2000 VM and VSE Technical Conference - Abstracts

26-28 June 2000
LaHulpe, Belgium

3B4 Fast web serving on VM


When the sales manager said we should run our webserver on Unix instead of VM, we knew we had a problem. Velocity Software uses a VM/ESA system for Web serving, FTP, Mail (using POP3), and for telnet access. It is also used to support R&D for ESAMAP, ESAMON and ESATCP developement. And all this on just ONE 4 mip VM/ESA server. And our web server was 'noticably' slow. Our solution was not to run on Unix or NT, but to write a very fast web server now marketed as ESAWEB. Our web site is now 'noticeably' fast. Even LINUXVM.ORG runs under this VM/ESA system and is 'noticeably' fast.... You can try ESAWEB at the VM Web Server Installation Workshop too....

In this technical presentation, Barton Robinson shows a little about what he has learned measuring VM/ESA network servers, and specifically, VM/ESA Web servers using the Velocity Software measurement tools: ESAMAP, ESAMON and ESATCP. Benchmarks of web servers and analysis are the primary focus of the session. Understanding TCPIP, network measurements, and the network applications, and tying all this information together to understand server performance has been quite a challenge.

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