Alan Altmark's APPC Stuff

Back in 1986 I had responsibility for testing much of VM's APPC support, including TSAF, AVS, ISFC, and CPI Communications. Over the years I developed some tools that make problem determination a little easier.

If you have comments, send mail to Alan_Altmark at

  • APPCRED EXEC: A program to format VTAM VIT trace entries related to APPC. The prolog of the exec describes how to get the traces.

  • CPICRQST VMARC: A pair of programs that demonstrate a client-server application. It is capable of communicating with any APPC implementation as long as you have a VTAM connection through AVS, an ISFC connection, or some other APPC gateway such as IPGATE. I wrote these programs back in the late 1980s and early 90s in order to test VM's APPC and LU 6.2 interoperbility with other platforms. I've even used the CPICRQST program to talk to a CICS transaction on MVS.

The information provided, and views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the IBM Corporation.