and Linux: Statement of interoperability
- New Redbook:
Multiprise 3000 Technical Introduction, SG24-5633
November 1999 |
- This VM web server (aka www.vm.ibm.com) will be run unattended from the afternoon of Tuesday, November 23 until we returned from holiday on Monday morning, November 29, 1999. If you're interested in running a VM web server, check out the myriad options available to you.
- VM and VSE Vitality, a new paper by consultants at the ACTS Corp.
- January through- May 2000 VM and VSE Teleconference topics have been added to the VM Events Calendar
Listen to the replay of the Tuesday, November 16
VM Teleconference - the topic is
VM e-business: Hints, Tips, and Tools
- The VM Printing Resources page was designed for those of you have an interest in TCP/IP, IP-attached printers, and internet printing.
- How do you nominate your site for the mark of e-business? The IBM e-business Mark, a special graphic treatment of the IBM and e-business logos, is designed to help your Web site prosper. To learn what it's doing for other e-businesses and nominate your Web site, visit: http://www.ibm.com/e-business/emarkinfo/
- Some of you asked where the DFSORT/CMS information is. You can find DFSORT/CMS in the VM Related Products list, or directly at the IBM Storage Software page,
- GUIDE International Corporation dissolved (Read letter from the president). See VM User Groups for other user group options.
October 1999 |
- VM/ESA V2R4.0 Q's and A's have been updated
- VM Year 2000 Support Technical Reference has been refreshed.
- Voice your opinion via the CMS and TSO Pipelines User Community Survey. Survey is closed and the results are being tallied by the survey owner.
- Some IBM offerings (--offers were removed after their expiration date)
- IBM Announcements (US Version):
- Tivoli Storage Management Product Set for System/390, Linking Storage Management to Business Strategy
Software Withdrawal: Tivoli ADSTAR Distributed Storage
Manager for MVS and VM, Version 2.1, and Version 3.1
Base Server Features. Replacements Available.
- Software Withdrawal 999-279 that includes ACF/VTAM, APPC Application Suite for VM (Replacements available)
- (US) End-of-Service announcements for selected S/390 programs (299-275), EOS for VM/ESA V2R2.0 is January 31, 2001
- Hear about VM/ESA V2 R.40 at these VM Events:
CAVMEN (Chicago Area VM ENthusiasts),
October 14 in Chicago, Illinois -
(Midwest Regional VM Users Group),
October 22 in Dayton, Ohio -
WAVV (World Alliance of VSE & VM) ,
October 23-26 in Cincinnati, OH -
Metropolitan VM Users Association (MVMUA),
October 25 in New York City
CAVMEN (Chicago Area VM ENthusiasts),
- Enroll now for the October 27 VM Teleconference - the topic is Business Intelligence with VM/ESA
- IBM puts enterprise power of DB2 in the palm of your hand. For details and to download a complimentary copy of DB2 Everywhere, visit www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/everywhere/
- Recent Redbooks:
- Porting UNIX Applications to OpenExtensions for VM/ESA, SG24-5458-00 (Adobe PDF)
IBM Enterprise Storage Server, SG24-5465-00 (Adobe PDF)
And on a related topic, you might wish to read the IBM Enterprise Storage Server Technical Overview paper - Introduction to Storage Area Network, SAN, SG24-5470-00 (Adobe PDF)
- Implementing SnapShot, SG24-2241-01 (Adobe PDF)
- My Mother Thinks I'm a DBA! Cross-Platform, Multi-Vendor, Distributed Relational Data Replication with IBM DB2 DataPropagator and IBM DataJoiner Made Easy!, SG24-5463-00 (Adobe PDF)
- IBM Storage Solutions for Server Consolidation, SG24-5355-00
Recent Redpieces:
- TCP/IP Solutions for VM/ESA, SG24-5459-00
- S/390 Server Consolidation - A Guide for IT Managers, SG24-5600-00
September 1999 |
- Announcements (US versions):
IBM System/390 Multiprise 3000 Enterprise Server
- Growth Opportunity License Charge for S/390 Software
- OS/390 Workload Transition Offering for VM and VSE
IBM System/390 Multiprise 3000 Enterprise Server
- Did you know there is an MQSeries User Group in the NY/NJ area?
- VM Teleconference, Sept 22:
-Hear VM/ESA Release Update and Customer Experience
- UK and Europe VM Bulletin (September 1999)
- No charge, IBM VM Performance Workshop September 23/24 at IBM Bedfont Lakes. This is the place to be if you want to know more about FCON/ESA.
S/390 Partners in Development Member Solution:
Sterling Software's VM:Webgateway ensures timely and cost-effective information delivery to Lafayette Life Insurance agents - IBM S/390 Bulletin (Issue 25, August 1999 is available)
August 1999 |
- No charge, IBM VM Performance Workshop September 23/24 at IBM Bedfont Lakes. This is the place to be if you want to know more about FCON/ESA.
- Press Release (04 August 1999)
- Customer comments about VM/ESA V2R4.0
- Enjoy a few photos from 1999 VM and VSE Technical Conference in Orlando
- Enhanced DIRLIST for download.
- Software withdrawal of TCP/IP for VM product, not to be confused with the TCP/IP for VM/ESA feature that is delivered with the base VM as an optional, priced feature.
- Participate in the "LE" migration survey
VM Keeping You Informed booklet (Adobe PDF format)
If you need hardcopy, request via the VM Feedback.
July 1999 |
- Customer success:
The George Washington Biostatistic Center solidfies its investment in SAS Solutions and S/390 VM/ESA Technology. - VM/ESA V2 R4.0 Generally Available as
of 23 July 1999
VM/ESA V2 R4.0 Performance Report is available!
- VM/ESA V2 R4.0 CMS and CP Data Areas and Control Blocks
- Read other VM/ESA V2 R4.0 Information - Related products:
-OSA/SF for VM/ESA information available in the related products list.
- (US and Puerto Rico)
IBM DB2 (for VSE and VM) and QMF Software Promotion (link removed because that particular offer expired 12/31/1999). - Download:
the VM indexing search engine used on the VM web site
is available via the VM Download Library
as the package SEARCH
- 1999 VM and VSE Technical Conference (Orlando)
-conference summary, including notes from VM Platform Manager roundtable
- Announcements:
-IBM Storage:
CNN IBMLink IBM Enterprise Storage Server announced (US Letter)
-Software Withdrawal:
OS/390 Automated UNIX System Option for VM, VSE, and OS/390 -- Replacement Available - VM web site changes. See what changed "by file". We will continue to maintain this page of news and highlights for your convenience.
- How IBM VM and VSE specialists from IBM Global Services can be of assistance to you with your VM, VSE, and S/390 needs.
- VM road sign humor.
Where does the VM community "hang out".....VMESA-L
It is good to subscribe to VMESA-L whether you are seeking advice from your VM peers, or just want to keep up with VM discussions. Note that VMESA-L moved on 27 July.
June 1999 |
- New--
Year 2000 White Paper:
Planning for the 1999 to 2000 Rollover of IT Systems -
S/390 Partners in Development Member Solution of the Month:
Fahrlehrer Versicherung relies on Sterling Software for VM system and database management -
VM/ESA Version 2 Release 4 was announced
on May 24, 1999.
Since announcement day, the
following items have been added. Read and enjoy!
- VM/ESA Fact Sheet
- Licensed Products Migration Matrix for VM/ESA V2R4.0
- Non-IBM Solution Developers Products Matrix for VM/ESA V2 R4.0
- S/390 VM/ESA Reference Guide
- VM/ESA Version2 Release 4.0 (proposal insert)
- TCP/IP Feature for VM/ESA (proposal insert)
- e-business with VM/ESA and VSE/ESA
- Thank you for participating in the June 14-16 VM and VSE Technical Conference in Mainz, Germany. A summary with Photos will be posted later.
- VM Application Development Hint and Tips is the topic for the June 23 VM teleconference call.
- We were pleased to hear that attendees felt the VM and VSE conference in Orlando was worthwhile. Thank you for attending the conference (and thanks to the many presenters and exhibitors who helped to make it a success).
May 1999 |
- Announced this month:
- VM/ESA Version 2 Release 4
- ADSM V3.1 for VM/ESA
- IBM S/390 Generation 6 Enterprise Server
The latest from the IBM ITSO:
Porting UNIX Applications to OpenExtensions for VM/ESA, SG24-5458-00, a Redpiece available for viewing or download (PDF). -
Be sure to enroll today for one of the
VM/ESA and VSE/ESA Technical Conferences---
choice of May 24-27 in Orlando and June 14-16 in Mainz.
(Vendor expos for both events are sold out....) - US Customers:
Are you a US Customer running VM/ESA V2R2 or higher, and/or VSE/ESA V2R1.1 or higher..... with an IBM S/390 Processor AND an IBM Hardware Maintenance Agreement? If the answers are yes-yes-yes, you may be entitled at no additional cost to S/390 Service Update Facility, an internet-based software service tool. Contact your IBM rep or visit the web site, www.s390.ibm.com/suf/, to register and download the S/390 Service Update Facility service tool - Proposed maintenance to the electrical service in the building where this web server resides may result in this server being unavailable for part of the US Memorial Holiday weekend. (May 29-30). We apologize for the inconvenience.
Listen to the playback of the
May 13:
for the the no-charge VM Teleconference
to hear ways of "Expanding e-business Options"
( View handouts in Adobe Acrobat format)
April 1999 |
- Announced:
DB2 Forms (for VM and VSE) quickly builds DB2 e-business applications - Note that the April 28 VM Teleconference about "Expanding e-business Options" is postponed until May 13.
- What's an ideal place for a VM technical update? The VM/ESA and VSE/ESA Technical Conference with your choice of May 24-27 in Orlando and June 14-16 in Mainz. Enroll today!
- VM Events galore....
- Attend the April 23 meeting of the MVMRUG in Indianapolis where Brian Wade will present the Reusable Server Kernel and also "How IBM manages www.vm.ibm.com"
- A reminder to S/390 Partners in Development of the Spring 1999 Technical Disclosue Meeting
- What more can you ask for than a day of VM, Java, NetRexx and CMS Pipelines? Spend April 29 in Chicago (ok, Park Ridge) with the CAVMEN (Chicago Area VM Enthusiasts) and with IBM guest speaker Will Roden.
- Is your VM system a Year 2000 ready release of VM/ESA? Issue "QUERY CPLEVEL". Currently VM/ESA Version 2 Release 2 and VM/ESA Version 2 Release 3 are the two releases that are enabled for Year 2000 at this time.
- Looking for something on the VM web site? Try our VM Site Search powered by VM/ESA and the Reusable Server Kernel.
- The April 1999 Edition of IBM S/390 Bulletin is available
- Seeking interesting VM stories, articles, leads, and advertisers for the S/390 VM and VSE Solutions Journal (Volume III).
- IBM COBOL Family White Paper
March 1999 |
- Do not adjust your display; this really is the
VM home page. We recently converted to the new
IBM and S/390 "look and feel" and hope that
it will provide consistency across web sites.
We still have a few pages to tweak, but for the most it was accomplished with CMS Pipelines (and lots of XEDITing). If you miss the "yellow strip of links" we used to have on the main VM page, why not give our Site Map a try.
- Mark your calendar for upcoming VM Events:
- Plan to attend:
MVMUA on March 31 in New York City when they
celebrate 25 years at their 100th meeting:
- IBM and Tivoli S/390 Enterprise Solutions Roadshows in US and Canada
MVMUA on March 31 in New York City when they
celebrate 25 years at their 100th meeting:
- Listen to "VM Platform Update - Guest Support and Future Directions" on the March 24 teleconference.
- VM/ESA and VSE/ESA Technical Conference:
June 14-16 in Mainz, Germany
May 24-27 in Orlando, Florida (Save $100 when you register before April 1)
- Plan to attend:
- Some of you have noticed the redesign of the IBM and S/390 home pages and have asked about VM's page. Thanks for your interest. Yes, we are working on adapting the new design for VM, too.
- VMSHARE archives have been made available on the web compliments of Princeton University and the CGI programming skills of Rob van der Heij.
Attention S/390 Partners in Development:
The Spring 1999 S/390 Partners in Development Technical Disclosure Meeting is scheduled for April 26-30, in Poughkeepsie, NY (VM Day is Thursday)
February 1999 |
- A wide array of VM activities awaits your perusal on the
VM Events Calendar
- Hear about "IT Savings via Server Consolidation and VM/ESA" on February 24 (via teleconference).
- Enroll right here for the next
VM/ESA and VSE/ESA Technical Conference:
June 14-16 in Mainz, Germany
May 24-27 in Orlando, Florida - Two VM User Groups are celebrating 25 years at their 100th
Feb 17: UK & Ireland VM Users Group
Soon: : MVMUA (Metro VM Users Association), (March 8 meeting postponed -- stay tuned) - Announcing the IBM and Tivoli S/390 Enterprise Solutions Roadshows in US and Canada
- IBM S390 VM and VSE Solutions Journal is available.
- A ComputerWorld article entitled, "Webifying the Mainframe" discusses some real-life examples of using web front ends on "legacy" data.
- VM and VSE folks in Portland and Seattle interested in forming a a VM and VSE user group may contact Melissa Curry of VM Assist, Inc.
January 1999 |
- VM/ESA and VSE/ESA Technical Conference
brochure and enrollment
(June 14-16, 1999 in Mainz, Germany). - A VM first! VM Preventive (RSU) and Corrective Service on Compact Disc.
- A new version of the VM/ESA Licensed Products Migration Matrix is available.(01/98)
- VM/ESA V2R3.0 Vendor Product Support Matrix has been updated.(01/98)
- Reusable Server Kernel is generally available.
- Upcoming VM Teleconferences:
- February 24: IT Savings via Server Consolidation and VM/ESA
- March 24: VM Platform Update - Guest Support and Future Directions
- April 28: Expanding e-business Options
- June 23: VM Application Development Hints and Tips
Link to the changes made during2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1998, 1997, 1996.