OpenExtensions for z/VM

An alphabetical list of the Shell and Utilities commands

OpenExtensions for z/VM provides the following list of shell commands and utilities. A command labeled with "OE" is an OpenExtensions extension.

Functions marked with "|" were added in VM/ESA 2.3.0.

alias Display or create a command alias
ar Create or maintain library archives
awk Process programs written in the awk language
basename Return the nondirectory components of a pathname
bc Use the arbitrary-precision arithmetic calculation language
bg Move a job to the background
break Exit from a for, while, or until loop in a shell script
c89 Compile C/VM source code and create an executable file
cxx Compile C++/VM and C/VM and create an executable file
cat Concatenate or display text files
cd Change the working directory
chgrp Change the group owner of a file or directory
chmod Change the mode of a group or directory
chown Change the owner or group of a file or directory
cksum Calculate and write checksums and byte counts
cmp Compare two files
cms Run a CP/CMS command from the shell
colon or : Do nothing, successfully
comm Show and select or reject lines common to two files
command Run a simple command
| compress Lempel-Ziv file compression
continue Skip to the next iteration of a loop in a shell script
cp Copy a file
cpio Copy in/out file archives
cut Cut out selected fields of each line of a file
date Display the date and time
dd Convert and copy a file
diff Compare two text files and show the differences
dirname Return the directory components of a pathname
dot or . Run a shell file in the current environment
echo Write arguments to standard output
ed Use the ed line-oriented text editor
env Display environments, or set an environment for a process
eval Construct a command by concatenating arguments
exec Run a command and open, close, or copy the file descriptors
exit Return to the parent process from which the shell was called
export Set the export attributes for variables, or show currently exported
expr Evaluate arguments as an expression
false Return a nonzero exit code
fc Process a command history list
fg Bring a job into the foreground
find Find a file meeting specified criteria
fold Break lines into shorter lines
getconf Get configuration values
getopts Parse utility options
grep Search a file for a specified pattern
head Display the first part of a file
history Process a command history list
iconv Convert characters from one code set to another
id Return the user identity
jobs Return the status of jobs in the current session
join Join two sorted, textual relational databases
kill End a process or job, or send it a signal
let Evaluate an arithmetic expression
lex Generate a program for lexical tasks
ln Create a link to a file
locale Get locale-specific information
logger Log messages
logname Return a user's login name
lp Send a file to a printer
ls List file and directory names and attributes
mail Read and send mail messages
make Maintain program-generated and interdependent files
mkdir Make a directory
mkfifo Make a FIFO special file
mknod Make a FIFO or character special file
mv Rename or move a file or directory
newgrp Change to a new group
nohup Start a process that is immune to hangups
od Dump a file in a specified format
paste Merge corresponding or subsequent lines of a file
pathchk Check a pathname
pax Interchange portable archives
pr Format a file in paginated form and send it to standard output
print Return arguments from the shell
printf Write formatted output
ps Return the status of a process
pwd Return the working directory name
r Process a command history list
read Read a line from standard input
readonly Mark a variable as read-only
return Return from a shell function or . (dot) script
rm Remove a directory entry
rmdir Remove a directory
sed Start the sed noninteractive stream editor
set Set or unset command options and positional parameters
sh Invoke a shell (command interpreter)
shift Shift positional parameters
sleep Suspend execution of a process for an interval of time
sort Start the sort-merge utility
strip Remove unnecessary information from an executable file
stty Set or display terminal options
su Change the user ID connected with a session
tail Display the last part of a file
tar Manipulate the tar archive files to copy or back up a file
tee Duplicate the output stream
test Test for a condition
time Display processor and elapsed times for a command
times Get process and child process times
touch Change the file access and modification times
tr Translate characters
trap Intercept abnormal conditions and interrupts
true Return a value of 0
tty Return the user's terminal name
type Tell how the shell interprets a name
typeset Assign attributes and values to variables
umask Set or return the file mode creation mask
unalias Remove alias definitions
uname Display the name of the current operating system
| uncompress Undo Lempel-Zev compression of a file
uniq Report or filter out repeated lines in a file
unset Unset values and attributes of variables and functions
wait Wait for a child process to end
wc Count newlines, words, and bytes
whence Tell how the shell interprets a command name
xargs Construct an argument list and run a command
yacc Use the yacc compiler