2000 VM and VSE Technical Conference - Abstracts

26-28 June 2000
IBM International Education Center LaHulpe, Belgium

5B4 TCP/IP for VSE/ESA Socket Programming


The session intends to give an overview about the socket programming interfaces available for TCP/IP for VSE/ESA. This includes both, the programming interfaces that come with TCP/IP itself, and the additional programming interfaces provided by IBM, like LE socket interfaces, REXX sockets, and CS/390 compatible socket interfaces.

Further, it will focus on the implementation requirements for portable socket applications. The presentation will distinguish between platform independent code, and S/390 platform specific socket interfaces. The socket environments we look at will be C sockets, REXX sockets and callable socket interfaces for COBOL, PL/I, and HLASM. The socket overview will include the functional socket enhancements for VSE/ESA 2.5.

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