IBM z/VM and VM-related licensed products and features
General software information
Links to some IBM z/VM and VM-related licensed products and features
- Archive Manager for z/VM
- Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM
- C and C++ for z/VM
- CUF (z/VM CMS Utilities)
- DB2 for VSE & VM
- DFSMS/VM (Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem)
- Directory Maintenance (DirMaint)
- DMS/CMS (Display Management System/CMS)
- GDDM family of products
- HCD (Hardware Configuration Definition)
- HCM (Hardware Configuration Manager)
- High Level Assembler (HLASM)
- IBM Compiler and Library for REXX on IBM Z
- IBM Security zSecure Manager for RACF z/VM
- Infrastructure Suite for z/VM and Linux
- Language Environment®
- MQSeries Client for VM/ESA
- NFS Server Support
- OMEGAMON XE on z/VM and Linux
- OpenExtensions for z/VM
- Operations Manager for z/VM
- OSA/SF (Open Systems Adapter Support Facility for VM)
- Performance Products for z/VM from IBM
- Performance Toolkit for VMTM
- RACF Security Server feature for z/VM
- RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem)
- RSK (Reusable Server Kernel)
- SDO (VM System Delivery Offering)
- Tape Manager for z/VM
- TCP/IP for z/VM
- VM Batch Facility
- VM/Pass-Through Facility
Note: This is not a complete list of all products for VM that are available from IBM. Refer to LP Migration Matrix for a more complete list of product numbers and then search IBM Offering Information or IBM Announcement Letters for product availability and support information.