2000 VM and VSE Technical Conference - Abstracts

26-28 June 2000
LaHulpe, Belgium

Bill Carico presents VM and VSE Vitality

About Bill Carico:

Bill Carico is president and CEO of ACTS Corporation, an IT consulting and research organization. Bill has over 25 years (he started very young) of experience working with large-systems, and has worked extensively with PCs and LANs since their inception. Bill advises numerous companies on IT strategy, and he lectures frequently on client-server/open systems/IT strategy topics all over the world.


Just how knowledgeable are you about real trends in the industry? Are you wondering if you should move your S/390 applications to a different platform? What is the vitality of VM and VSE? Bill Carico, President of international consultancy ACTS Corporation, will give you tips on how to increase your success rate in IT by providing a candid look into the real trends in the IT industry. During the presentation, Bill will discuss the future of VM, VSE, and S/390 in general. Bill has a reputation for straight-talk and making very candid observations. so come prepared for some very frank and eye-opening insights.

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